Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/542

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Xotes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

Spurgeon (C. Haddon), commemorative tablet,

280 ; memorials to, 303, 386, 433 Spy shot at the Tower of London, 1914, 407 Stafford (Sir Thomas) of Grafton, c. 1345, 149,

197, 260

Stamps, farthing Victorian, 489 Stamps and coins, British, 191, 235, 255, 276,

318 Stanion Church, " dun cow's rib " in, 168,


" Startups," use of the word, 1591, 255 Statue of Charles I., Charing Cross, 169, 217 Statues in the British Isles, 103, 177, 226, 275,

303, 313, 360, 374, 386, 405, 433 Stature of British officers, 210, 237 Steam-engines erected c. 1722, 450 Stevens family, 11, 137 Stewart or Stuart, lady living in Jermyn Street,

1815-24, 429

Stick, wool-gathering stick, 110 Stick inscribed " Tippoo Saib, 1792," 14 Stockwell ghost, 1772, pamphlets on, 149, 197 Stole, Groom of the, Court official, 295, 358, 410,

435 Stone, sculptured, in Newgate Street, removed

1868, 50, 114 Stones of buildings and monuments in London,


Stones, Irish pillar-stones, 167 Stow (J.), his ' Survey,' 1618 edition, 248 Strahan (Alexander), publisher, b. c. 1830, 14 Strawberry, " the d d strawberry," 30, 233 Street-names : German, origin of, 409, 476 ; High

Timber Street, 289, 333 ; Little Durweston

Street, 289, 333 ; Neckinger, 91 Streets, in London, renamed, 250, 333 Stuart. See Steu-ari. Stubbs (Bishop) and ' N. & Q.,' 189 Stubbs's Trade Protection Agency, 37 Submarine, daring feat of, 1914, 507 Sumptuary laws in England, 17th century, 129 " Supersubstantial," use of the word, 235

Surnames :

Alice, 367

Aschenald, 49, 233, 317

Bence, 92

Blizard or Blizzard, 14, 58

Bombay, 107. 356

Bonar, 190, 237, 277, 333

Burnap alias Burnett, 52

Chesney, 37

Clack, 35

Dwight, 87, 178

Fram, 367

Prood, 367

Grimes, 90

" Inck," the terminal, 268, 318

Justice, 367

Lang, 367

McJannet, 30

Mulberry, 367

Napthine, 429

Pavlova, 507

Twisaday, 146

Whitehead, 235, 373 '

Wildgoose, 31 ^,'

Sussex (Duke of), his '* morganatic marriages,

"6 ,-^jj

Sussex, history of Udimore, 428 ^ inf en (John) of the Long Parliament, 16 bwabos," Serbian name for opponents, 507 .Sydenham (William), M.D., b. c. 1659, 26

" Table of Peace," term used in inventory, 1469, 410, 454

Tablecloth of Louis XIV. to commemorate vic- tories, 306

Tablecloth used at Crimean War banquet, 109

Tagore (Dwarkanauth), Indian in England, c. 1840, 70

Tarn (Pauline), d. 1909, American writer of French poetry, 151, 296

" Tarts," meaning of the word, 449, 498

Tassis (Don J. de), Spanish ambassador, c. 1620, 488

Tavern signs, foreign, in Great Britain, 229, 275, 298, 355

Tavern Signs:

Barking Dogs, 506

Bell and Horns, 109

Case is Altered, 146

Fubbs Yacht, 347

I am the only Bunning Footman, 229, 298, 356

Kilton, 365

King of Prussia, 229, 275, 298, 355

Spade Tree, 191

Three Cranes, 509

L^nicorn, 187

Tea-gardens at Clerkenwell, 1793, 267, 313 Tekell (John) of Spitalflelds, c. 1780, 11 Temple (Sir William) on Huniades, 107, 155 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord), " titmarsh " in poem by, 16, 115 ; " Memmian naphtha-pits," 176, 234, 476 ; commemorative tablet, 280 Termonde, the font at, 428

Testament, black-letter, date of edition, 69, 140 Testina editions of Machiavelli's works, 128 Thackeray (W. M.), a misquotation in ' English Humourists,' 27 ; his reference to Roupell, 427 Thanksgiving in negatives, 449 Theatre, Patagonian, Strand, 1777, 107, 160, 214 Theatre, site of the Globe, 209, 290, 335 Theological paradoxes, book on, 470 ' Theophania,' copy with MS. note by Sales, 347,


" Thirmuthis " as a Christian name, 490 Thomas (Rev. James), c. 1819, portrait of, 50, 06 " Three Cranes," tavern sign, 509 Thrunge, origin of the place-name, 348, 397 Thunder, turtle affected by, 217 Thunderstorm, means of safety in, 49 Thurlow (Lord) and W T ilkes, 1788, 366, 414 Tiles, device on encaustic, 33, 97 ' Times,' on bananas imported to the United

States, 37 Tinkler (Robert) and the voyage of the Providence,

116, 153, 277

Tippoo Sahib, 1792, a stick inscribed, 14 Titles, military, the use of, 348, 396 " Titmarsh " in a poem by Tennyson, 16, 115 Tokens, Kentish, of the 18th century, 449, 514 Tooth-blackening, preparation used for, 467 Tower, Constable of, and Lord Mayor, 190, 234 Tower of London, spy shot, 1914, 407 Trade Protection Agency, Stubbs's, 37 "Trawn chaer," in a will dated 1499, 32, 432,


Trees in Moorfields and storm, 1703, 389 Tristan de Acunha Island and a shipwreck, 1822,

7, 58 " Trod," " trode," past tense of " tread," 175