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NOTES AND -QUERIES. tn s. vi. JULY 6, 1912.

A Kick for a Bite. By Peter Porcupine. Phila- delphia. 1795.

The compiler has not seen a copy of this pamphlet.

Le Tuteur Anglais, ou Grammaire Reguliere de la Langue Anglaise en deux parties. Premiere Partie, contenant une analyse des parties de I'oraison. Seconde Partie, contenant la syn- taxe complette de la langue Anglaise, avec des themes, analogues aux differens sujets qu'onya traites. Par William Cobbett. | APhiladelphie : Chez Thomas Bradford, Libraire. Premiere Rue Sud, No. 8. 1795. 8vo, pp. vi-340.


A New- Year's Gift to the Democrats ; or, Obser- vations on a Pamphlet entitled " A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation." By Peter Porcupine. .. .Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Bradford, Printer, Book-Seller and Stationer, No. 8, South Front-Street. 1796.

8vo, pp. 71. The Scare-Crow. Philadelphia. 1796.

The compiler has not seen a copy of this pamphlet.

A Prospect from the Congress-Gallery, during the Session, begun December 7, 1795. Containing, The President's Speech, the addresses of both Houses, some of the debates in the Senate, and all the principal debates in the House of Repre- sentatives ; each deba.te being brought under one head, and so digested and simplified as to give the reader the completest view of the pro- ceedings with the least possible fatigue. With Occasional Remarks, by Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Bradford, Printer, Book-Seller and Stationer, No. 8, South Front-Street. 1796.

8vo, pp. iv-68.

The Democratiad, A Poem, In Retaliation, for the " Philadelphia Jockey Club." Lo ! the dire Hedge-Hog from another sty At titled Folly lets his arrow fly. By a Gentleman of Connecti- cut. Philadelphia: Published by Thomas Brad- ford, Printer, Book-Seller and Stationer, No. 8, South Front-Street. 1796.

8vo, pp. 22.

The Guillotina, or A Democratic Dirge, A Poem. By the Author of the ' Democratiad.' . . . .Phila- delphia : Sold at The Political Book-Store, South Front-Street, No. 8. [1796 ?]

8vo, pp. 10.

Bradford's Fourth Edition. Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on the several Addresses delivered to Him, on his Arrival at New- York, with Additions ; con- taining many curious and interesting facts on the subject, not known here, when the first edition was published : together with a com- prehensive story, of a Farmer's Bull. By Peter Porcupine. " Du mensonge toujours le vrai demeure maitre: "Pour paraitre honnete homme, en un mot, il faut I'etre ; "Et jamais, quoi qu'il fasse, un mortel ici bas, " Ne peut aux yeux du monde etre ce qu'il n'est pas." Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Bradford, Printer, Book-Seller and Stationer, No. 8, South Front-Street. 1796. 8vo, pp. 88.

The Bloody Buoy, thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America, or, A Faithful Relation of a Multitude of Horrid Barbarity. Such as the Eye never witnessed, the Tongue- never expressed, or the Imagination conceived, Until the Commencement of the French Revo- lution. To which is added, an Instructive Essay, tracing these dreadful effects to their real causes. Illustrated with four striking Copper-plates. " You will plunge your Country into an Abyss of eternal Detestation and Infamy, and the Annals of your boasted Revolution will serve as a Bloody Buoy, warn- ing to the Nations of the Earth to keep Aloof from the mighty Ruin." Abb Maury's Speech to the National Assembly. Philadelphia r Printed for Benjamin Davies, No. 68, High- Street. MDCCXCVI. 12mo, pp. 241.

A New Drawing Book from the Best Masters.

The compiler has not seen a copy of this book,, but it is mentioned as " just published "at the end of The Political Censor for September,. 1796.

The Political Censor, or Monthly Review of the Most Interesting Political Occurrences, relative to the United States of America. By Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia : printed for Ben- jamin Davies, No. 68, High Street. MDCCXCVI.. 8vo, pp. 70. This, the first number, was evidently designed as a continuation of 'A Prospect from the Congress Gallery.'

The Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine, with a full and fair account of all his Authoring. Transactions ; Being a sure and infallible Guide for all enterprising young Men who wish to make a fortune by writing Pamphlets. By Peter Porcupine himself. " Now you lying Varlets, you shall see how a plain tale will .put you down." Shakespeare. Philadelphia r Printed for, and sold by, William Cobbett, at No. 25, North Second-Street, opposite Christ Church. M.pcc.xcvi. 8vo, pp. viii 58.

The Political Censor, or Review of the most interesting Political Occurrences, relative to the United States of America. By Peter Porcu- pine. Philadelphia : Printed for, and sold by,. William Cobbett, North Second-Street, opposite Christ Church. M.DCC.XCVI.

8vo. The September number contains 79' pages.

Porcupine's Political Censor for November, 1796 8vo, pp. 78.

The Gros Mousqueton Diplomatique ; or Diplo- matic Blunderbuss. Containing Citizen Adet's- Notes to the Secretary of State. As also his Cockade Proclamation. With a Preface. By Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia : Printed for,, and sold by, William Cobbett, opposite Christ Church. Nov. 1796. 8vo, pp. 72.

A Topographical and Political Description of the Spanish Part of Saint-Domingo . . . .By M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Mery, Member of the Philo- sophical Society of Philadelphia, &c., Trans- lated from the French by William Cobbett. Vol. I. [Vol. II.]. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by the Author, Printer and Bookseller,. No. 84, South Front-Street. 1796.

8vo, vol. i. pp. 8-8-liv-314; vol. iL pp. 319.