Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.



Tiollope (Anthony), commemorative tablet, 280

" Trooper "=cock, use of the word, 371

" Trooper," use of the word, 328, 375

Tubbe (Henry), poet, his birthplace, 329, 377

Turpin (Dick) and " Kilton " tavern, 365

Turtle affected by thunder, 217

Twisaday, origin of the surname, 146


Udimore, Sussex, its history, d28

Ulster Covenant, the " Red Hand,' 178

Ulstermen, list of famous, 150

Upham and Durley, list of Rectors of, 63, 366, 414

"Valliaricro Insulee" and Wala of 'Widsith,' 8 Veer (Sir Simon de) of Goxhall, 1260, 150 Vegetable parchment, protective solution for, 309,


Venus's ear, shell, its use in medicine, 72 Verdon (Lesceline de), c. 1200, her marriage, 54,

112 Vincent (T. ), master of Westminster School, 1645,


Vinegar, the action of, on rocks, 11, 96, 152, 197 Virginia colony, tradition of a, c. 1605, 168 Vitalis and Apuleius, W. Browne .and, 384 Vole (Thomas), Fellow of Winchester College, his

will, 1558, 261 Voltaire, on the Jewish people, 33 ; his residence

in London, 70, 138, 412 Volunteers, Irish, 1778, their history, 230, 277,

298, 375


" Wait and see," political catchword, 158

" Wakes," origin of the word, 170, 217

Wala of ' Widsith ' and " Valliaricee Insulae," 8

Wales, the national colour of, 310, 356

Walker (Henry), ironmonger, c. 1641, his literary

frauds, 441, 462, 483, 503 Wallace (Sir W.), his remains at Hornsey Lodge,

469 Waller (Charles) of Wickham, letter to, 1783,


Waller (Robert) of Chichester, c. 1539, 290, 352 " Walloons " of Belgium and France, 507 Wall-papers, the first designers of, 29, 75, 110,

137, 198

Walrington (Sir Matthew), his pedigree, 149 Walrond (R. P.), his ' Paddiana,' 310, 354 Walshe ( Johanna )= John Pigott, 1562, 330 Wanless, etymology of the name, 10, 75 War : patriotism of the Jews, 247 ; the cost of,


Warner (Dean) of Lichfield, his wife, 230, 272 Warner (Rev. F.) of Upham, 1738-46, 178 Warrington (Rev. G.), his poem on Owen Glyndwr,

408, 475

Washington (Amphillis), her maiden name, 488 Waterloo and the Franco-German War, officers

taking part in both, 489 " Waverley Novels," attacks on, and piracies, 330,

374, 393, 416, 456

" We " or " I " in authorship, 288, 336, 433, 514 Webster (John), and Sir T. Overbury's ' Charac- ters,' 3, 23 ; date of his ' The Devil's Law Case,'

41 ; words from his works in the ' N.B.D.,' 165,


Webster (Joshua), M.D. 1777, his parentage,


Weems (Parson), his life and work, 245, 375 Wellington (Duke of), and Oxford University

print, 1834, 48, 97 ; his title, 49, 132, 153 ; his

portrait by W. Salter, 131 ; did he meet Bona- parte ? 195 ; candlesticks used at his funeral,

449 " Well-wooded," ambiguous phrase in ' Tom

Jones,' 85

Wentworth family of Pontefract, 375 West Indian families, genealogies of, 18, 76, 136 West Norfolk Militia, illustrations of, 67 Westminster School usher, 1748, 115 ' Wharton Hall Legend of the Lady's Rest,* MS.

copy, 248 Wharton (Thomas, 1st Marquis of), 1648-1715,

poet, his birthplace, 329, 396 Wharton family, portraits of, 307, 378 Whichcote (Benjamin), c. 1649, his wife, 47 Whitehead as a place-name, 191, 235 Whitehead family, royal Saxon descent, 167 Whitehead, old form of the surname, 235, 373 Whitfield family, 190, 235, 373 Whitfield family, Salop, 9 ' Widsith,' Wala of, and " Valliaricse Insulse, 8 ;

Sir Launcelot du Lake in, 141 ; " Greeks' of

the Rhine and the Creacas, 341 Wiest family of Wurttemberg and U.S., 69 Wildgoose surname, its origin, 31 Wilkes (John), and letters on riots, 1768, 350;

and Lord Thurlow, 1788, 366, 414 Wilkins, Hautenville, and Rawdpn families, 21 Willoughby, ' Diary of Lady Willoughby,' 1844,

241, 297, 337 Wills : at St. Paul's Cathedral, calendar of, 12,

117, 155 ; family portraits mentioned in, 427 ;

of the Moyle family, 429, 475 Wilson (Lydie), French poetess of foreign descent,

296 Wilton (Rev. R.), c. 1873, poet, his birthplace, 329,

377 Winchester and London, highway between, c. 1350,

172 332 Winchester College, chaplains of, 1417-1542, 201,

221 Windsor, east window of St. George's Chapel, 210,


Wine bottles, " Magnum," " Jeroboam," and

" Rehoboam," 365

Wolstanton, entry in burial register, 387,^ 1 Wood (Richard H.), F.S.A., of Rugby, b. 1820,

171, 236, 277

Wool-gathermg stick with iron hook, 11 Wordsworth (W.), description of, in The Cam- bridge History of English Literature, 38t Wrexham Fair and Matthew Prior, 1709, .11 Wynn (Sir J.) of Gwydyr, his wardrobe, 1616, 469, 518

"Yardland," land measure, in will, 1638, 429,


Yarmouth pottery, Dickens and the, 286 Ypres, merchants of, at St. Ives Fair, c. 1260,


Zouche (R.) and the plays ' The Sophister,' 1637, and ' Fallacy,' 287