Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/538

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

4 New English Dictionary," additions and correc- tions, 127, 188, 228264, 334, 424, 487287, 288, 346, 365, 366 385, 435, 473 407, 516 ' New English Dictionary,' words from Webster,

165, 182

" New Orleans, The Hero of," 248, 273, 298, 334 New Year's Eve customs, 505 Newfoundland, Puritans in, c. 1621, 88, 237 Newgate Street, No. 52, a sculptured stone, 50, fc-114

Newspapers : ' Berrow's Worcester Journal,' "1690, "21, 46 ; announcements in office windows, 38 ; Greek, published in London, 1860, 49, 114 ; ' Cirencester Flying Post,' 1718, 325 ; ' L'Ind6- pendance Beige,' its publication, 1914, 345 ; published in Cardiff, c. 1827, 389, 435 Nicholas (Jemima) of Fishguard, 1797, 290, 350 4 Nichol's Cities and Towns of Scotland,' number

of parts, 229

Nidderdale, engravings of the villages, 88 Nieuport, document on the flooding of, 426 " Nixie," American slang word, 329, 471 Noel (Boden B. W.), 1834-94, poet, his birth- place, 329, 377 Norton (Sir Gregory) the regicide, and his son Sir

Henry, 12, 51, 91, 131, 171, 194 ' Notes and Queries,' Bishop Stubbs and, 189 Nursery rimes : alphabetical nonsense, 468

" O si sic omnes," origin of the phrase, 429, 474 Oak, the wearing of, on 29 May, 7, 177

Obituary :

Baily (J. T. Herbert), 440

Dobell (Bertram), 500

Doble (Charles Edward), 300

Fishwick (Lieut.-Col. Henry), 1835-1914, 279

Prideaux (William Francis), 480, 520

Smith (Mrs. George Murray), 240

Snell (Frederick Simon), 480 ' Oddsfish,' historical inaccuracy in, 487 Oldboy, character in a play, 108, 236 O'Neill family, 470

" Onto," use of the word, 1465, 328, 507 Ordeal, Puritan custom of 19th century, 467 Orlebar family, 12, 96 Ormonde (Duke of), his followers, 130 Ortega, steamship, her escape from German

cruiser, 1914, 444, 514 Osorio (Lady Ana de), Vice-Queen of Peru, 1638,


Oudh, history of its annexation, 448, 494 Overbury (Sir Thomas), his ' Characters,' 3, 23 " Ow," pronunciation of, formerly " oo," 455, 516 Oxford, St. Bartholomew's Hospital and New College, 370, 435 ; inscription on brass, Queen's College, 387, 432

'Paddiana,' 1847, 310, 354

Paget (Francis E.), M.A., author, 1843, 388, 436

Pallavicini family in England, 38

Palm (J. P.), bookseller, shot by Napoleon, 10, 55,

76, 136, 196 Palmer (Joseph), 1756-1815, poet, his birthplace,

329 Palmerston (Viscount) in the " wrong " train, 209,

800 ' Pamela Magazine,' the history of, 129

Paradoxes, theological, book on, 470 Parchment, " vegetable," and vermin, 309, 373 Parish registers of Fulham, 121 Park (J. J.), 1794-1833, autograph letters of, 69 Parker (W 7 .), Lord Morley and Monteagle, 1575-

1022, his portrait, 408 * Parliament, verse on burning of the Houses of,

67, 154

Parliament, Irish, transcripts of debates, 348 Parr (Catherine), her descendants, 170, 215, 232,


Parry, Pyke, Freeman, and Bruce families, 9 Passe (Crispin Van der), his print of the Gun- powder Plot conspirators, 469 Patagonian Theatre, Strand, 1777, 107, 160, 214 Pavlova, pronunciation of the name, 507 Peacock (T. Love) and George Meredith, 208 Pegge-Burnell family, 368, 418 Penmon Priory, Isle of Anglesey, its history,

115 Periodicals published by religious houses, 250, 317,

376, 413

" Perisher," meaning of the word, 247, 296 Peters (Hugh), satires and portraits, 105, 193,

251 Petrograd=St. Petersburg, name adopted, 1914,


Pharaoh, his lean kine as picture-subject, 171 Philips (W.) of Yorks, c. 1596, 390 Phillips (Sir Richard), 1767-1840, publisher, 463 Philosopher and the Olympic games, reference to,

150, 295

Photobibliography, photographing title-pages, 488 Physiognomy and language, their association, 158,

196, 354

Piccadilly, Prussian eagles in, 506 Piccadilly Circus and Regent Circus, 313, 373,

431, 475 ' Pickwick, 1 first edition, 153 ; early allusions to,


Pigott ( John) = Johanna Walshe, 1562, 330 Pilgrims, the patron saint of, 210, 254, 297, 354 Pillar-stones, Irish, 167 " Pious chansons " in ' Hamlet ' and ' Piae Can-

tiones,' 467 Pistol makers, Johnson & Collins, 1780, 387

Place-Names :

Balnes, 37, 77, 137

Burnett, 52

Celtic, in Lincolnshire, 466

Chandos, 49, 134

Chapel-House, 13, 71

Cotterell, 409

Gelria, 168, 218, 237, 351

lona, 18

" Keavel " in, 327, 377, 413

Laleham, 37, 77

Littlyngton, 37, 77

Loch Chesney, 37

Orlebar, 12, 96

Przemysl, 410, 456, 497

Saffron Walden, 155

" Scotch-" or " Scot-," prefix, 310

Shrape, 348, 397

Stanes, 37, 77

Startups End, Tring, 255

Thrunge, 348, 397

Wanless, 10, 75

Whitehead, 191, 235 " Placing " in Universities, 48 " Platoon," use of the word in British Army, 447, 498