Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/537

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915.



Galbreath (D. L.) on cream-coloured horses, 441.

France and England quarterly, 74. Heraldry

without tinctures, 217. Lion with rose, 217 Gale (F. B.) on custody of ecclesiastical archives,


Gardiner (Florence M.) on Zanzigs, 305 Gardner (H. P.) on James Chalmers, 476 Garnett (F. W. B.) on bumblepuppy, 476 Gibbons (W. E.) on Vicars of Wombourne, 49 Gilbert (W.), F.B.N.S., on Barbados filtering stone,

310. Crooked Lane, London Bridge, 93.

Eccleston (Daniel), 325. Eighteenth-century

English tokens, 18. Gilbert family, 198 Goudchaux (H.) on author wanted, 500. " Piraeus

mistaken for a man," 57 Gower (B. Vaughan) on Sir Samuel Gower, 1757,

321. Penny note, 301. " Well ! of all and of

all ! " 370

Graham (Oliver) on Baron Adam Friedel, 433 Graham (Walter) on Wordsworth and Shelley, 83 Gray (Patrick) on House of Normandy, 105 Grime (B.) on authors wanted, 360, 478.

" Fingers " of the clock, 255 Grundy -Newman (S. A.) on author wanted, 249,

472. East Anglian families : Elizabeth Stainton,

72. Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley), 211.

Munday surname, 483. Newman (Isolda),

nurse of John of Gaunt, 281. Paget heraldry

in Lichfield Cathedral, 230. Saluting the

quarter-deck, 54. Spon : spoon, 499. Strong

(Bev. Charles), 472 Guillemard (F. H. H.) on J. Hill, 271 Guppy (H.) on mourning letter-paper and black-

bordered title-pages, 34 Guthkelch (A. C.) on Cogan's edition of Addison's

' Miscellaneous Works,' 88

Gwyther (A.) on authors wanted, 168. " Wal- ," 37



Smith Thrale

H. on George IV. 's natural children, 16. family of Combe Hay, Somerset, 161. (" Queenie "), 298

H. (B.) on " Wick," 321

H. (E.) on Hugh Greville Barmesyde, 339

H e (A. C.) on Chapman : Tyson, 251

H. (E. H.) on Thomas Chapman, 69. " Petit Boi de Pe"ronne," 91

H. (F.) on St. Helena, 280

H. (G. E.) on cathedrals of Soissons and Laon, 81

H. (H. A.) on Marybone Lane and Swallow Street, 210

H. (H. K.) on necessary nicknames, 405

H. (J. C.) on Clerical Directories, 109

H. (O. O.) on " Statesian," 299

H. (S. H. A.) on Bobert Catesby, Jun., son of the conspirator, 36

H w on Bussian National Anthem, 248

H. (W. B.) on ' Agnes ' : Hazlitt and Scott, 287. " As sound as a roach's," 18. Author of hymns wanted, 170. Authors wanted, 478, 479. Beards, 326. Croze (De la), historian, 175. Easter hare, 407. Electro-plating, 459. Free- masons of the Church, 190. ' Mirage of Life,' 280. Mourning letter-paper and black-bordered title-pages, 34. " Myriorama," 361. Neve (Bichard), 89. Nicholson (Benton), 133. Offley (George), 433. Order of Merit, 175. Our National Anthem, 307. Pack-horse, 440. Physiological surnames : Laugher, 370. Thea- trical life, 1875-85, 271. " There shall no

tempests blow," 338. Trusler (John), 326. Twentieth-century English, 450

H. (W. S. B.) on " cole " : " coole," 92. Dart- moor, 49. Moyle wills, 17. Verger's staff, 494

Hackett (F. Warren) on school folk-lore, 277

Hammond (John J.) on custody of ecclesiastical archives, 436

Harmatopegos on punctuation : its importance,.

Harrison (Gilbert H. W.) on our National Anthem,. 68

Harrison (John) on onions and deafness, 117. Oxfordshire landed gentry, 347

Harrogate on author of poem wanted, 229

Hatch (H. F.) on Ghostwick, 451

Hawkes-Strugnell (W.), Commander B.N., on Moyle wills, 17

Hayler (W.) on Ayrton light on the Clock Tower at Westminster, 90, 232

Hemborow (T. W.) on Hemborow, 360

Heslop (B. Oliver) on Barbados filtering stonos,. 310

Hibgame (Frederick T.) on Cardinal Bourne with the British Army in France, 166. Death of a Birkenhead survivor, 246. " Fingers " of the clock, 188. Last of the Lucknow Dinners, 278. Tubular bells in church steeples, 250

Higham (Charles) on Blake and " Swedenborgians," 276. Nicholson (Bev. George), 432

Hillman (E. Haviland), F.S.G. , on counties of South Carolina, 290. Napoleon and the Bellerophon, 339. Skottowe (Thomas) : Craven County, 31. Willett family in America, 401

Hipwell (Daniel) on Beamish, 92. Cobbett (William), 489. Settle (Elkanah), 33. Wills (Lieut. John), B.N., 473

Hogg (B. M.) on Mungo Campbell, 399

Hooper (J.) on analogy to Sir Thomas Browne, 96.

. Authors of quotation wanted, 90

Howard-Flanders (W.) on farthing Victorian stamps, 93

Huck (T. W.) on Easter eggs, 382

Hughes (T. Cann), F.S.A., on Contariiie family, 48, 92. Lloyd (David), Welsh bard, 322. Lonsdale (James John), 492. Lonsdale (Bichard Thomas), artist, 473. Old maps of Lancaster, 69. Way (Bev. Lewis), 112

Humphreys (A. L.) on bibliography relating to Gretna Green, 302, 322, 384. Eighteenth- century physician upon predestination, 192. " Gazing-room," 114. Hardy (Lieut.-Col. Thomas Carteret), 10. Markle Hill, Hereford, 151. Onions and deafness, 117. Pack-horses, 362, 440. Passe's (Crispin Van der) print of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 95. Punctua- tion, 131. Boberts (William), Esq. : Wood- rising, 268. Bobinson (Luke), M.P., 70, 177. Southey's Works, 74. ' Theatre of the World/ 110. Woohner or Wolmer family, 349

Hunter-Blair (Sir D. O.) on source of quotation wanted, 114

Hunter-Blair (Oswald) on Col. the Hon. Cosmo- Gordon, 196

Hytch (F. J.) on John Cam den Hotten, 357. ' Slang Dictionary,' 30

Ingleby (Holcombe) on " quay " : " key,"

Inquirer on Barlow, 30

Ivel on alphabetical nonsense, 13.