Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/434

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. x. NOV. as,

AUTHOR WANTED. The following lines are as much of the poem in question as are now remembered by a gentleman of over 90, who cannot recall either the author's nams or where he read the verses. I have tried to find the poem in several libraries in the United States, but in vain. I should be greatly obliged for any information about it.

Death of Columbus.

Soon for thee will all be over,

Soon the voyage will be begun That shall bear thee to discover

Far away a land unknown : Land that each alone must visit,

But nc tidings bring to men, For no sailor once deported

^Ever shall return again. No carved wood or broken branches

Ever floit from than dark wild ; He who on that ocean launches

Meets no corpse of angel child. Spread, then spread, my noble sailor,

Spread, then spread thy canvas out ; Soon upon a sea of ether,

Soon must thou serenely float.


UDIMORE, SUSSEX. I should be very much obliged to any correspondents who would furnish me with any hitherto unpublished matter bearing on the history of this rural parish. I should be especial! y grateful for information as to the careers of former incumbents, or as to the families of Free- body, Bromfield, Burdett, and Waters, who were long settled in the parish. Please reply direct. LEONARD J. HODSON.

Robertsbridge, Sussex.

MOTTO : " So HO HO DEA NE." What are the meaning and origin of this motto ? I have it on a book-plate with the arms and crest of James Comerford. ' Fairbainr s Book of Crests,' fourth edition, 1905, vol. i. part ii. p. 76, gives it without a translation or any explanation.


[At 9 S. xii. 98 MR WAINEVVRIUHT mentioned that this difficult motto had been discussed in the Intermediaire, xxii. 199, 319, 336, 405, 433, without a satisfactory explanation being arrived at.]

A LEGENDARY AIRBOAT. Can any of your readers refer me to a full account of the airwheel, airchariot, or airboat which is con- nected in some way with St. Columba ? It was manned by many warriors, and was to be followed by "a dreadfxil scourga " slaying 75 per cent of European populations as far as the Tyrrhene Sea. Simon Magus was to sail therein. Mog Ruith's daughter

after its loss brought fragments of the said airship to Ireland to Cleghill, near Tipperary. To look on this airship meant blindness, and to touch it brought death. I shall be grateful for more (legendary !) exactitude.

CECIL OWEN. Western Australia.

BAPTISM OF CLOVIS. It is generally stated that Clovis was baptized at Reims,, but I saw a few weeks ago an authoritative note denying this, and giving chapter and verse for, I believe, Chartres. Unfortunately,. I failed " to make a note of it." Can any of your correspondents help me ? If the- reference to Reims be really wrong, I think you will agree that a correction should be secured for reference in your columns.


[Perhaps our correspondent came across a note- referring, not to the baptism, but to the conversion and instruction of Clovis. In this St. Solennis,. Bishop of Chartres, was no less instrumental thaa St. Remigius.]

THE FONT AT TERMONDE. Was this injured in the bombardnvaiit ? An account of it appears in Proceedings of the Hamp- shire Field Club, vol. vii. part i.

J. HAUTEXVILLE-COPE, Finchampatead Place, Berks.

JOHN LEWIS, DEAN OF OSSORY, is said to- have married twice. His first wife died in. 1756. I should be glad to know when and whom he married subsequently.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. I should be glad to obtain information concern- ing the following Old Westminsters : (1) John. Sadbury, K.S. 1676. (2) William St. John, elected to Christ Church, Oxon, 1628. Foster in his ' Alumni Oxonienses ' seems to attempt to identify this man with another of the same names who matriculated at Oxford from Trinity College, 18 Nov., 1631, aged 14. (?) Arthur St. Leger, son of John St. Leger of Athy, co. Kildare, K.S. 1741. (4) John Salt, son of John Salt of Westminster, K.S. 1735. (5) William Salter, son of Geo: Salter of London, who graduated B.A. a Cambridge from Trinity College, 1686

(6) Samuel Scrivener, who graduated M. at Cambridge from Trinity College, 163

(7) John Simpson, elected to Christ Churd Oxon, 1607. (8) Edward Smallwell, who graduated M.A. at Oxford from Christ Church in 1717. Was he ever Vicar of Bensington in the county of Oxford ?

G. F. R. B.