Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/525

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.



M. (H. A. St. J.) on inscriptions in churches, 175

Pastrana (Miss), 94 M. (J.) on Cowper's 'Charity': "porcelain,'

409, 498

Vole (Jean), ' Les Arrivants,' 148, 217 " Ware " potatoes, 109 M. (L. S.) on hair folk-lore in Mexico, 126 Horses taken to church, 266 Milky Way, its various names, 406 Scottish titles conferred by Cromwell, 88 Tiger or Arctia caja moth, 426 M. (M.) on authors of quotations wanted, 468 M. (M. A. M.) on Shakespeare and the Earl of

Rutland, 357

M. (N.) & A. on Scales family, 468 M. (P. D.) on John Callaway of Canterbury, 309 Corn and dishonesty, 13 Dryden as a place-name, 68, 178 Mundy (Peter), traveller, 186 M. (P. W. G.) on bell inscription at Falmouth, 298

Yews in churchyards, 166

M. (T. B.) on Grange Court, St. Clement Danes, McM. (W.) on Christian names used by men and

women, 456 Macalister (M. A. M.) on authors of quotations

wanted, 233, 454

Charades by Col. Fitzpatrick, 356 Dods (Meg) and ' Cook and Housewife's

Manual,' 257

' Pilgrim's Progress ' imitated, 58

Shakespeare allusions in Burton, 366

Macaronics, legal, 6

Macaulay (Lord), his allusions to well-known

persons, 207, 278 ; and Kitty Cuthbertson,

429, 475 ; and Silius Italicus, 444 ; his ancestry,


McDowall (S. S.) on " Barnburner " : " Hunker,"


Thread-papers* 90 McElwaine (P. A.) on corpse bleeding, 398

Davies (Sir John) and Francis Bacon, 124 Ga taker, and Dublin University, 132 Gataker (Henry), 193 ' Hamlet ' in 1585, 474

Litany : spitting and stamping the feet, 396 Murderers reprieved for marriage, 172 ' Raigne of King Edward III.' : falconry, 468 ' Ralph Roister Doister,' 367 Shakespeare and the Earl of Rutland, 358 Shakespeare and the Prayer Book, 391 Victory : early ships of the name, 113 McGovern (J. B.) on Danteiana, 462 McGregor (L. Gove) on John Gove, c. 1650, 428 Machinery, Latin hexameters by, 168, 249 Machyn (Henry), his Diary, 1550-63, 269 Mackaye (Sandy), in ' Alton Locke,' characters

resembling, 209, 416 Mackie (Lieut.-Col. W.) on Queen's Regiment:

Sheffield plate dish, 70, 239 MacMichael (J. Holden) on " almighty dollar,"

American words and phrases, 197 Bishopsgate Street Without, 2, 142, 403 Church with wooden bell- turret, 95 City lands : ancient tenure, 269 Cobbett at Kensington, 313 Coronation bibliography, 345 Coroner of the Verge, 30 Danes'-blood, a flower, 16 Dogs on brasses and stone effigies, 310 Fairfax : Sayre : Maunsell, 176 Fishing in classical times, 350 Gale family, 297

MacMichael (J. Holden) on Grange Court, St.

Clement Danes, 118 Gratious or Gracines Street, 175, 398 Hard-shells, American nickname, 315 Hertford Street, 358 Ketch (Jack), 469

Knots hi handkerchiefs : Indian custom, 35 " Love me, love my dog," 114 " No great shakes," 173 " Old Mogul," Drury Lane, 153 Orgeat, a drink, 388 Oundle, 137 Owns : blithering, 213 Parish formation, 175 Prior (Matthew), his birthplace, 91 " Put a beggar on horseback," 334 Putney Bowling- Green, 369 Roeites of Calverton, 194 Rolle (Richard), ' Prick of Conscience,' 277 Scarborough Spa, 157 Seekers, religious sect, 255 Siligo : sprig : beckab : draget, 233 " Stick-in-the-Mud," 106 Sticklac, 166 Terrace, 251 " Terse " claret, 116 Thread-papers, 8

" Too many turnpikes to pay," 126 Unicorn on royal arms, 273 Watson family at Milnhorn and Blacklaw,


Yews in churchyards, 292

McMurray (W.) on Archdeacon Fifield Allen, 91 Arter (Andrew), his memorial at Hammer- smith, 10

Bishops' transcripts of London parish regis- ters, 303, 475 Canons, Middlesex : Essex as Christian

name, 338

Haddon (Walter), 128, 357 Indexes Locorum to printed parish registers,

186, 498

Jenner of Widhill, Wilts, 417 " O.K.," 458 Raikes centenary, 366 Signs of old London, 64, 426 Sweetapple surname : Benjamin Hodgkin,


Vestry held on Lady Day, 474 McPike (Eugene F.) on Day, Halley, and Pyke

families, 388

" O.K." : new explanation, 266 Peake and Pyke families of Southwark, 368 Turner and Peake families, 127 Macray (W. D.) on Francis family, 412 Madan (Major J. Russell), 1701-88, his marriage,


Magazines for boys in the fifties and sixties, 389 Magrath (J. R.) on authors of quotations wanted,


Cowper's ' Charity ' : " porcelain," 456 Queen's College, Oxford : Fellow in 1625,


Weight of 1588, 456 Wharton (Sir Miles), 372 Maiden name, mother's, used as surname, 107,

154, 218

Mail coach, date of the last, 186, 237, 278 Mail service, Anglo-American, its bicentenary, 5 Maiden (A. R.) on dogs on brasses and stone

effigies, 452 Graduation, early, 75 Great Snow in 1614, 14