Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/558

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.

" Master of Garra way's," Thomas Benson,

d. 1824, 90 Mather (William), his ' Young Man's Companion,'


  • Mayfair in Four Cantos,' 1827, 509

Mead (Dr. William), centenarian, d. 1652,310,379 Meadows (William), d. 1811, his parentage, 469 Medal, commemorating the marriage of Princess

Louise, 189; with Hebrew inscription, 447, 510 Medals of Lackington the bookseller, 470 Medical profession, and Corporation of London,

425, 496 ' Memoirs of H.R.H. Charlotte Augusta ' and

Elizabeth Newman, 368 Memorials in the British Isles, 181, 361 Merchants of the Staple of Calais, Guild of, 1661,


Meridian of London, its whereabouts, 228 Merivale (Dean), illustration of perseverance, 10 " Meteor Flag " = Union Jack, 108 Metre,- three-foot anapaestic, popular in 18th

century, 87, 136

Metrical and rhythmical prose, 426 Michaelmas Day and geese, their connexion, 450 Michelet (J.) on " Ignoble tobagie," 248 Middle Temple and Sir Francis Drake, 347, 414,

490 Middleton (Sir Thomas), his wife and lineage, 169,


Midhurst, arms of the borough, 367 Midhurst Grammar School, names, dates, &c., 308 Mikszath (Coloman), Hungarian writer, his works

in English, 310, 394 Milan, British Royal arms in, 290 Milburn, White, and Warren families, 508 Miles & Evans's Club, St. James's Street, 1785,

269, 312

' Milieux d'Art,' printed 1906, the author, 527 Military executions, modus operandi, 8, 57, 98

157, 193, 237, 295, 354, 413, 458 Milky Way, its various names, 135 Millinery in 1911, 86 Milton (John), his identity, and the Company of

Coopers, 17 Milton (John), ' Comus ' at Co vent Garden

Theatre, 348, 411 Milton-next- Gravesend, Manor of, ownership of.

1392-1405, 367, 436, 496 Milward, Ford, and Oliver families, 189 Mistletoe, superstitious associations, 502 Mitres worn at Coronations, 27, 72 Money, " pounds of silver " and " gold," 490 ' Monsieur Thomas,' play, meaning of a line in

345 Montaignac (Francois de Gain de), Bishop of

Tarbes, d. 1812, 386 Monument to a dog at Quilon, 49 Moore in place-names, origin of the word 37 215 Moory-ground, origin of the term, 37 215 Morals, W. E. H. Lecky's theory of, 147 Moray (Earl of), his " bonny "* appearance, 68,

More in place-names, origin of the word, 37 215 Morland (George), inn sign painted by, 447 498 Morris (Capt. C.), his ' Solid Men of Boston ' 342 Moms (Hannah )= William Woollett, 1758*, 346,

Morris (W.) and Kelmscott Press type 345 435 Moscow, cause of the fire of, 74, 116, 152 Mother and son, original of the story, 9 77 Mother and Three Camps,' military music with

three names, 227, 337 Motto and arms of Robinson family, 28

Mottoes :

Audaces fortuna juvat, 298

Crux nostra corona, 213

Faithful and brave, 276

La Cabra ha Tornado la Granada, 290, 338, 353, 437

Longo ordine gentes, 406, 512

Madr er moldur auki, 28

Nee aspera terrent, 199

Prudens que patiens, 201

Qui mihi non credit, 367

Sub tegmine fagi, 150

Tarn arte quam marte, 77 Mourek (Prof. V. E.) of Prague, d. 1911, 385 " Mouse of the mountains," from apothecaries'

catalogue, 1656, 189, 239 Moyle family, book-plate of, 210 Mug, Coronation, picture of cock-fighting on, 366 Mug, Masonic, the date of, 168, 210 Mummy used as paint by artists, 7, 56, 138 Municipal records printed, list of, 131, 390, 451 Museums of London antiquities, 34 Music : R. Fergusson on ' Scots Music,' 35 Music and rhythm in prose, 426 Musician, epitaph on a, 524 " Musle," " Life in a musle," meaning of the word,

307, 351, 373, 414, 476 Mytton and Hardwicke MSS., pedigrees, 327, 417

" N," curly " n " of old charters, 490

Napier (John), 1550-1617, inventor of logarithms,


Napier (Sir Joseph), 1804-92, his epitaph, 366 Napoleon III. and Miss Howard, 347, 430, 473, 535 Naval epitaphs in St. Nicholas's, Deptford, 464 Necromancy, meaning of the pin in, 368 Needles in China, quaint use for, 506 Nelson (Daniel), c. 1775, tailor and poet, 206, 495 Nelson (Lord) and the phrase " Life in a musle,"

307, 351, 373, 414, 476

' New English Dictionary,' additions and correc- tions, 346, 368, 409, 475, 498, 525, 526 Newcome (Col.), his death, literary parallel, 225 Newman (Elizabeth) and ' Memoirs of H.R.H.

Charlotte Augusta,' 368

Newman (F. W T .), ' Paul of Tarsus,' 3rd edition, 167 Newspaper " editions," meaning of the term, 388 Newspapers, " silly season " alluded to, 1725, 366 Newspapers, South Carolina, 1732-74, 168 Newton (Isaac) and his namesake, c. 1604, 108 Niandser (John), c. 1414, his biography, 169, 213,


Nib ^separate pen-point, 54, 117, 158 ' Nibelungenlied,' localities mentioned in, 309, 395 Nicholls (Frank), M.D., 1699-1778, 421 Nicolay family, 407 " Ninny-broth " in ' Hudibras Redivivus,' its

meaning, 229

Nisbet (E.), his ' Caesar's Dialogue,' 1601, 287 Noel, cook to Frederick the Great, 269, 438 ' Noon Gazette and Daily Spy,' daily summary,

c. 1781, 388, 459 Norman Court, Hampshire, nameless pictures at,


Norris, origin of the surname, 349, 417 Notes and Queries,' Edward FitzGerald a con- tributor, 469

' Notwithstanding," " during," a point of gram- mar, 229

Numerals, Roman, dates in, 250, 315, 377, 437 Nut, " the Holy Nut," meaning of the term, 69, 156, 298