Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/98

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. x. AUG. i, im.

the 5301. overplus, John Jackson, John Wheeler, and three others being summoned to appear and give their evidence in the case. To this order Lady Norton replied

" that her late husband did not receive as much money as \vas due to him, and that if he did receive more, she is not able to pay, as she has no assets."

This reply is endorsed "April llth, Jackson and Wheeler are to appear, or to be brought up in custody. 1 ' On 12 June Lady Norton asks for further time to examine witnesses. The Council orders

" that she may bring them to be examined vivd- voce, sending in her interrogations before she takes out copies of the previous depositions." On 17 Julj- it was ordered that Lady Norton

" be heard this day week, and if she be not here, the Committee will proceed ex parie."

Lady Norton did not appear on the 24th. The ordinance for Sir Gregory to receive 1,OOOZ. being read, and proofs given in of his receipts, it was adjudged

" that Sir Gregory had received 516Z. 19s. lid. above the 1,OOOZ. granted him, and therefore the Lady would have to pay the 5161. 19s. lid., and at the same time show cause why she should not pay the 200Z. which Sir Gregory had in his hands being money from Aug. Belson, recusant, which should have been given over to the Seques- tration Committee, also the 17Z. 15s. IQd. paid him by Treasurer Dawson over and above the 516Z. 19s. lid. received by him out of the estate of Mark Slingsby."

Nothing further is recorded of this affair in the State Papers, so it may be assumed the amounts were paid.

ALBERT A. BARKAS. Bichmond, Surrey.

(To be continued.)

BENCE (11 S. ix. 508). The family of Bence is traceable chiefly in Suffolk, and principally at Aldeburgh and Thorington, near Halesworth. It is found represented, but less numerously, at Benhall, Bingsfield, Henstead, Kelsale-cum-Carleton, Saxmund- ham, Beccles, Harwich, Redisham, Kentwell Hall, Heveningham, Long Melford, Bed grave, Stanstead (Suffolk), Marshfield (Wilts), Dub- lin, Lisselan (co. Cork), and London (St. Benet's, Gracechurch Street, and later gene- rations at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square). In 1805 Sir George Nayler compiled a valuable pedigree of the family, which has since been added to and reprinted.

The family should be searched for under the variants of Bens, Bense, Bence Jones, Bence-Bence, Bence Sparrow, as well as simply Bence.

The information available is ample. 1 will give some leading facts, and append a list of books where further particulars may be found.

By far the most important book is the- Bev. T. S. Hill's ' Registers of Thorington ' (Mitchell & Hughes, 1884). This contain*

(1) all Bence memorial and monumental inscriptions in the church and churchyard ;

(2) all entries from the Begisters relating to the Bence family, printed apart on pp. 101- 104 ; (3) all Bence entries classified under Christian names in the Index ; (4) Sir G. Nayler's pedigree of 1805 brought up to date (1884).

In the Preface there is a paragraph which states that

" by the kindness of the Bence family I give a very full statement of their pedigree. They have been an influential family in this neighbourhood for more than three hundred years, dating their recorded history from the time when they were the most important of the inhabitants of Aldborough [i.e., Aldeburgh], and have held the chief portion of the property in this parish [Thorington] since 1691, when they bought the estate of the Coke family, who were the previous owners. In that portion of their pedigree relating to the Rev. Thomas Bence. Rector of Kelsale-cum-Carleton, who died 1757, the descend- ants of Catharine, who married Gabriel Trusson, and whose daughter Catharine married Anthony Collet, are represented now by the Rev. Anthony Collett, Rector of Hastingleigh, in Kent."

The following books, &c., will be found of use in further pursuing the subject. The ' D.N.B.' has biographies of Henry Bence Jones, M.D., 1814-73 ; William Bence Jones, agriculturist, 1812-82, with notes upon his eldest son, William Francis Bence Jones. Boase's ' Modern Biography ' has Henry Bence Bence, b. 12 March, 1788, d. September, 1824, son of Bev. Bence Sparrow, Bector of Beccles. He assumed the name of Bence 2 May, 1804. Burke's ' Landed Gentry,' first issue, has a pedigree of the Thorington branch. See Harrow School Begister and Bugby ditto ; The East Anglian, vi. 332 ; Suffolk Instit., Proc., ii. 71, 96; B.M. Harleian 1449; Add. MS. 19,118; Bawlinson A 241 (Bodleian); Gent. Mag. (1771, p. 335; 1793, p. 91; 1861, p. 354) ; Wood's ' Athenae ' (Peter Bense), ii. 624 ; Copinger's ' Suffolk Becords ' (see Index) ; Law Times, Ixxiii. 168 ; Times, 24 June, 1882 ; and Foster's ' Alumni.' There is an engraved portrait of Henry Bence Jones (1814-73) by C. Holl, from a painting by G. Bichmond. There is also a portrait of the same in The Illustrated London News, Ixii. 424, from a negative by B. & E. Taylor. A. L. HUMPHREYS.

187, Piccadilly, W.