Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/459

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Painter-Stainers. Catalogue of the Pictures. Prints, Drawings, &c., in the possession of the Worshipful Company of P.-S. (1908.) Has some useful biographical notes, but no index. Parish Clerks. Collectanea Ecclesiastica : being a Collection of very curious Treatises .... relating to the Rights of the Clergy .... a large Appendix containing original Papers,

Records, &c Concluding with an Essay on

the Office and Duties of Parish Clerks. By S. Brewster. (1752.) Table of Contents, but no index.

x i Some Account of Parish Clerks, more espe-

j cially of the Ancient Fraternity (Bretherne and

Sisterne) of S. Nicholas, now known as the

Worshipful Company of P.C. By J. Christie.

(1893.) Table of Contents and Index, but the

' latter is very defective with regard to names.

Patternmakers. The Worshipful Company of

P. A List of the Masters, Wardens, &c., with

a ' Short Account of the Patten ' and ' Two

Years in the Chair' by G. Lambert. (1890.)

Small pamphlet, quite modern, and no index.

Paviors. History of the Worshipful Company

of P with brief notices of London Streets,

their Roadways and Pavements. By C. Welch. (1909.) Index, but faulty both for places and names.

Pewterers. History of the Worshipful Company of P., based upon their own Records. 2 vols. (1902.) General Index.

Poulters. The Charter of the Worshipful Com- pany of P., London : its Orders, Ordinances, and Constitution .... With a List of the Estates and Charities belonging to and under the direc- tion of the Court of Assistants. (1903.) The concluding portion contains a few names. Saddlers. Descriptive and Historical Account

of the Guild of Saddlers By J. W. Sherwell.

(1889.) Table of Contents and Index, the latter faulty for names.

Shipwrights. Short Account of the Worshipful Company of S. By R. R. Sharpe. (1876.) Small pamphlet with a few names ; no index. -Skinners. Some Account of the Worshipful Company of S ... .being the Guild or Fraternity of Corpus Christi. By J. F. Wadmore. (1902.) Table of Contents and Index, but the latter faulty as regards names.

Stationers. Orders, Rules, and Ordinances or- dained, devised, and made by the Master, and Keepers or Wardens, and Commonalty of the Mystery and Art of S. (1682.) Small pamphlet. An Ordinance ordained, devised, and made by the Master, and Keepers or Wardens, &c. of the S. (1678.) Fuller than the pre- vious one.

Records of the Worshipful Company of S. By C. R. Rivington. (1883.) Trans. London and Midd. Arch. Soc., vi. 280-340. Many names, but Index to volume faulty for these.

Short Account of the Worshipful Company of S., 1403-1903. By C. R. Rivington. (1903.) Chronological lists of Masters and Clerks, but no index, though containing many valuable names (see p. 41).

Tallow Chandlers. Records of the Worshipful Company of T. C. By M. F. Monier- Williams. (1898.) There is a 'Prefatory Note' to the effect that the materials have been collected and arranged by Mr. Story Maskelyne, of the

P.R.O., and Mr. H. F. Wilson, barrister-at- law ; but though the book is a mass of names, there is no index.

Tin Plate Workers. A Chronological History of the Worshipful Company of T.P.W., alias Wire Workers, of the City of London, from the date of its Incorporation to the Present Time. By E. A. Ebblewhite. (1896.) Good Table of Contents, the last item being ' Index to all names of persons and places, subjects, trade terms, &c.'

Vintners. Some Account of the Ward of Vintry and the Vintners' Company. By W. H, Overall. Trans. London and Midd. Arch, Soc., iii. 404-31. The Muniments of the V.C. By J. G. Nichols. Ibid., 432-47. Biographical Notices of some Eminent Members of the V.C. By T. Milbourn. Ibid., pp. 448- 471. Description of the Plate and Tapestry of the V.C. By G. R. French. Ibid., pp. 472-91. (1870.)

These were all republished with revision by T. Milbourn. (1888.) Has Index.

Watermen. History of .... the Company of W. and Lightermen of the River Thames, with Numerous Historical Notes, 1514-1859. By H. Humpherus. In 3 vols. In the B.M, Catalogue it is marked " In progress," and each volume is marked as received under copyright on 6 July, 1887. It reaches only to 1849, so another volume was intended. There is no index in the ordinary sense, but a- valuable classified chronological one.

Wheelwrights. Short Account of the Wheel- Wrights' Company. By J. B. Scott. (1884.) Chronological lists of names, but no index. A. RHODES. (To be continued.)

CEYLON OFFICIALS : CAPT. T. A. ANDER- SON (11 S. iv. 268, 313, 355). I have to thank MB. M. L. FERRAR and W. S. for details concerning this officer's service. With reference to MR. FERRAR' s remarks : Capt. Anderson served in the wars of 1803 and 1815, but not in the rebellion of 1818, as he left Ceylon on 7 Nov., 1816, by the ship Alexander with his family. He writes the Introduction to the ' Wanderer ' from

' Chelsea, 1 June, 1817." He was in Eng-

_and 1807-8. He seems to have become unpopular in the regiment, for on 3 April, 1811, he was tried by court-martial for sub- mitting to be told by his commanding officer, Col. the Hon. Patrick Stuart, that he had told a lie, and secondly for the singular offence of " not having fulfilled his written Dromise to leave the regiment within a year )f his leaving for England on 24th Septem- ber, 1807." He was acquitted on the first charge, but convicted on the second, and publicly reprimanded in April, 1812. He vas not, however, required to leave the regiment possibly the court had no power

o enforce the " specific performance " of

lis promise. He was evidently not in