Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/99

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11 S. X. AUG. I, 1911]



Ernald, son of Bence, was a tenant of the fee of Balliol in Dromondby in Clevelanc during the reign of Henry II. He gave lane there to the monks of Fountains (Add. MS 18,276, f. 67). He attested a number of grants made to the monks of Rievaulx (' Chartul.of Rievaulx, 'Surtees Soc., passim) " Bencius filius Reginald! " gave land in Little Broughton in Cleveland to the canon.' of Hexham early in the thirteenth century (Coll. Top. et Gen., vi. 45). W. F.

A glance through the directories reveals the following distribution of this surname : London, 8 ; Liverpool, 4 ; Burton, 1 ; and Leeds, 1. ARCHIBALD SPARKE, F.R.S.L. Bolton.

The name Bence occurs amongst resident in Doynton, Willsbridge, and Warmley, in the county of Gloucester. H. A. C. T.

THE ' BON GATJLTIER BALLADS ' AND KENNY MEADOWS (11 S. ix. 450). Some years ago I bought a second-hand copy of these ballads, and (seeing W. B. H.'s query at the reference above) looked out the book. The title-page (in colour) is the same as that of the 1849 edition. The publishers are Wm. S. Orr & Co., London, but there is no date. The text on each page is surrounded by double lines, and at each corner between the lines there is a small caricature. To many of the ballads there is a humorous tail-piece. The exceptions have either an ornamental design, or the tail-piece is omitted owing to want of space. I can discover nothing to indicate the artist.

In a list of books at the end of the volume there is an advertisement of the fourth edition of the ' Ballads.' J. A. C.

REGISTERS OF PROTESTANT DISSENTERS (11 S. ix. 489; x. 30). The following is taken from Urwick's ' Nonconformity of Worcester,' pp. 186-7, relating to searching through non-parochial registers in Somerset House for literary purposes :

" Down to 1889, access free of charge was enjoyed by properly accredited persons to search and make sxtracts from these registers for historical and literary purposes ; and the present writer [Rev. William Urwick, M.A.], from 1860 downwards, has from time to time availed himself of this obvious right. But in 1889 he received a letter from the Registrar-General refusing free access on the plea ot want of necessary accommodation for applicants. The matter was brought before the House of Commons, and Mr. J. Carvell Williams, M.P., asked the Government to make representations to the Registrar-General to restore the facilities for many years enjoyed. On May 30. 1895, it was announced in Parliament that 'the Registrar-

General has made arrangements for the accom- modation of any gentleman whose application i* backed by an introduction by any M.P. or other well-known person, and who wishes to consult for literary and historical purposes the Non-Parochial Registers and Records which are deposited at Somerset House. No fees will be charged for searching the registers by persons duly accredited.' Since this date every facility has been given me on occasion of my visits by the chief clerk, Mr. Edward Whitaker."

Does this " obvious right " still exist ? If not, on what grounds has it again been withdrawn ? If it no longer exists, ought not another appeal to be made to the House for restoring these privileges ?


60, Rothesay Road, Luton.

WILLIAM BELL SCOTT (11 S. x. 28). An appreciation by Joseph Knight, with refer- ences to several of Scott's volumes and inci- dental poems, will be found in ' The Poets and the Poetry of the Nineteenth Century : Frederick Tennyson to Arthur Hugh Clough,' edited by Alfred H. Miles, pp. 403-8 (Rout- ledge, 1905).

The following list of Scott's books and works relating to him is taken from ' The English Catalogue,' &c. :

Hades : Transit and Progress of the Mind. A poem. 12mo. 1839.

Year of the World. A poem. 8vo. 1846.

Steps in the Journey of Prince Legion. 12 designs. Imp. 8vo. 1851.

Antiquarian Gleanings, North of England. Royal 4to. (Issued with plain illustrations and also with coloured illustrations.) 1857.

Ornamentist ; or, Artisan's Manual. Imp. 4to. 1853.

Poems. By a Painter. 12nx>. 1854.

Half-Hour Lectures on the Fine Arts, &c. Cr. 8vo. 1861. (2nd ed., 1866 ; 3rd ed., 1874.>

Memoir of David Scott, B.S.A. 8vo. 1861.

Albert Diirer : his Life and Works. 8vo. 1869 1 .

Gems of French Art. 4to. 1870.

Gems of Modern Belgian Art. 4to. 1871.

H. B. Forman's ' Our Living Poets.' 1871.

British School of Sculpture. 4to. 1872.

Gems of Modern German Art. 4to. 1872.

Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting. Folio. 1872.

Our British Landscape Painters. 4to. 1872.

Pictures by Venetian Painters. Folio. 1875,

Poems. Illustrated by the author, and L. Alma Tadema. Post 8vo. 1875.

J. G. Wilson's ' Poets and Poetry of Scotland/ 1875.

W. B. Scott and Modern British Poetry. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. xxxiii. 1875-6.

Little Masters. " Great Artists Series." Poafc 8vo. 1879.

Memoir of William Bell Scott. By H. Buxton Torman. " Celebrities of the Century." 1887.

Autobiographical Notes of his Life. 2 vols. 8vo. 1892.

The Poet's Harvest Home. 12mo. 1893.