Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

Dodd (Loudon) on Sherlock Holmes : his methods

and literary pedigree, 309 Dodds (M. H.) on Jane Austen and Columella, 453.

Books on Chelsea, 57. Complete versions

wanted, 433. Dreams and literature, 512.

Helmet worn at FJodden Field, 392. Poem

wanted, 277. " Queen Elinor in the ballad,"

195. Scott's poems on the battle-field, 366.

Scott's ' Bob Roy,' 51 Dorinan (T. P.) on poets' birthplaces, 396 Douglas (W.) on Patagonian Theatre, Exeter

Change, Strand, 214 Dowling (Dr. Theodore E.) on Greek Church in

London, 386 Drury (C.) on arms in Hathersage Church, 68.

Derwentwater (Earls of) : descendants, 458.

" Drury (Madame), aged 116," 467. " Fuaker,"

210. Moore of Winster, 32 Duff (E. Gordon) on Elkanah Settle, 395 Duke (L. A.) on " the hindmost wheel of the cart,"


Dumps on Southwark Bridge, 38 Dunn (Dr. Courtenay) on foundation sacrifice,

288 Dunsmure (J. ) on Michelangelo's ' David ' at

Florence, 308

Durand (Col. C. J. ) on " Condamine," 114 Dwight (B. H. Winslow) on Dwight, anciently

Dyott, 87 Dyer (A. Stephens) on Moyle wills, 429. Napthine

surname, 429 Dyke (T. D.) on helmet worn at Flodden Field, 270

E. on Harden S. Melville, 168

E. (G.) on national colour of Wales, 310

E. (H.) on " Kultur," 412

E. (H. N.) on saying of Bede's, 150

E. (M. 1') on Napoleon III. at Chislehurst, 135

Eden (F. Sydney) on France and England quarterly, 281. Louvain and Malines : old painted glass, 268

Editor ' Irish Book Ix>ver ' on author wanted : ' The Spirit of the Nation,' 218. Innes (Alex- ander), D.D., 96. Irish Volunteers, 298

Editor ' The Broad Arrow ' on " broad arrow " : the King's mark, 52

Edmunds (Albert J.) on " Brother Johannes," 494. German critics on India, 470. Puritan ordeal in the nineteenth century, 467

Edwards (F. A.) on Dene Holes or Dane Holes, 314

Ehrlich (Dr. Ludwik) on Przemysl : language of Galicia, 497

Ellis (A. S.) on " Aschenald," 317

Ellis (H. D.) on Thomas Legett, 110

Emeritus on princess and the crumpled rose-leaf, 489

Enquirer on Bawdon family, 18

Esposito (M.) on new Mandeville source, 505

Exshaw (E. A. W.) on Stevens, 11

F. (E. M.) on " Beau-pere," 157. Heart-burial, 35. Seventh child of a seventh child, 88

F.-H. (H.) on Pavlova, 507

F. (J.) on voyage of the Providence: Bobert Tinkler, 153

F. (J. T.) on action of vinegar on rocks, 152, 197. Colour and sound, 317. " ffrancis," 276.

Groom of the Stole, 358. Inscription at Dur- ham, 387. " lona," 18. " Left his corps," 196. " Perisher " : " cordwainer," 296. " Trawn chaer," 32, 475

F. (W.) on "Aschenald," 233. Bence, 93. " Daud "= George, 386. " Mid-Keavel," 327. Wanless, 75

F. (W. M. E.) on bunt-lark, 67

Fairbrother (E. H.) on shipwreck: Tristan de Acunha, 7

Feeney (W. P.) on author of quotation wanted, 231

Fishwick (Col. H.) on " corvicer," 15. " Dun Cow's Bib " in Stanion Church, 236. Shrove- tide throwing at the cock, 25. Wood (Bichard Henry), F.S.A., 236

FitzGerald (Lucius) on Alexander Pope the elder, 65

Foster (Col. Hubert) on original of ' Aladdin,' 186

Francis (J. Collins) on Krupp factory in 1851, 506. ' L'lnd^pendance Beige,' 345. National flag at sea, 146

Freeman (J. J.) on " rack-rent," 208. " Tarts," 449. Wilkes and Lord Thurlow, 414

Frost (W. A.) on Apocrypha : story of Judith, 418. Begent Circus, 475. St. George's Chapel, Windsor, east window, 256. No. 225, Ilamp- stead Boad, 328

Fry (E. A.) on De Glamorgan, 35

Fyers (Evan W. H.) on Tippoo Saliib's stick, 14

Fynmore (A. N. W.) on early railway travelling, 318

Fynmore (Col. B. J.) on Adye Baldwin of Slough, 1764, 10. Arms of the Deans of Lichfield, 273. Cooper (Feniinore): a coincidence, 26. De- scendants of Catherine Parr, 216. Military execution, 58


G. on Anne Bionte, 94. "Hero of New Orleans," 248

G. (C.) on W. Oliver Gray, 311

G. (E.) on " Lady," 131

G. (S. ) on authors' wanted, 314. Latin jingles, 298.

Lowell's ' Fireside Travels,' 197 Galbreath (D. L.) on Dido's purchase of land, 17.

Fourteenth-centiiry seal, 29. France and Eng- land quarterly, 396

Gale (F. B.) on"" Bango was his name, O ! " 249 Gerish (W. B.) on Frederic Chapman, 29. Ciphers

before figures in accounts, 170. Becord of

monumental inscriptions in Hertfordshire, 46.

Wills at St. Paul's, 12 Gilbert (Allan H.) on seventh child of a seventh

child, 393 Gilbert (W.), F.B.N.S., on British coins and

stamps, 236. Gelria : a place-name, 237 Gillman (C.) on " Mid-Keavel," 377 Gladstone (Hugh S.) on Maria Biddell and Burns,

50, 153. " Titmarsh," 16 Gladstonian on author wanted, 488 Glencross (B. M.) on Old Etonians, IS. Begisters

of Protestant Dissenters, 31 Glenny (W. W. ) on " private hotels," 348 Gogarty (Bev. T.) on author wanted, 211 Goldhill (H.) on Crimean War banquet: a

memorial tablecloth, 109 Gomez on author wanted, 117 Goodwin ( J. E. ) on insectivorous plants, 450 Gould (Arthur W.) on 52, Newgate Street, B.C. :

a sculptured stone, 50