Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/458

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NOTES AND QUERIES. tn s. iv. DEC. 2, 1911.

Munk's ' Roll of the Royal College of Phy- sicians, 1518 to 1825,' contains the principal. For Guy's see Wilk's ' Biographical Hist, of Guy's Hospital.'

Basket Makers. A short Account of....B.M. By the Clerk. (1907.) A pamphlet of 4 pp.

Blacksmiths. See Ironmongers.

Bowyers. Grant of Arms to the Company of B., 1488. Regrant by Charles II., 1666, of Charter by James I., 1621. Extract from Will of Mr James Wood, &c. (1901.) No index.

Butchers. A Sketch of the Early History of the Worshipf ul Company of B. By J. Daw. (1890.) No index.

Carpenters. Historical Account of the Worshipful Company of C. By E. B. Jupp. (1848.) Table of Contents, Index, and Notes, principally of Matters.

Second edition, with Supplement by W. W. Pocock. (1887.) Fuller lists, but Index faulty.

Clockmakers. The Names of the Master, Warden, Assistants, and the rest of the Livery of the Worshipful Company of C. Audit Day, October 21, 1802. Names not alphabetical.

Then lists for 1852, 1853, 1855, 1860 (enlarged a little), 1874, with a few intervals to 1896.

Some Account of the Worshipful Company of C. By S. E. Atkins and W. H. Overall. (1881.) Contents. There is an Index, in which the biographical notices are marked in different figures.

Clothworkers. The Charter of the Company of C. (1648.)

Chitwin's Collections of ye Company of ye Clothworkers Priuilidges. (1649.)

Selections from the Rules and Orders of the Court of the C. Company. By W. B. Towse. (1840.) Index of Matters.

Coopers. Historical Memoranda, Charters, Docu- ments, and other Extracts, 1396-1848. By J. F. Firth. (1848.) Table of Contents, modern list of Masters and Wardens, but no index.

Cordwainers. Brief History of the Company. Prefixed to ' The Boots and Shoes of our An- cestors,' a catalogue of exhibits in 1895. No index.

Couriers. A Short History of C. By E. H. Burkitt. (1906.) Chronological list of Masters from 1682.

Cutlers. I have reason to believe that a history of this Company is " on the stocks," and con- tains a fine list of apprentices.

Dyers.- Some Account of the History and An- tiquity of the Worshipful Company of D. By

E. C. Robins. (1881.) Transactions of London and Midd. Arch. Soc., V. 441-72. There are only a few names, and not all these are in the Index to the volume.

Fishmongers. Short Account of Portraits, &c., in the possession of the Company. By J. Wrench Towse. (1907.) Index.

Founders. Annals of the Worshipful Companv of

F. By W. M. Williams. (1867.) Table of Contents, modern list of Liverymen and Free- men, Index chiefly of Matters.

See also ' Notes from an Old City Account- Book,' by J. C. L. Stahlschmidt (1886), Archceo- logical Journal, XLIII. 162-76.

1 Girdlers. An Historical Account of the Worship- ful Company of G. By W. D. Smythe. (1905.) Index.

Glass-Sellers. The Worshipful Company of G.-S.

of London. (1898.)

Gold-Wyre Drawers. History of the Worshipf ul Company of Gold and Silver Wyre-Drawers, and of the Origin and Development of the Industry, &c. By Horace Stewart. (1891.) Index.

Goldsmiths. Memorials of the Goldsmiths' Com- pany, 1335-1815. 2 vols. (1896-7.) Each volume indexed.

Grocers. A Short Account of the Company of G. from their original, &c. By Wm. Ravenhill. (1689.) A pamphlet with some useful lists of names.

Some Account of the Worshipful Company of G. By J. B. Heath. (1st ed., 1829 ; 2nd, 1854 ; 3rd, 1869.) The last is here described. Table of Contents, Appendix, and General Index.

Facsimile of First Volume of MS. Archives of the Worshipful Company of G. A.D. 1345-1463. With Extracts from the Records of the City of London and Archives of St. Paul's Cathedral. By J. A. Kingdon. Part I. (1886.)

Early Records of the Company of G. from 1428 to 1462. Part II.

Supplementary Extracts, &c. Part III. Beautiful volumes, but no index. Homers. History of the Worshipful Company o-

H. By C. H. Compton. (1902.) No index. Ironmongers. A Brief History of the Worshipful Company of I., A.D. 1351-1889. With an Appendix containing some Account of the Blacksmiths' Company. By T. C. Noble. (1889.) Table of Contents, but no Index. The B.M. copy has newspaper cuttings inserted. The Appendix contains some drawings by George Cruikshank of St. Dunstan and the Devil.

Some Account of the Worshipful Company of I. By J. Nicholl. (1851.) Index of Arms, of Names of Persons, and General Index.

Second edition. (1866.) Same arrangement, but extended and improved.

Leathersellers. History .... of Worshipful Com- pany of L. By W. H. Black. (1871.) Table of Contents, plenty of names. A fine volume with beautiful facsimiles, plates, &c., yet, though the compiler had been Assistant Keeper of the Public Records, there is no index. Masons. Records of the Hole Crafte and Fellow- ship of M., with a Chronicle of the History of the Worshipful Company of M. By E. Conder. (1894.) Good Table of Contents, but the Index is faulty, as a few only of the many names in the text are included.

Mercers. Remarks on the Mercers and other Trading Companies of London, followed by some Account of the Records of the Mercers' Com- pany. By J. G. Nichols. The Plate of the Company. By G. R. French. (1871.) Trans. London and Midd. Arch. Soc., iv. 131-50. A few names, some of which are in the Index, to the volume.

Musicians. The Worshipful Company of M. First ed. (1902.) Second. (1905.) Table of Contents, Lists, &c. No index. Needlemakers. The Worshipful Company of N. By J. E. Price. (1876.) Mostly modern, and no index.