Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/537

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.



" Man of the world," definition of, 408

' Manchester Marine,' by T. Dibdin, 1793, 49,

117 ' Mandeville, The Book of Sir John,' source of

statement in, 505 Manhood, Hundred of, Chichester, origin of the

name, 229, 315 Manly (William), Westminster scholar, c. 1640,


Manor Court Leet, Hampstead, held 1914, 7 Maplesdon (Peter), Westminster scholar, c. 1620,


Marching tunes, old Irish, 447 Marlborough (Duchess of), her striped gown, 1764,

150 Marriages : local phrases connected with the

banns, 11 ; murderers reprieved for, 106 ; in

the bride's parish, 508 Marriages : registers of Roman Catholics before

1837, 33 ; French, in Lanark, 1812, 367 ; in

Scotland and Ireland, 1760 to 1790, 410 Marryat (Capt. F.), his ' Mr. Midshipman Easy,'

22 Marsac (Countess de), wife of Thomas Holcroft,


Marsack family, 11 Marsh (Charles), his ' Clubs of London,' 1828, 389,

432 Martyn (Thomas), Westminster scholar, c. 1665,

469 Mary, Queen of Scots, " new view " of her case,

158 Massinger (Philip), 1583-1640, the source of his

' Parliament of Love,' 101 " Master " and " Gentleman," use of titles in 17th

century, 36, 94, 155

Matthew (John), Westminster scholar, c. 1585, 469 Maundy Thursday called " Holy Thursday," 370,

435 Meadows (Kenny) and ' The Bon Gaultier Ballads,'


Medal, gold, Belgian, dated 1787, 470 Medallic legends, the source of, 28, 48, 68, 89, 109,

315, 356

Medicinal mummies, 176, 234, 476 Medsted (Sir Andrew), c. 1360, 149 Melville (H. S.), draughtsman on H.M.S. Fly,

1842-6, 168 " Memmian naphtha-pits " in Tennyson, 176,234,


Memorial at Southampton, 188 Memorials in the British Isles, 103, 177, 226, 275,

303, 313, 360, 374, 386, 405, 433 Mentone, inscriptions in the Ancien Cimetiere, 326,

383, 464, 504

Merchant Adventurers, r. 1600, history of, 29 Meredith (G.) and T. Love Peacock, 208 Meredyth (Thomas), Westminster scholar, c. 1750,

469 Mettayer (Anthony), Westminster scholar, c. 1745,


Meyer (Henry), his engravings, 429 Michelangelo, his ' David ' at Florence, 308 " Mid-Keavel," Lancashire place-name, 327, 377,

413 Military : machines, " mantlets and blinds," 33,

237 ; executions, modus operandi, 58 ; prints,

West Norfolk Militia, 67 ; titles, the use of, 348,


Miller (John)=Catherine Hewett Robinson, 230 Millward (William), Westminster scholar, c. 1680,

469 Minstrels and musicians, c. 1641, 346

" Miser," archaic use of the word, 466 Missionary ship Duff, sailed 1798, 14 " Mr. Good " =George II., origin of nickname, 70

  • Mr. Midshipman Easy,' the Governor of Malta

in, 22 Molesworth (James), Westminster scholar, 1733,

469 Mompesson (Henry), Westminster scholar, c. 1595,


Mons, bibliographical hoax, 1840, 247 Monteagle. See Parker. 'Monthly Catalogue,' 1714-17, 106 Monumental inscriptions in Hertfordshire, record

of, 46

Moore (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1739, 469 Moore (Stephen), Westminster scholar, c. 1765,


Moore family of Winster, 32 Moorfields, trees in storm, 1703, 389 " Morall " in ' Midsummer Night's Dream,' 287,


Morell (T.), his portrait by Hogarth, 148 Moreton (Richard), Westminster scholar, 1698,


Moriarty family, barristers, 88 Morice (John), Westminster scholar, 1707, 469 Morrer (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1668,

469 Mortimer (Roger) of Wigmore, c. 1335, chattels

of, 126 Mossum (Miles), Westminster scholar, 1690, 469


Betide, betide, whate'er betide, 505

Dieu sait tout, 88, 237

Non norunt hsec monumenta mori, 4

So ho ho dea ne, 428 Mourning letter-paper, date of first use, 371, 412,

454, 496

Moyle family, the wills of, 429, 475 Muffins and ' The Confounding of Camera,' 66 Mummies and " Memmian naphtha-pits," 176, 234,


Munday (Anthony), dramatist, 1553-1633, 155 Municipal record, unique, 266 Murdack or Murdoke (Sir John or Sir Thomas),

c. 1400, 149

Murderers reprieved for marriage, 106 Murphy family, Ireland, the descent of, 409 Muscovy Company, c. 1600, the history of, 29 Music, old Irish marching tunes, 447 Musicians, minstrels, and players, 1641, 346 Mynne (Francis), Westminster scholar, c. 1625, 469


Namur, the siege of, in 1695, 247

Naples, Francis II., the last Bang of, 70, 136

Napoleon. See Bonaparte.

Napoleon III. at Chislehurst, 37, 135

Napthine, origin of surname, 429

" Narodna Obrana " = National Defence, Servian

term, 107

" Neap," meaning of the word, 516 Neckinger, Bermondsey, origin of street-name, 91 Needham (Eleanor), d. 1717, her portrait, 128 Negatives, a thanksgiving in, 449 Nelson (Lord), unpublished! letters of, 305 ; his

sepulchre in St. Paul's, 308 Nelson's Strait, the Ortega in, 1914, 444, 514 New College, Oxford, " Holy Thursday " custom,