Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/522

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

Huck (T. W.) on unicorn on royal arms, 273 Hudson (John), Cheapside publisher c. 1820, 9,


Hughes (T. Cann) on Rev. Henry Hayman, D.D., 228

Hibbert (Sir John Tomlinson), 209

Librarians, eminent, 291

Phear (Sir J. Budd) : Rev. J. J. Raven, 249

\Yint (Peter de), 368

  • Hull Advertiser.' 1796, extracts, 245

Hume (Commander), 1815, his biography, 448 Humphreys (A. L. ) on alien priories, 255

Court life, 156

Murder on Gad's Hill in 1661, 270 Hungarian bibliography, 89, 131 Hunker, American political nickname, 229, 314,


Hunnin' pin, meaning of the term, 168, 358 Hunt (Leigh) and P. B. Shelley, 21 Hunting, Dr. Johnson on, 52 Husband (T. P.) on authors of quotations wanted,

Echoes, remarkable, 189 Hutcheson (David) on Geneva perfuming the

world, 129

Hutton (C.), his ' Miscellanea Mathematical 253 Hyde (Catherine), author of ' Secret Memoirs,'

&c., her biography, 268, 378 tt


" I fegs," meaning of the phrase, 206

Ibbetson (Denzil), officer and portraitist at St.

Helena, 327, 391

Ibbetson (Henry), Westminster scholar 1732, 129 Ibbetson (Samuel), Westminster scholar 1717, 129 Ikona on authors of quotations wanted, 409 " In black and white," use of the phrase in 1598,

206 Indexes Locorum to printed parish registers, 186,

256, 276, 498

India paper, Oxford, history of its discovery, 221 Indian aerial post, 265 Inman and Lawton families, 368 Inquirer on mother's maiden name as children's

surname, 107

Walker (Bishop) of Derry, 227 Inscriptions : in churches and churchyards, 57,

97, 175 ; monumental, in Hertfordshire, 146 ;

in Protestant Cathedral, Gibraltar, 224 ; on bell

at Palmouth, 248, 298 ; in new Protestant

Cemetery, Florence, 324, 404 ; in London

burial-grounds, 488 Instant or current, use of the words, 9 Insudaneye, locality referred to in A.D. 940, 88 Insurance, marine, earliest policies, 107, 157 Ionia on ' Hamlet ' in 1585, 267, 398 Ireland, iron trade in, c. 1760, 3, 295 ; expedition

to, 1571, and Capt. T. Smith, 286 ; Milton's

visit to, 328, 453

Ireland (W. and G.), 1827, and W. H. Ireland, 128 Irish Book of Remembrance, 1800, 70, 114 Iron trade in Ireland and Chamney family, 3, 295 Isola family, 58

J. (A. J.) on school account, 406

J. (C.) on broad arrow : the king's mark, 245

" Caeqehouias," 58

London Bridge : Death of Sir T. Rempston, 243

J. (D.) on Agostino Grimaldi, Bishop of Grasse, 344

Monaco (Prince of), his Memoir, 43 J. (G. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 409 J. (J. F.) on Forbes of Skellater, 467 J. (W.) on Sir Robert Peel and his speeches, 107 J. (W. C.) on Gamnecourt in Picardy, 51 Jackson ( J. S. Francis) on Francis family, 348 Jacobs (J.) on Litany : spitting and stamping the

feet, 217, 295 Jaggard ( W. ) on adders' fat as a cure for deafness,


Dogs on brasses and stone effigies, 310 Elephant and castle in heraldry, 36 Flood superstitions, 206 ' Hamlet ' in 1585, 311 Municipal records printed, 495 Raleigh (Sir Walter) and tobacco, 175 Shakespeare : Tallis & Co.'s edition, 412 Jal (Auguste), 1795-1873, his Christian name, 446 Jail in heraldry, origin of the word, 428 James (G. P. R.), his novel with three titles, 465 Jamineau (Isaac), Consul at Naples 1753-79,

his biography, 73 Janeway (James), Westminster scholar 1722,

129, 179

Japan, marriage relationships in, 433 Japanese variants of ' The Blindfolded Man,' 424 Jarrett (Edward), Westminster scholar 1734, 188 Jeffreys (Judge), and the Temple Church organ,

427, 452, 476 Jenkins (J. F.) on authors of quotations wanted,


Jenner (John), of Widhill, Wilts, c. 1700, 188, 417 Jenner (Robert), M.P. 1628 and 1640, 188, 417 Jenner (Thomas), of Ascot, 1829, his biography,

209, 272

Jennings (P.) on last mail coach, 278 Jermyn (C.) on Thomas Thane's MSS., 369 Jesson (J.) on Gratious or Gracines Street, 149 Job or Jope family, 448

John of Cosington, c. 1300, his biography, 67, 133 John Rylands Library, exhibition of Bibles, 281 Johnson (Dr.), of Warwick, Westminster scholar

c. 1660, 188, 337

Johnson (Dr. Samuel) on hunting, 52 Johnson family, and W T illiam Ricketts Mary

Goodwin, 168 Johnston (A. Wintle) on mother's maiden name

as children's surname, 218 " Old Mogul," Drury Lane, 235 Jonas (A. C.) on Chamney or Cholmondeley

family, 295, 418

Coston (John) in St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, 53 Elephant and castle in heraldry, 298 Great Snow in 1614, 14 Mansel family, 354

Jones (Basil Evan) on Litany : spitting and stamp- ing the feet, 148 Jones ( J. Bavington) on Hanoverian regiment, 378

Murderers reprieved for marriage, 172 Jones (Tom) on Bibles with curious readings, 284 Christmas mummers as mammals or birds, 14 Corbie-steps : corbel-steps : Corbalsailye, 134 Man in the Iron Mask dramatized, 312 Moving pictures to cinematographs, 194 Pawper or pauper bird, 217 Poor souls' light : " Totenlaterne," 336 " Put a beggar on horseback," 334 Rhubarb, its derivation, 393 Segundo, its meaning, 395 Shakespeariana, 304 Skolpyne, a fish, 335 Suffice, its meaning, 358