Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/296

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substitute for meat by the Roman Church, and was considered by gourmets as a great delicacy. Curiously the livyoson is among those special dainties reserved for saints who have earned " the crown of immortality " in the " Oulom Habbo," or " the world to come." Whales rarely fre- quent the mare clausum, whereas the dolphins are almost natives of it. In the days before the compass was available a school of dolphins was regarded as invariably the harbinger of a storm, and captains, upon meeting one, would tack as speedily as possible into the nearest port. The ex- cessive voraciousness of those creatures is further ground for belief that Jonah's friend was " a dolphin." Yet, whether whale, shark, or dolphin was the providential medium employed in the dramatic working of that beautiful allegory, the Scriptural annalist very acutely conceals his ignorance under the generic term of " dog " and " dogo," which all the standard authorities on the subject Gesenius, Buxtorf, Fuerst, Kitto, &c. agree to translate by the word fish." M. L. B. BRESLAR.

Percy House, South Hackney, N.E.

THE REV. J. B. BLAKEWAY : BIBLIO- GRAPHY (11 S. xi. 231). It is with pleasure that I am able to give some of the writings of the late Rev. J. B. Blakeway, the whole of whose manuscripts are in the Bodleian library.

Articles in the ' Shropshire Archceological Transactions.'

Walls of Shrewsbury, from Blakeway's MSS. in

the Bodleian Library. 1st Series, vol. ix., 1886. History of Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties.

2nd Series, vol. i., 1889 ; vol. ii., 1890 ; vol. iii.,

1891 ; vol. iv., 1892 ; vol. vi., 1894 ; vol. viii.

1896 ; vol. ix., 1897. History of Pontesbury. Edited by the Eev

W. G. D. Fletcher. 2nd Series, vol. v., 1893. History of Albrighton, near Shifnal. 2nd Series

vol. xi., 1899. 'Topographical History of Shrewsbury. Edited

by Mr. W. Phillips. 3rd Series, vol. v., 1905

vol. vi., 1906 ; vol. vii., 1907. Notes on Kinlet. Edited and illustrated by Mrs

Baldwyn-Childe. 3rd Series, vol. viii., 1908.

History and Antiquities of Shrewsbury, 1809. This is supposed to be the first pages of Owen and Blakeway's ' History of Shrewsbury.'

Woollen Trade and the Siege of Oswestry, 1816.

Sermons. Warning against Schism. Sermon preached in

St. Mary's Church, Shrewsbury. Publishe<

1799. National Benefits, a Call for National Repentance

Sermon preached in St. Mary's Church, Shrew

bury, 1805. No date of publication.

Attachment to the Church the Duty of its Mem- bers. Sermon preached in St. Mary's Church, Shrewsbury. Published 1816.

A-ttempt to ascertain the Author of the Letters published under the Signature of Junius. Published 1813.

There is an excellent portrait of Blake - way, and also a photograph (taken from an oil painting) of him and his co -writer the Ven. Archdeacon Hugh Owen, in the Shrews- Museum. HARRY T. BEDDOWS.

Borough Libiary, Shrewsbury.

In addition to the works given ante, p. 231,

he following are by the Rev. J. B. Blake -

way :

Attachment to the Church the Duty of its Mem- bers. A Sermon [on Gal. vi. 10] preached at the Anniversary Meeting of the Salop District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Shrewsbury, 1816.

The Sheriffs of Shropshire, &c. Published post- humously, and edited by D. Rowland.

Some Account of the Early History of Ludlow. [In ' Documents connected with the History of Ludlow,' by R. H. Clive.] 1841.

A Warning against Schism. A Sermon [on 1 Pet. v. 8] preached. . . .before two Friendly Societies.

29 May, 1799. Shrewsbury, 1799.

History of Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties .... Edited from the original MSS. in the Bodleian Library by the Rev. W. G. D. Fletcher. [Printed for private circulation only.] Oswestry, 1897.

A History of Shrewsbury School from the Blake- way MSS. and Many Other Sources. Illus- trated.... by A. Rimmer. [Edited by A. Rimmer and H. W. Adnitt.] Shrewsbury, 1889.



In the third book of Procopius's 'YTrep

' '

Ttov 7ro./x(Dv ( = ' De Bello Vandalico,' bk. i.) the following particulars about Amala- frida are given. Thrasamund, King of the Vandals, after the death of his childless wife, wishing to strengthen his power, sent to Theodoric, King of the Goths, and asked for the hand of his sister Amalafrida, who had lately been left a widow. Theodoric sent his sister, attended by a bodyguard of a thousand noble Goths and five thousand soldiers (chap. viii. 11-13). The rest of the chapter is taken up with an account of the war with the Maurusians and the disas- trous defeat of the Vandals. We are then told of the death of Thrasamund, after a reign of twenty-seven years.

In the next chapter we read of the acces- sion of the unwarlike Hilderic ; and then, in 3, 4, how the Vandals incurred the enmity of Theodoric and their former allies, the Goths in Italy, because they imprisoned