Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/559

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.



O.K., explanations of the term, 17 Obituary :

Cokayne (George Edward), 200

Easton (W. M. Graham), 520

Loftie (Rev. W. J.), 20

Lynn (W. T.), 520

Ward (Henry Snowden), 500 Officers' mess and Army bandmasters, 247, 296,

364 Officials and writers, &c., of Ceylon, 268, 313, 355,

453 Ogilvie (Rev. Dr.), 1803, brother of the poet, 227,


Oliver (Henry), centenarian of Dublin, 446 Oliver (Thomas), Bond Street, 1785, 290, 376 Oliver, Ford, and Milward families, 189 Ollney (Lieut.-Col.), d. 1837, 48, 256 Omar Khayyam, bibliography, 328, 358, 497 O'Meara (Barry), Bonaparte's surgeon at St.

Helena, 167, 216

Orange emblems, glassware with, 390 Ordination and Oxford degrees, 528 Oregon, American Indian place-name, 86 Orgeat =syrup or cooling drink, 12 Orkney, Jo. Ben.'s ' Descriptio ' of, c. 1582, 89 Otter killed at City station, 446 " Our incomparable Liturgy," origin of the phrase,


Overing surname, 89, 178, 216, 277, 499 Owen (John), Bart., c. 1813, his pedigree, 310, 395 Owen (John) of Hemel Hempstead, schoolmaster,

1720, 9, 318

Oxen, list of names of, 466 Oxford degrees and ordination, 528 Oyster Club, Dr. Wolcot connected with, 329

Paint, mummy used as, by artists, 7, 56, 138 Palace of Norman kings, Fordwich, Kent, 4 Palaeologus family in England, 364 " Pale beer," use of the term, 1751, 26, 78 Paris barriers, date of their removal, 230, 293, 338 ' Paris Illustre,' English edition, 1888-9, 148 " Parkin " for the 5th of November, origin of, 430 Parliament, payment of members, instances, 187 Parliamentary slang : gag, guillotine, and kan- garoo, 35

Parodies : Gray's ' Elegy,' 90, 135 Parr (Robert), centenarian, d. 1757, tombstone

inscription, 309, 378

Parry, Stuart, Freeman, Pyke families, 164 Patience as a man's name, 65 " Pe. .tt," from document, 1563, missing letters,

469, 513

Pearce (Dr. Zachary) =Mary Adams, c. 1721, 247 Peare family, 270 Pears: "Bon Chretien" and " Doyenn6 du

Cornice," 309, 372 Pears, baked = " wardens," sold at Bedford Fair,

309, 371. 438

Peasant drinking song, French, 109 Pedestals of statues, their height at Rome, 389 Peers and public-house signs, 228, 271, 331, 456,


Penge, origin of the place-name, 330, 437, 497 Peploe family grant of arms in 1753, 508 Pepys (Samuel), robbed of trunk, its contents, 326 Per centum, derivation of the symbol, 168, 238,

272 Percy (Bishop Thomas), d. 1811, his grave and

inscription, 308

Perforation of postage stamps, 197, 298 Peter the Great, his portraits, 17

Philanthropic Society, c. 1813, origin of, 188,


Phillipps family, 527 r g ' Pickering Castle and Etherington family, 290 Picture of Pontefract Castle, c. 1600, 403, 496 Pictures: Houghton Hall collection, their sale,

1779, 385

Pictures, curious, of Dr. Butler, 1618, 489 Piggott (Ralph), Catholic judge, 1576, 38 Pigtails last worn in British Army, 17 " Pile " side of scissors, meaning of the word, 269,


Pin in necromancy, meaning of, 368 Pindar (Peter), Dr. Wolcot, early life, 329, 410 Pirates on stealing, origin of the allusion, 248, 419- Pirton, Herts, apparition at, 33, 134, 198 Pitt family of Cosey Hall, Gloucestershire, 330 Pitti Gallery, portraits in, 195 Pitt's Buildings, houses known as, 1793, 50, 92

Place-Names :

America, in Scotland, 469

Burgh-on-Sands, 409, 457

Burway, 169, 478

Corrie Bhreachan or Bhreachans Cauldron, 10, 58, 97, 137

Dumbleton, 89, 136, 179

Elsham, 269, 314, 455, 535

Fserpinga, 43, 133, 196, 238

Garugh, 369

Gifla, 43, 133, 196, 238

Grantham, 269, 314, 455, 535

Haywra, 35, 96

Hoboken, 86

Indian Queens, 128

Isleworth, 43, 133, 196

Islington, 43, 133, 196

Kilbo in, 290

Knockabrow, 369

Knockanegonly, 369

Marlowes, 370, 437

Moor, More, Moory-ground, 37, 215

Oregon, 86

Penge, 330, 437, 497

Port Henderson, 10, 58, 97, 137

Rhoscrowther, Llandegeman, Rhos-y-cryther r 329, 393

Tattershall, 269, 314, 455, 535

Thackray, Thackwray, 283, 333, 418

Wray in, 283, 333, 418 Plants supposed to cause disease, 530 Plasse, Weekes, and Glubb families, 186 Plays, Elizabethan, in MS., 205, 275 Plume (Archdeacon) and the ' Dictionary ol

National Biography,' 86 Plump in voting, use of the term, 126 Plumpton, Sussex, history of prisoner at, 389 Poet and tailor, recruit's legal description, 206, 495 ' Point of War,' military music with three names,

227, 337 " Polilla " =moth, etymology of the Spanish word,

490 Pons (Comte de), 1747-93, his Christian name,


Pontefract Castle, picture of, c. 1600, 403, 496 Pope, his position at Holy Communion, 105, 179,

Pope (Alexander), quoted in court of justice, 48 and the Rev. Mather Byles, 166 ; his description of Swift, 270, 314, 419 Porch inscription in Latin, 330, 457, 516 Port Henderson, Scotch place-name, 10, 58, 97, 137 Portrait found in an Indian bazaar, 505