Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/555

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.



Sykes (H. Dugdale) on identification of line quoted in Jonson's ' Poetaster,' 26, 266. Ol Charing Cross, 353. Source of Massinger" ' Parliament of Love,' 101

Sylviol.i on stones of London, 138

T. on authors of quotations wanted, 69. Refer

ence for quotation wanted, 89 T. (E. G.) on Greek newspaper published in Lon

don, 114. Monthly Catalogue, 106 T. (F.) on Friar Tuck, 170 T. (H. A. C.) on Bence, 93. Order of Areopagus

49 T. (M. S.) on Anthony Herenden, 390. Philips

(William), 390 T. (Y.) on Bonar, 277. Bruxelles (De) and D'Anvers, 370. Place-names: Shrape, Thrunge 348. Seventh child of a seventh child, 135 Tapley-Soper (H.) on Moyle wills, 475 Tavare 1 (F. L.) on Thomas Arrowsmith, artist 355, 395. Refugees in the eighteenth century 445. Snuff-boxes, 159. Tavern sign : " The Kilton," 365 Tekell (Fred) on John Tekell of Spitalfields,


Terry (Major-General Astley) on heraldic, 270

Tew (Rev. E. L. H.) on epaulets, 270. Lade

(Sir John), 316. Rectors of Upham and

Durley, 63, 366. " The weakest goes to the

wall," 27. " Trooper," 328. Voyage of the

Providence, 116, 277

Thomas ( Ap) on De Glamorgan, 331. lorwerth ab

Espus of Avan, Glamorgan, 1 194, 187. Fitz-

Henry (Meiler) and Robert Fitz-Stephen, 213.

Rees (Llewelyn ap) ap Grono, 1359, 515

Thomas (Ralph) on Sir John-Gilbert, J. F. Smith,

and ' The London Journal,' 102, 144, 183, 223,

262, 301

Thompson (Prof. Silvanus P.) on author of

quotation wanted, 197 Thorn-Drury (G.) on Hugh Peters : ' Tales and

Jests,' 193

Thorpe (J. R.) on ' Bobs,' 473. Legends of flying, 516. Shakespeariana, 472. Snakes drinking milk, 446

'Thornton (Richard H.) on "any": its pro- nunciation, 408. " As cool as a clock," 247. " Cannuk," 288. Cross-legged effigies, 418. Dover and Calais temp. James I., 86. Early Virginia colony, 168. " Handy-dandy," 188. " lebie horse, 130. " Jolly Robbins," 249. Line-endings in the old dramatists, 170. Lord : use of the title without territorial addition, 448. " Miser," 466. Notes on words for the ' N.E.D.,' 264, 424. " Onto," 328, 507. " Popular," 228. Printers' phrases : " set," " distribute," " coriect," 106. " Ruby," 127. " Startups," 255. Words used in Thomas Lodge's ' Wits Miserie,' 1596, 385 Thrush (Arthur) on Murphy and Flynn, 409 Tickencote (G. C.) on " Bolt from tho blue,"


Toynbee (Paget) on epigram on Frederick the Great, 150. First philosopher and the Olympic games, 160. Henry IV. 's supper of hens, 150. Indian galloping to the sea, 70. Marlborough's (Duchess of) striped gown, 150. " Mr. Good " = George II., 70. Oldboy : Artemisia, 108. Oriental names mentioned by Gray, 10.

" Queen Elinor in the ballad," 150. Renadams

(Johannes), 150. Story of ' Bull and Poker,'


Treen (A. E.) on Addison family, 268 Turner (Raymond A. F.) on Admiral Lord Rodney,



Udal (J. S.), F.S.A., on France and England

quarterly, 510

Urllad on height of St. Paul's, 434 Ussher (Rev. R.) on " Case is Altered," 146.

Washington (Auiphillis), 488

V. (Q.) on "dunnage": " russhewale," 11.

" Frap," 187

Valdes (E.) on American slang, 329 Verrall (Miss Helen de G.) on "O si sic onmes," 429


W. (A. T.) on Cairns family, 154

W. (J. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, 10

W. (W. M.) on Charles Waller of Wickham, 368

Waddington (Samuel) on poets' birthplaces, 377

Wainewright (J. B.) on adulation of Queen Eliza- beth, 48. Allen (Dr.), 06. 1579, 109, 297. Authors of quotations wanted, 408. " English Attila," 349. Epitaph : Christchurch, Hamp- shire, 171. Geffry (Giles) or Gefferay : "Bache- lor Gyles," 289. Harford of Plymouth, " traitor," 1538, 309. Lang (Andrew)," Pindar, and Mr. G. O. Smith, 129. Latin jingles, 337. Patron saint of pilgrims, 297. Rectors of Upham and Durley, 414. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Oxford, and New College : " Holy Thursday," 370. St. Mary's, Soho, 450. St. Richard of Andria, 329. Sander (Dr. Nicolas), his credibility, 67

Walch (George T.) on dictum attributed to Lord Fisher, 408

Walker (B.) on Gothic mason-sculptors, 417.

Height of St. Paul's, 434 Walker (Carl T.) on Flemish sideboard, 190. Nidderdale, 88. Sepulchral slabs in Hamps- thwaite Church, Nidderdale, 169

Vallis (G.) on authors wanted, 336 Watson (Eric) on judges addressed as " Your

Lordship," 333 Watson (W. G. Willis) on folk-lore : ear burning,

108. Wall-papers, 137. Wellington, 132 Welford (R.) on Ralph Carr, 75. Chandos, 134. Derwentwater (Earls of) : descendants, 271. Mourning letter-paper, 412

Vest Countree on seventh child of a seventh child, 174

iVest (E.) on Napoleon III. at Chislehurst, 37

Vheeler (C. B.) on Chapel- House, 14. Rixham

Fair and Matthew Prior, 76 Wheeler (Stephen) on Walter Scott : spurious

Waverleys, piracies, and attacks, 456 Wherry (G'.) on folk-lore of death, 307

>Vhite (Dorothy V.) on Goethe : source of quota- tion wanted, 169