Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

Rev. Sec. for Publications. O.S.B., on periodicals published by religious houses, 370

Ricketts (A. J") on Baker of Ashcombe, 270

Rickword (George), F.R.Hist.S., on " master " and " gentleman," 94

Ritchie (R. L. G.) on early instances of words for the ' N.E.D.,' 127

Rob Roy on Oudh, 448

Robbins (A. F. ) on Walter Bagehot : pronuncia- tion of name, 377. " Cordwainer," 393

Robson (E. Iliff ) on Falstaff's nose, ' Hen. V.,' II. iii. 16, 87

Rockingham on death folk-lore, 232. Napoleon as historian, 195. Napoleon's diversions at St. Helena, 195. Napoleon and Wellington : told they once met, 195. Red Hand of Ulster, 178. Throwing a hat into a house, 157

Romanus on Liberalism : bibliography, 67

Rookby on " yardland," 477

Roper (Ida M. ) on siege of Namur, 1695, 247

Rotton (Sir J. F. ) on Machiavelli : Testina editions, 128

Round (P. Z.) on " morall," ' Midsummer Night's Dream,' 287

Rowe ( J. Hambley) on ' Poems on Several Occa- sions,' 127

Russell (Constance, Lady) on authors of quotations wanted, 515. " lona," 18. Oriental names mentioned by Gray, 53

Russell (F. A.) on calendar, 218. Foreign tavern signs, 275. " I am the only Running Footman," 2P8. Lamb's ' Mr. H ,' 395. " Private hotels," 391. Skye terriers, 291

Ruston (I.) on theological paradoxes, 470

S. (B. C.) on Thomas Skottowe, 453. Skottowe (Thomas) : Craven County, 509. Skottowe : Pococke, 448

S. (C. L.) on " blandandered," 17 S. (F. W.) on Henry IV.'s supper of hens, 218 S. (G. T.) on terminal " inck," 268 S. (H. A. C.) on " Left his corps," 196 S. (H. K. St. J.) on pronunciation of " ow," 455 S. (J.) on authors wanted, 309. " Huckleberry," 106. Pronunciation of " ow," 517. Sheridan (R. B.) and ' The Duenna,' 331 S. (J. S.) on Schubert queries, 154 S. (M.) on " Kingdom " of Fife, 449 S. (T.) on origin of street-names, 289 S. (W. B.) on " we " or " I " in authorship, 288 S. (W. H.) on " yardland," 429 S r (W.) on author of quotation wanted, 490 Sadler (Hugh) on Latin jingles, 436 St. Hubert on Skye terriers, 250 St. Lawrence on Robinson of Appleby, 374 St. Swithin on " Act of Parliament clock," 130 All Saints' Day observance in Leon, 345 Bagehot (Walter) : pronunciation of name, 336 " Brother Johannes," 494. Centenary of the cigar, 33. Clocks and clockmakers, 499. Con sumption in Ireland, 370. " Dark Ages," 191 Folk-lore queries, 78. Funeral as a good omen 228. Groom of the Stole, 435. " Hooligan,' 288. John (Father) of Cronstadt, 337. Lan guage and physiognomy, 158, 354. Muffins, 66 Patron saint of pilgrims, 254. Shakespeare mystery, 509. " Skillington time," 188. Spoon folk-lore, 146. " Titmarsh," 16, 115. Word used in Thomas Lodge's ' Wits Miserie,' 1596 435

almon (Principal David) on author wanted, 29. Cardiff newspapers, 435. Modern advocate of Druidism, 456. Nicholas (Jemima), 35D. " Tarts," 498

anders (Lloyd) on George Bubb Doclington, Lord Melcombe, 9 aner (Gloria) on Marquis de Spineto, Cambridge

University, 138

apper on insiirance of food supplies, 208 'argent (Mrs. Fildieu) on Fildk-u, 29 scheltema (J. F.) on Henry IV.'s supper of hens,


ecretai-y on Handel's ' Harmoniotis Blacksmith,' 294

sellers (H.) on George Herbert and 'The Return from Parnassus,' 487. Reference to ' Chevy Chase,' 106

ihaw (G. T.) on feats of seamanship, 514 Shearer (Augustus H.) on ' Theophania.' 347 Shepherd (T.) on " I am the only Running Foot- man," 298 Shorter (Clement) on authors wanted, 148.

Height of St. Paul's, 388 igma Tau on Fage, 68 Sleuth-Hound on medallic legends, 28, 48, 68, 89,


Smith (F. R.) on Richard Henry Wood, F.S.A., 171 Smith (Prof. G. C. Moore) on concordances of English authors, 513. " Hero of New Orleans," 273. Heywood (John), the dramatist, a free- man of London, 128. Latinity, 515. Ixiseley MSS. and Louvain, 295. Poets' birthplaces, :'.T7. " Pyramid in London," 510. Words used in Thomas Lodge's ' Wits Miserie/ 1596, 435. Zoucbe (R.) and the plays ' The Sophist er ' and ' Fallacy,' 287

Solomons (Israel) on Moses Franks, 49 homers Town on St. Pancras, 249 South (G. W.) on Eleanor Needham, 128 Sparke (Archibald), F.R.S.L., on authors wanted, 356. Bence, 93. Bernard (Sir Thomas), Bart : Francis E. Paget, M.A., 436. " B lizard " as a surname, 14. Epitaph: Christchurch, Hamp- shire, 213. Folk-lore queries, 78. Height of St. Paul's, 434. " lebie horse," 175. Lawyers in literature, 216. Patron saint of pilgrims, 255. ' Poems written for a Child,' 175. Procter (Adelaide Ann) : her mother, 393. Scots Guards : regimental histories, 495. Scott (William Bell), 94. "Wakes": " laik," 217 Steiner (Bernard C. ) on Parson Weems, 375 Stephen (G. A.) on West Norfolk militia, 67 Steuart (A. F.) on illustrations of Casanova, 42,

145, 344. Spineto (Marquis de), 177 Stewart (Alan) on Judith Cowper : Mrs. Madan, 97. Height of St. Paul's, 434. Origin of street-names, 333. Presenting the Ix>rd Mayor of London to the Constable of the Tower, 234. Two Eastbourne worthies, 306 Stone (J. Harris) on " Brother Johannes," 370 Stopes (Mrs. C. C.) on French marriages in Lanark,

1812, 367

Stopford on author wanted, 250 Stradonitz (Dr. Stephan Kekule von) on Palm the

bookseller, shot by Napoleon, 55 Stronach (G.) on Shakespeare and the Warwick- shire dialect, 156 Sutton (C. W.) on device on encaustic tiles, 97.

Wood (Richard Henry), F.S.A., 277 Swynnerton (C.) on " Cambo Brittanicus," 387. Certain chattels of Roger Mortimer of Wigmore, 126. Conventual guest-chapels, 270. Oxford University print, 48