Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/508

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

Antiquities, London, museums of, 401, 483 Antrim on glass manufactured at Belfast, 408 Apparition at Pirton, Herts, 466 Apperson (G. L.) on pauper's badge, 118 " Put a beggar on horseback," 334 ' Young Folks,' 34

Appleyard (John), his death c. 1572, 307 Arbuthnot (John), physician and wit, his mar- riage, 109 Arbuthnot (Robert) ^Beatrix Gordon, her father,

69, 234, 294

Archer (H. G.) on black bandsmen in the Army, 370

Chamney or Cholmondeley family, 3 D'lsraeli (Benjamin) of Dublin, 134 Archibald (R. C.) on English mathematical diaries,


Mathematical periodicals, 253 Mathematical terms not in ' N.E.D.,' 426 ' Mathematical Transactions,' 246 Arcoul, French privateer, taken by Portland

packet, Roebuck, 288 Aristotle on education, 107, 258, 433 Arkle (A. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 196 Rags and old clothes left at wells, 470 Terrace, 252 Armiger, meaning of the word in ' Alumni

Oxonienses,' 167, 231

Army, black bandsmen in, 287, 336, 370, 432 Arnold (Matthew) on hurry of modern life, 488 Arnolfini family, 147, 217, 350 Arrow, broad arrow, the King's mark, 1383, 245 Artephius, ' De Characteribus Planetarum,' 35 Arter (Andrew), memorial at Hammersmith, 10,

75 Arundel (Sir John) of Clerkenwell, c. 1588, 367,

415, 491 Ascham (Roger) and loannes Ravisius Textor,

441 Ashley or Astley (Katherine), governess to Queen

Elizabeth, 447 Ashton (Sir William), M.P. 1624, his biography,

387, 477

Astarte on authors of quotations wanted, 388 " O dear, my good masters," 128 Scott (Sir Walter), his poet ancestor, 287 Sheep : their colour, 466 Astley or Ashley (Katherine), governess to Queen

Elizabeth, 447 Atrebatum=Artois, ghosts in the churchyard,

189, 256

Attwood (J. S.) on " Or. Goldsmith, B.A.," 28 Austen (Canon George) on St. William's Day at

York, 107

Austin (Roland) on Benjamin Bathurst, 90 County coats of arms : co. Somerset, 77 Gloucestershire booksellers, 348 High Stewards and Recorders at the Restora- tion, 17

Rudder (Samuel), 244 Avoirdupois on weight of 1588, 408 Axon (Ernest) on Ains worth the lexicographer,

406 Axon (W. E. A.) on Samuel Byrom, 195

Gallows Bank : Matthew Cockling, 378

Lockhart on Dante, 248

' May Fair,' 377

Mediaeval " Oberammergaus," 333

Murderous London boatman of 1586, 446

Robinson (Crabb) and De Quincey, 102

Rousthwel (Chotta), 386

' Tit for Tat,' 112

Uttoxeter's first book, 405


B. (A. A.) on Gladstone on the upas tree, 414

" Welcome as the flowers in May," 414 B. (B.) on Stair divorce, 1820, 174 B. (C.) on ' Flying Dutchman,' 48

Lawrence (Sir T.), his sketch of Mrs. Linley,

348 B. (C. C.) on adder's fat as cure for deafness, 117

American words and phrases, 315

Aristotle on education, 258

Authorized Version : date of translations, 395

Bee-swarms, 478

Danes'-blood, a flower, 16

Echoes, remarkable, 352

' N.E.D.' : missing words in ' Si Simple,' 146

Raleigh (Sir Walter) and tobacco, 34

Rhubarb : its derivation, 393

Rice for the complexion, 258

Siligo : sprig : beckab : draget, 233

Spider's web and fever, 174

Unicorn on royal arms, 274

Winchester quart : " Corbyn " : " Chopin," 56

Woodyer, 116

B. (E. F.) on ' House of Too Much Trouble,' 248 B. (E. G.) on Scarborough Spa, 157 B. (E. T.) on teapoy : cellarette : gardevin, 272 B. (G.) on Thoresby pedigree, 258 B. (G. D.) on Bishop William FitzGerald, 91

Guest (Sir Lyonell), 53

B. (G. F. R.) on John Arbuthnot, physician and wit, 109

Barbour (Charles), 109

Bransby (Mansel), 269

Bressey (William), 269

Brett (Arthur), 269

Burton (Rev. Thomas), D.D., 288

Byrom (Samuel), 168

Collins (Essex), 389

Coryat (Thomas) and Westminster School, 254

D'Agar, 389

D'Assigny (Fifield), 409

Da Costa, 389

Dann (Richard), 449

Debat (Daniel), 409

Dehany (Philip), 449

Delaplace (George), 449

Drake (James), M.D., 109

Drake (Montagu Gerrard), 29

Drummond (John), 429

Duroure (Col.), 389

Falkener (John Bannister), 288

Ginger (Henry), 129

Grant (Gabriel), Prebendary of Westminster, 8

Hare (Thomas), 254

Heath (James), Royalist historian, 288

Heath (Richard), 109

Henchman (Humphrey), 288

Heylin (Richard), 29

Ibbetson, 129

Janeway (James), 129

Jarrett (Edward), 188

Johnson (Dr.) of Warwick, 188

Jones (Thomas Morres), 148

Joye (Charles), 188

Ken (Bishop), 290

Lockwood (William Joseph), 29, 254

Prior (Matthew), his birthplace, 254

Puns on Payne, 36

" Royal Blue " omnibuses, 257

Terrace, 291

Vesey (John), Archbishop of Tuam, 429