Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/524

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

Law (Mrs.) on Thomas Barrow, artist, 169 Bennett (Richard), 228 Orde= Williams, 228 Romney family and Lord Lifford, 169 Romney (SirW.), 169 Rumney or Romney (G.), recusant, 169 Law French and legal macaronics, 6 Lawrence (Betty), on ' Belgravia,' a poem,

329, 439 Lawrence (Margaret) on ' A Voice from the

Bush,' 48

Lawrence (Sir T.), his sketch of Mrs. Linley, 348 Lawrence, Freeman, and Beauchamp families,

c. 1620, 169, 238, 415

Lawrence and Washington families, 1600, 245 Lawrence Street, St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, origin

of the name, 309, 398, 437 Laws (E.) on white lion of the house of March,


Lawton and Inman families, 368 Le Blon (Jas. C.), engraver c. 1718, 187 Lea (Thomas) and Charles Brandon, Duke of

Suffolk, 268 Leader of House of Commons, earliest use of title,

108, 176

Leake and Martin-Leake families, 56 Lear (King) and his family, 481 Lee (A. Collingwood) on murderers reprieved for

marriage, 195, 298 "Put a beggar en horseback," 334 Leeper (Dr. Alex.) on early graduation : William

\Votton, 334 " God made the country, and man made

the town," 126 Moscow, its burning, 464 " Probability is the very guide of life," 226 Lega-Weekes (Ethel) on boole-lead : bole :

bull, 326, 477 Corbie-steps : corbel-steps : corbalsailye,


Dedications, double, 209 Freeman : Beauchamp : Lawrence, 169 London gunsmiths and their work, 210 Parish in England : its origin, 381 Washington : Lawrence, 245 Legal macaronics or law French, 6 Leiningen (Count Charles), his memoirs published

in English, 289

Lely (Richard), his book of poems, 1723, 305 Leslie (Major J. H.) on Sir Charles Chalmers, 89 Christian names used by men and women,


  • Universities and the scientific Corps,' 308

Witham (Capt.) and the siege of Gibraltar,


Letters patent, trade-mark granted by, 126 Lewis (Alfred Sydney) on Lawrence Street, 309,


Mew or Mewes family, 196 Lex on Hertford Street, 209 Librarians, eminent, 13, 55, 291 Library, Bedford, works belonging to, in 1817,

446 Lieven (Madame) and Francois Chateaubriand,


Lifford (Lord) and Romney family, c. 1700, 169 Lillington, Dorset, epitaphs at, 485 Lincolnshire, battle in, c. 1643, not 1655,- 135 ;

battle at Riby, 1645, 487

Linley (Mrs.), Sir T. Lawrence's sketch of, 318 Linn (J.), on physician's cane, 168 Litany : spitting and stamping the feet, 148, 217, 294, 396

Littledale (Willoughby A.) on Queen Victoria's maternal great-grandmother, 438

Lock (Rev. Campbell) on Ferguson of Inverurie,.

489 Glass manufactured at Belfast, 472

Lockhart (J. G.) on Dante, 248

Lockwood (William Joseph), Westminster scholar 1773, 29, 97, 254

Lofflthe (Geffery le Bakester de), c. 1296, his biography, 207, 372

Logan (John), his ' Ode to the Cuckoo,' 104

Lomonossov (Michael Vasilievitch), 1711-65,. Russian pioneer, 141

London, gunsmiths, particulars about their work, 49, 210, 318 ; taverns, 1530-1704, 64,. 426 ; proprietary chapels in, 14'9, 193, 258, 466 London Bridge, old, and death of Sir- Thomas Rempston, c. 1421, 243 ; parish registers, c. 1664, Bishop's transcripts of, 303 r 475 ; remains, flagstones, 346, 397 ; antiquities,, museums of, 401, 483

Long home grave, used in Anglo-Saxon times, 265

Longevity : Rev. H. M. Sherwood, 186

Longfellow (H. W.) on anecdote about Dufresmv 26

Loomis (J. T.) on eminent librarians : J. G.- Cogswell, 55 " When she was good," 438

Loraine (Miss Isabella) and Prince Bismarck,, 1836, 47

Louis XVI., his confession on the eve of decapita- tion, 185, 355 ; his arrest at Varennes, 203

" Love me, love my dog," 51, 113, 173

Lowe family, 1670-80, 106

Lowell (J. Russell), " fondness for " or " of,' r 226

Lowthers v. Howards, superstition upset, 18

Lucas (Perceval) on Milton Bibles, 71

Luc is on Emperor and painter, 209

Lukesmas, obsolete Scottish term-day, 9

Lunatics, their treatment temp. Elizabeth, 326

Luscombe (Bishop Michael H. T.), portrait of,. 37

Lush, explanation of the surname, 490

Lushington, explanation of the surname, 490

Lushington (Henry), and the Black Hole of Cal- cutta, 265

Lynn (W. T.) on Cowper's " God moves in a mys- terious way," 58 Rhubarb, its derivation, 328 Shakespeare and the Earl of Rutland, 307 Veneti : Venetians, 186 Woolsthorpe, its derivation, 368


M. on Dr. Alexander Carlyle, 244

Christian names used by men and women, 456- Jeffreys (Judge) and the Temple Church

organ, 476

Sefton, a carriage, 498

M.A.Oxon. on " Gag," " Guillotine," and "Kan- garoo " as Parliamentary terms, 468 " Vexation gives understanding," 269 M. (A. T.) on gentleman : armiger : privilegiatus,

232 M. (D.) on alien priories, 255

Crevequer of Bereford, 212 . Owns : blithering, 214

M. (F. O.) on murderers reprieved for marriage, 129" M. (H.) on absinthe-drinking, 149