Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/523

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.



Jones (Tom) on " Terse " claret, 116 Tewke, tuke, its meaning, 131 " Welcome as flowers in May," 414 Winchester measures and bottles, 185

Jones (Thomas Morres), d. 1769, his biography, 148, 218

Jonson (Ben), gouland in, 136

Jope or Job family, 448

Jordan not a type of baptism, 184, 256

-Jordan (Toby), bookseller of Gloucester 1632, 348

Joy, curious rimes to, 232

Joye (Charles), Westminster scholar 1728, 188

Jubilees, royal, 49th and 50th anniversaries, 467

Judd (Sir Andrew), Lord Mayor 1550, his portrait 148

.Junius, and the horsewhipping of the Duke of Bedford, c. 1760, 227, 292, 375, 410, 455, 495 ; his letters in ' The Public Advertiser,' 305 ; his letters to George Grenville and Lord Chatham, 347; need of new edition, 386; and the letter signed " Bifrons," 408

."K. (C. L.) on Archbishop Stone of Armagh, 450

Subterranean chamber 'mentioned in Plot's

' Staffordshire,' 89

K. (G. A.) on Chertsey cartularies, 70 X. ( J. H.) on ' Britons, Strike Home ! ' 472

Expedition to Ireland, 1571 : Capt. T. Smith, 286

" Let us go hence, my songs," 128 K. (L. L.) on Ananias as a Christian name, 395

Artephius, ' De Characteribus. Planetarum,' 35

' Ballad of Splendid Silence,' 426

Bar " sinister," 212

Bathurst (Benjamin), 46

Bohemian musical folk-lore, 37

Chateaubriand and Madame Lieven, 104

Corn and dishonesty, 95

Defoe Methodist Chapel, Tooting, 54

Ear-piercing, 172

Pishing in fresh water in classical times, 350

Forwardal, 186

Goodbeter : its locality, 254

Lamb, Burton, and Francis Spiera, 152, 374

Leiningen (Count), his memoirs, 289

Magpie's death, 276

  • Measure for Measure ' : French parallel, 304

Murder on Gad's Hill in 1661, 208

Pastrana (Miss), 29

Pawper or pauper bird, 291

Poor souls' light : " Totenlaterne," 31

Shakespeariana, 304

Winchester quart : Corbyn : Chopin, 56 <c Kangaroo closure," meaning of the phrase,

345, 468 Kaye (C. Lister), on Beatrix Gordon=Robert

Arbuthnot, 69, 294 Keats (John), his associations with Hampstead,

145, 176, 196

Keble (John), early graduation, 417

  • ' Keep within Compass," tavern sign, 55

Kelly (R. J.) on " No great shakes," 338 Kelsey family of Hants, 348 Kelso press, c. 1802, books printed at, 347, 396,

435, 457 Kemp (J. T.) on prickly pear and Monreale

Cathedral, 132

Ken (Bishop Thomas), his mother, 248, 290, 431 Ketch (Jack), criminal and public hangman, 469

Kilburn, the Grange, its demolition, 306

Kinchie, meaning of the word, 168, 358

King (Edward), Bishop of Lincoln, his biography,

307, 378 King's Champion at Coronations, historic details,

461 Kingsley (Charles), his Sandy Mackaye in ' Alton

Locke,' 209, 416

Kittens affecting health of babies, 18 Knights Hospitallers in 1798, 12 Knots in handkerchiefs as reminder, 35, 97, 192 Knox (H. V.) on Envy, " eldest-born of Hell," 468 Kom Ombo on burning of Moscow, 189 Historic fires in ancient Borne, 209 Kossuth (Louis), and C. F. Henningsen, 55,

275 ; ' Kossuth Coppered,' satirical poem, 75 Krebs (H.) on Bagdad, 69

Colani and the Reformation, 32

Quiroga (Father) and the Thirty Years' War,


Krueger (G.) on " Die in beauty," 7, 74 Nib = separate pen-point, 346 " Pro patria est dum ludere videmur," 147 Kuyper (Jan) on " Never swap horses when cross- ing the stream," 434

L. (E. V.) on curious box, 308

" That man is thought a dangerous knave,"


L. (F. de H.) on Sir Charles Chalmers, Bt., 158 Cunningham (Alexander), R.N., 289 French Ambassadors in London, 309 L. (H. P.) on Hanoverian regiment, 457

Lush and Lushington surnames, 490 L. (M. C.)) on American words and phrases, 315,


Librarians, eminent : J. G. Cogswell, 55 L. (P.) on W. A. Bennett, Esq., 129 Pring (B.), 129 Tollner(W.M.), 129 L. (S. O.) on Christmas bough : Christmas bush,

74 L. (W. B. C.) on Easter : calculating its date,


L.-W. (E.) on skolpyne, a fish, 269 Lacy as a place-name, 8, 136 Lady Day, annual vestry meeting held on,

288, 338, 473 Laishley (C.) on authors of quotations wanted,


Lamb (Charles), Burton, and Francis Spiera, 61, 152, 212, 374 ; his ' Rosamund Gray,' pub- lished 1798, 467 Lambarde (F.) on Dr. Johnson of Warwick, 337 Landor (W. Savage), his poems in ' The Examiner,'

1836-60, 364 Lane (John) on Sophie Dawes, Baronne de Feu-

cheres, 27

Wykeham (Miss), Baroness Wenman, 27 Lang (Andrew), article on the ' Odyssey,' 49 Langarus on amphisbaenic book, 176 Langton (T.) on " No great shakes," 338

Prickly pear and Monreale Cathedral, 87 Langstow (Sir William), c. 1456, and St. Zita's

Chapel, Ely, 229

Lasco (Albertus a), Polish Palatine, c. 1583, 149 Latin hexameters by machinery, 168, 249 Laurme (Edme de) on John of Cosington, 67

Elmham (William), 87

Lavaud (Jean Francois), and bell inscription, 248, 298