Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/297

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ii s. XL APRIL 10, i9i5.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Amalafrida and put all the Goths to death, accusing them of a revolutionary movement.

In the first letter of the ninth book of Cassiodorus's ' Varise ' we have King Atha- laric's letter of remonstrance to Hilderic for having killed Amalafrida. The queen had two children by her first husband. In Pro- copius, V. iii. ( = 'De Bello Gothico,' I.), we are introduced to her son Theodatus (Theoda- had),|and in V. xii. 22 to her daughter .Amalaberga, who married Hermanfrid, King of the Thuringians.

Further references are given in vol. iii. of Hodgkin's ' Italy and her Invaders,' which contains a useful pedigree, and in Hart- imann's concise notice in the Pauly-Wissowa

  • Real-Encyclopadie.'


MORTIMER'S MARKET, TOTTENHAM COURT HOAD (11 S. xi. 87). An interesting note on this subject will be found in that admirable publication the ' St. Pancras Book of Dates,' under the date of 1827, on 30 April of which year the foundation-stone of University College was laid by the Duke of Sussex. Both the College and the Hospital now stand on part of what was Mr. Mortimer's field, known befofe he purchased it as " Hope Field." He built the ten cottages known as Mortimer's Cottages, or Mortimer's Folly, at the extreme western end of the field, which comprised some twelve acres, and his own residence at the extreme eastern end. The site of the latter was in the corner of the College Quadrangle. The pond which MR. JACOBS mentions was sup- plied by a spring in the grounds. It was of considerable size, with an island in the centre, and the overflow formed two small streams, one of which ran down by the western side of the Hospital, and the other along the south of what is now Endsleigh Gardens as far as the east side of St. Pancras Church, where it formed another pond on the site of the present Drill Hall.


PRONUNCIATION : ITS CHANGES (11 S. xi. 121, 214). " Humour " has certainly taken on an aspirate during my memory. It now sounds defective, not to say unrefined, without it. " Details " has also taken an accent on the last syllable. " Margarine " is sometimes heard with a soft g, but only, I think, among the uneducated. It is a new word ; but " margaric acid," which was well known to chemists, was always pro- nounced with a hard g. The ' N.E.D.' says it is sometimes vulgarly pronounced soft,

as if it were spelt " margerine," or words to that effect. " Retch," until a few years ago, I had always heard pronounced with a short e, except among the illiterate. Since then I have occasionally heard it pronounced long by University graduates, and have even heard it defended ; but I am still convinced that it is unjustifiable. And why will people accent " cascara " on the second syllable ? It is a well-known Spanish word, and is accented on the first syllable, with the a long as in " art." This is confirmed, too, by the ' N.E.D.' " Indecorous " is surely right. I once heard it related that, a treasonable song having been sung in Dublin Castle, the Lord Lieutenant* joined in the chorus. This, some one replied, was " in-de-corous." I remember " celery " pro- nounced as " salary " by old people, and " break " as " breek."

J. FOSTER PALMER. 8, Royal Avenue, S.W. , \

ACTON -BURNELL, SHROPSHIRE : GARBETT FAMILY (11 S. xi. 209). There is in the ' 1623 Visitation of Shropshire ' (Harl. Soc., vol. xxviii. p. 195) a pedigree of Garbed alias Gabbitt of Condover. which commences with " Rob'tus Garbedd alias Gabbitt de Acton Burnell temp, H. 7, one of the guard [I486]." The ' 1568 Visitation of London ' (Harl. Soc., vol. i. p. 95) repeats part of this pedigree, starting with " Robert Gabot of Acton Burnell in the County of Sallop had this Banner giuen him by Maxi- milian the Emperor for his Seruice." (Gu., a griffin segreant or, holding in claws a flag- staff bendy arg. and sa., on it a flag of the third charged with a double-headed eagle displ. of the second. )

One or two Garbett families have claimed descent from the above family, but they have never made any serious attempts to establish their claim, as far as I am aware.


' AGNES ' : HAZLITT AND SCOTT (US. xi. 208). ' A Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors,' 1816, gives " Agnes and Leonora, Novel, 2 vols. 12mo, 1799," as the work of Richard Sickelmore, " an eccentric character at Brighton." W. B. H.

'THE FRUIT GIRL' (11 S. xi. 210). ' La Petite Fruitiere anglaise,' Thomas Gaugain, 1786 ; ' La Petite Fruitiere ang- laise,' Bonnefoy, 1787.


  • Lord Spencer. The story is probably well

known. It is only used as an illustration.