Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/549

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.



Gower (R. Vaughan) on eighteenth-century

Kentish tokens, 449. Medal, 470 Gray (Patrick) on Sir Hugo de Gray of Brox-

mouth, co. Haddington, 191 Green (J. A.) on Walter Scott : spurious Waver-

leys, 374

Griffin (Ralph) on cloisters of Canterbury Cathe- dral, 367 Griffith (R. H.) on Judith Cowper : Mrs. Madan,

27. " Every man has his price," 66 Grimshoe on Grimes, 90 Gruncly- Newman (S. A.) on arms of the Deans of

Lichfleld, 230, 272. Bateman (John), 277.

Cleveland (Dukedom of), 317. Heraldry of

Lichfleld Cathedral, 467. Rodney (Admiral

Lord), 294. Wall-papers, 198 Guiney (L. I. ) on translation of the Life of M. de

Renty, 98

Guppy (Henry) on ' Almanach de Gotha,' 237 Gwyn (Cecil) on " master " and " gentleman," 155 Gwyther (A.) on authors wanted, 314. Irish

Volunteers, 277. Italian goat, its colour, 492


H. on Sir Philip Howard, 178. Paget (Francis E. ),

M.A., 436

H. (E.) on Sloe Fairs, 90 H. (F.) on authors wanted, 270. Germans and

the bayonet, 289. Scott (William Bell), 28.

Tarn (Pauline) : French poetess of foreign

descent, 296

H. (H. A.) on Wellington : Chandos, 49 H. ( J. J. ) on early railway travelling, 215. ' Fight

at Dame Europa's School,' 356. Old Etonians,

217 H. (L. M.) on " galleon " in English verse, 28.

Gothic mason-sculptors, 331. Louvain : the

libraries, 231

H. (R.) on Mary Churchman, 429 H. (R. S.) on Rev. Richard Scott, 17 H. (W. B. ) on Chatsworth, 436. ' Coming K-

&c., 242. " Cordwainer," 375, 499.

ratization," 386. Derwentwater (Earls

descendants, 313. " ffrancis," 358. Gothic

mason -sculptors, 372. History of England

with riming verses, 267. Hundred of Manhood,

315. " Jolly Robbins," 315. " Left his corps,"

252. Oldboy, 236. Saffron Walden, 155.

Sloe Fair, 236. "Spade Tree" as a sign, 191.

Warrington : poem wanted, 475 H. (W. S. B.) on calendar, 171. Law against

rutting ash trees, 396. Pronunciation of " ow,"

516. " Sparrowgrass," 411 H.-A. (H. C.) on New Year's Eve customs, 505 H.-A. (W.) on " Grim the collier," 468. " Spiritual

members," 490

Hackett (F. Warren) on " hurley-hacket," 150 Half- Welshman on modern advocate of Druidism,

4M Hamilton (J. D.) on Sir John Gilbert, J. F. Smith,

and ' The London Journal,' 292 Harmatopegos on authors wanted, 314. Browne

(Sir Thomas) and his books, 397. Floral

emblems of countries, 413. Periodicals pub- lished by religious houses, 317 Harper (R. S. ) on black-letter Testament, 69 Harris (C. 8.) on "broad arrow": the Kings

mark, 114 ,

Harrison (John) on Lamb's 'Mr. H , 3W *-

Mourning lot tor-paper and black-bordered

title-pages, 455

Harvard (T. M. ) on Earls of Derwentwater : descendants, 148

Hautenville-Cope (J.) on font at Termonde, 428

Hayward (Arthur) on last King of Naples, 70

Heinekey (Evelyn) on Fraser, 270

Hems (Harry) on Stubbs's Trade Protection Agency, 37

Hesilrige (Arthur G. M.) on Baker of Ashcornbe, 333

Heslop (R. Oliver) on " Mid-Keavel," 413

Hibgame (Frederick T. ) on Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 149. Periodicals published by religious houses, 413. Register of marriages of Roman Catholics before 1837, 33. " Table of Peace," 410

Hie et Ubique on Walter Bagehot : pronunciation of name, 495. Result of cricket match given out in church, 167

Higham (C.) on Edward Akam, 169

Hill (E. E.) on Capt. Richard Hill and the siege of Deny, 129

Hillman (E. Haviland), F.S.G., on Rev. H. Salvin, 129

Hilson (J. Lindsay) on yesterdays in Old Edin- burgh, 381

Hipwell (Daniel) on William Sydenham, M.D., 26. Warner (Rev. Ferdinando), 178. West Indian families, 136. Whichcote (Benjamin), 47. Wills at St. Paul's, 117

Hodson (Leonard J.) on John Curwood, 33. Lawyers in literature, 237. Udimore, Sussex, 428

Hodgson (J. E.)on Poets' Gallery, Fleet Street, 434

Hogg (R. M.) on McJannet surname, 30

Howard (Henry) on burial-place of Eleanor of Provence, 318

Home (Ethelbert) on wearing of the oak, 7

Homer (Samuel) on " Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families," 271. Authors wanted, 148

Horngate on dreams and literature, 447

Houston (E.) on Beaumont, Bowman, or Boinan, 229

Huck (T. W.) on Lady Ana de Osorio, Countess of Chinchon and Vice-Queen of Peru, 507. Patron saint of pilgrims, 254

Hughes (Matthew) on authors of quotations wanted, 129

Hughes (T. Cann), F.S.A., on James Lonsdale, portrait painter, 189, 231. Unique municipal record, 266

Humphreys (A. L.) on Jane Austen and Colu- mella, 429. Bence, 92. Chandos, 134. Chapel House, 71. Cowlard,52. Derwentwater (Earls of): descendants, 311. "Madame Drury, aged 116," 514. Palm the bookseller, shot by Napoleon, 55. Registers of Protestant Dis- senters, 30. Rixham Fair and Matthew Prior, 75. Robinson of Hinton Abbey, Bath, 491. Wall-papers, 138. Wellington, 133

Hunter-Blair (Sir D. Oswald), O.S.B., on ' Theo- phania,' 477

Hyllara on forests of Argonne and Compiegne, 250. Latin jingles, 250. Nicholas (Jemima), 290. Scott (Walter), 416. "Sinistre," 169. Wall- papers, 29


I. on acrostics, 129. Lawyers in literature, 216.

' Salogne ' : a prophecy, 210 I. (A. N.) on Alexander Innes, D.D., 29 Iberehoff (C. H.) on ' Ethics of the Dust,' 36