Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/538

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915.

J. (D.) on Massacre of St. Bartholomew medal,


Tomb of Alexander the Great, 361 .J. (G.), F.S.A., on heraldry without tinctures, 171.

Marsack queries, 148. Retrospective heraldry,


J. (J. F.) on ' Just Twenty Years Ago,' 230 J. (T.) on Cromwell's Ironsides, 436. Disraeli's

Life : Emanuel, 390

J. (W. C.) on English sovereigns as deacons, 97 -Jackson (Arthur E.) on John Morgan of the

Inner Temple, 380 . Jackson -Pigott (W.) on Sir John Jefferson's

descendants, 190

Jacobs (Reginald) on authors wanted, 479.

Borstal, 54. Botolph Lane, 8. Caesar (Julius) and Old Ford, 476. Demolition of No. 56, Great Queen Street, W.C., 166. Jam in commerce, 300. Mortimer's Market, Totten- ham Court Road, 87. Terrace in Piccadilly, 437. Tubular bells in church steeples, 307 Jaggard (W.) on oldest business house in London, 137. Shakespeare mystery, 36. Trevisa (John), 198

Jeffery (G.), F.S.A., on Aleppo : Tilly Kettle, 408.

English chaplains at Aleppo, 201, 388. English Consuls in Aleppo, 1582-1850, 182. English records in Aleppo, 101. Folk-lore of Cyprus, 486. Levant Company in Cyprus, 222. Levant merchants in Cyprus, 241, 263. Retrospective heraldry, 458

Jenkins (J. F.) on Cockburn, 188

Jenkins (Rhys) on early steam-engines : Abraham Potter : Humphrey Potter, 15. Savery family of Devonshire, 196

.Jennings (P.) on early English railway travelling, 253

Jerrold (Walter) on author of parody wanted, 271

Johnson (G. H.) on punctuation : its importance, 49

Johnson (H. H.) on English sovereigns as deacons,

97. Frescoes at Avignon, 32. Turtle and

thunder, 52. " Widdicote "=sky, 32 Johnston (J. J. Hunter) on roses as cause of colds

and sneezing, 369 Jonas (A. C.), F.S.A. (Scot.), on Crooked Lane,

London Bridge, 137, 457. Simpson (Habbie),

345 .Jonas (Maurice) on Shakespeariana, 30. Zulzi-

man, 474 Jones (A. D.) on pyramid in London, 57

Jones (T.) on " Cyder Cellars," 256. " Ephe-

sians " : a Shakespearian term, 32. Mary- bone Lane and Swallow Street, 258. Regent Circus, 98, 198. Shakespeariana, 76. Starlings taught to speak, 154

Jones (Rev. T. Llechid) on Percy Fitzgerald on

Dr. Johnson and Hannah More, 188. Harp (Sophia Marian), 250. Knights Templars : alleged appropriation, 171. Roberts (William), Esq., 188. Standard-bearer at Bos worth Field, 208. Taxations of Norwich (1253) and Lincoln (1291), 149


K. (J.) on author wanted, 108. Dreams and literature, 386. Families of Kay and Key, 90. ' Just Twenty Years Ago,' 477. Old Irish marching tunes, 459. Onions and deafness, 477. " The Day," 7

K. (L. L.)on " cole " : " coole," 92, 214. " Cousa- mah," 58. Croze (Maturinus Veyssiere de la), historian, c. 1730, 215. Deaf and dumb alpha- bets, 68. ' Fables des Roys de Hongrie,' 28. Greek proverb, 301. Hunas of ' Widsith,' 198. Locks on rivers and canals, 257. " Lutheran," 87. Markle Hill, Hereford, 90. Maxai (Petrus) at Canterbury, 249. Medici (Cardinal Ippolito dei), 153. "Route-march," 207. Steam- engines : Abraham Potter : Humphrey Potter, 15. White flag, 147

Kelly (Francis M.) on hose, 1560-1620, 340. Sigismundus . . . . Suecise Haeres, 473

Kelly (R. J.) on "By hook and crook," 66

King (W. L.) on Bonington: picture of Grand Canal, 133. Roberts (William), Esq.: Wood- rising, 269

Krebs (H.) on " Lion and the Unicorn," 417. Russian National Anthem, 308

L. (F. de H.) on Sir Charles Ashburnham, Bart., 325. Harding (William) of Baraset, 349. Mont St. Michel, 362. Oxfordshire landed gentry, 266. Webster (Joshua), M.D., 1777, 388

L. (M.) on packet-boat charges, seventeenth century, 110

Lafleur (Paul T.) on seventeenth-century Pan- Germ anist, 377

Lambert (D. H.), B.A., on Germania : Tedesco, 281

Lane (J.) on ' Arabian Nights' Entertainments,' 277. Borrows (William), M.A., 471. Diezer (August), 228. Harding (William) of Baraset, 281. Ranken (Robert), 249. " Ronne, wax modeller," 148. Savery family of Devonshire, 196. Simmonds (Capt.), 299. Swinburne (Philip and Mary), 1779, 188. Ware (Martin) of Greenwich, 320. Woolmer or Wolmer family, 208

Lane-Poole (Dr. Stanley) on Sir Richard Burton's Archdeacon, 425. Old Etonians, 56

Lavington (Margaret) on Aleppo : Tilly Kettle, 249. Cyder Cellars, 208. Hayman drawings, 189. Henley family : overseers : sampler, 129. Packet-boat charges, seventeenth century, 213. Pictures and Puritans, 151. Pronunciation : its changes, 121. " Roper's news " : " Duck's news," 110. Savery family of Devonshire, 238. Trial of Warren Hastings, 92

Leader (R. E.) on electro-plating, 459

Leffmann (Henry) on counties of South Carolina, 348

Leighton (H.) on families of Kay and Key, 136. Some English prisoners in France in 1811, 66

Leslie (Major J. H.) on Lieut. Edward Collyer, Royal Artillery, 452. Goff's (General) regi- ment, 303. Royal Regiment of Artillery, 130, 151, 210, 472. Work by Sir Henry Mont- gomery Lawrence, 381

Lewis (Kenneth M.) on analogy to Sir Thomas Browne, 1

Lewis (Penry), C.M.G., on " cousamah," 7. Pack- horses, 497. Walton-in-Gordano Parish Re- gisters, 489

Lovekin (L. A. M.) on Crooked Lane : St. Michael's : Lovekin, 348

Lucas (J. Landfear) on cheeses in Ireland, 472. Dibdin and Southampton, 98. Early forms of wrestling, 48. Farthing Victorian stamps, 135.