Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/509

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.



B. (H. A.) on Anne Boleyn : Bulley Family, 8 B. (H. I.) on bacon : hobby-horse, 465

Bruce (Michael) and ' Ode to the Cuckoo,' 104

Christmas bough : Christmas bush, 14

' Walrus and the Carpenter ' : " sackbut," 35

Wishes, three, 97

B. (I. X.) on authors of quotations wanted, 348 B. (J.) on c and t interchanged, 229

White meats : wigs : afternooning, 206 B. (M. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 147 B. (P. G.) on ' The Refuge,' 1808, 248 B. (B.) on authors of quotations wanted, 92

Bedford Library, 446

Elmham (William), 193

Horses taken to church, 318

Pastrana (Julia), 179

' Sentimental Journey to Margate ' : ' Bhoda,' 449

' Voice from the Bush,' 115 B r (B.) on Poor Souls' Light : " Totenlaterne,"


B. (B. E.) on James Porsyth, 25 B. (B. S.) on gentleman : armiger : privilegiatus, 232

Moore of Bankhall and Liverpool, 469

Provence (Guy and Simon de), 489

Shersons of Ellel Craig and Lancaster, 236 B. (S.) on orgeat, 435 B. (T. F.) on Machyn's Diary, 269 B. (W.) on Scots music, 349

Sefton, a carriage, 498 B. (W T . C.) on American words and phrases, 196

Authors of quotations wanted, 76

Baptismal scarf, 165

Berkshire churchwardens' accounts, 164

Booth (Mrs.), actress, 146

Boole-lead : bole : bull, 477

Buckrose : Faircross, 464

' Churches of Yorkshire,' 418

Collar of SS : the forget-me-not, 413

Coroner of the Verge, 96

Corn and dishonesty : an honest miller, 13

Delafield (Bev. Thomas), his manuscripts, 412

Deville, 226

English Bible, 1611, 101

Gale family, 297

Gray's ' Elegy ' : translations and parodies, 145

King's Champion, 461

Latin hexameters by machinery : John Peter, 250

May Day : May-games : May-poles, 321

Pheasant penny, 337

B's of sailors, 57

Bags and old clothes left at wells, 471

Boeites of Calverton : Wroeites of Australia, 455

Shakespeare and the Prayer Book, 301, 439

Siligo : sprig : beckab : draget, 233

Thread-papers, 90

Vestry held on Lady Day, 338

Weight of 1588, 456

" Welcome as the flowers in May," 478

Whyteheer or Whytebeer, 98 B. (W. H.) on Sir W. Langstow : St. Zita's

Chapel, 229 B and G confused in Domesday and Feudal Aids,


Babies' health affected by kittens, 18 Bacon, earliest use of the word, 1081, 465 Bacon (Francis), his Essay XVI. and Sir J. Davies, 124

BaddeleyI(Bichard),-1620, his biography, 189,

Baddeley (St. Clair) on Bichard Baddeley, 492 Comyn (Chevalier), 448 Fishing in classical times, 393 Lacy as a place-name, 137 Sweetapple surname, 134

Badge worn by paupers, its history, 55, 118

Bagdad, origin of the name, 69

Bagehot (Walter) on the Crown, 307, 357

Bagnall (John), philosopher, c. 1784, his bio- graphy, 268

Bagster (S. S.) on Ananias as a Christian name,


Christian names used by men and women, 456 Walton and Cotton medal, 398

Baillie, Anderson, and Simpson genealogies, 188

Bakester (Geffery le) de Loffithe, Forfar, c. 1296, 207, 372

Baldock (Major G. Yarrow) on Hanoverian regi- ment, 415

Balfour (John), b. 1775, graduated 1789, 32, 75, 327

Ball (H. Houston) on Abp. Euseby Cleaver, 114 Cotter (Bogerson), 114

' Ballad of Splendid Silence,' its historical founda- tion, 426

Ballantyne (James), his Kelso press, 347, 396, 435, 457

Bandsmen, black, in the Army, 287, 336, 370, 432

Banks (Percival), c. 1650, his genealogy, 267

Baptism, Jordan not a type, 184, 256

Baptismal scarf, heirloom of Fitzwilliam family, 165, 215

Bar sinister, early use of the term, 212

Barabbas a publisher or bookseller, Byron's comparison, 335

Barbour (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1674, 109

Barn Elms Farm, 1821, its locality, 267, 313

Barnard (G. W. G.) on Fifield D'Assigny, 475

Barnburner, American political name, 229, 314, 335

Barnet, battle of, its site, 208, 414

Barrell (Savage) and Humphrey Cotes, 308

Barrett (Wilson), his stage debut, 225, 276

Barrow (T. H.) on black bandsmen in the Army, 432

Barrow (Thomas), artist, d. 1820, his descendants, 169

Barrows : long barrows and rectangular earth- works, books on, 88, 273

Barrule on reform of the Calendar, 205

Bathampton on Madame D'Arblay and Disraeli, 348

Bathurst (Benjamin), English diplomat, his mysterious disappearance c. 1810, 46, 90

Bathurst (Sir Francis), his marriages and death, 88

Batsford (B. T.) on Talman and John Webb, 247

Battle at Bigby, Lincolnshire, 1645, 487

Battle in Lincolnshire, 1643 (not 1655), its identity, 135

Battle of Barnet, its site, 208, 414

Baxter (F. W.) on the Bezant, 170

Elizabeth (Queen), her statue in the Royal

Exchange, 230 Own : blithering, 213 Seekers, religious sect, 255

Baxter (W T ynne E.) on Coroner of the Verge, 96 Milton Bibles, 109