Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/11

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ii s. vi. JULY 6, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

A Letter from the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a Noble Lord, on the Attacks made upon him and his Pension in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford, and the Earl of Lauder- dale, early in the present Sessions of Parliament. The first American Edition, with a Preface, by Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia : Printed for B. Davies, H. & P. Bice, and J. Obmrod.[?] [1796 ?]

8vo, pp. iv 58.


A Letter to the Infamous Tom Paine, in Answer to his Letter to General Washington. By Peter Porcupine, Author of The Bone to Gnaw for Democrats, &c. Philadelphia printed : London reprinted, for David Ogilvy and Son, No. 315, Holborn. 1797. Price One Shilling.

8vo, pp. 23.

Observations on the Debates of the American Congress, on the Addresses presented to General Washington, on his Resignation : With Re- marks on the Timidity of the Language held towards France ; The Seizures of American Vessels by Great Britain and France ; and on the Relative Situations of those Countries with America. By Peter Porcupine, Author of the Bone to Gnaw for Democrats, letter to Tom Paine, &c., &c. To which is prefixed, General Washington's Address to Congress ; and the Answers of the Senate and House of Represen- tatives. Philadelphia printed : London re- printed, for David Ogilvy and Son, No. 315, Holborn. 1797. Price One Shilling.

8vo, pp. 38.

The Life of Thomas Paine, Interspersed with Remarks and Reflections, by Peter Porcupine, Author of the Bloody Buoy, etc., etc. " A Life that 's one continued scene " Of all that 's infamous and mean." Churchill. Phila- delphia, Printed: London, Reprinted for J. Wright, opposite Old Bond Street, Piccadilly. 1797.

12mo, pp. 60.

The Republican Judge. Philadelphia. 1797.

The compiler has not been able to see a copy of this pamphlet.

The Bloody Buoy, thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of all Nations, or, A Faithful Relation of a multitude of acts of horrid bar- barity, such as the Eye never witnessed, the Tongue never expressed, or the Imagination conceived, Until the Commencement of the French Revolution. To which is added an Instructive Essay, tracing these dreadful effects to their real causes. By Peter Porcupine. Third edition with additional facts, and a Preface addressed to the people of Great Britain. " You will plunge your Country into an Abyss of eternal Detestation and Infamy, and the Annals of your boasted Revolution will serve as a Bloody Buoy, warning the Nations of the Earth to keep Aloof from the mighty ruin." Abbe Maury's Speech to the National Assembly. Philadelphia printed : London re- printed, and sold by J. Wright, No. 109, oppo- site Old Bond-Street, Piccadilly. 1797. Pp. xvi-259.

Porcupine's Political Censor for January, 1797 8vo, pp. 57.

Porcupine's Gazette.

This newspaper was founded by Williami Cobbett in Philadelphia, and^the first number published on 4 March, 1797. 1798.

Democratic Principles Illustrated by Example,. By Peter Porcupine. Part the First. London:. Printed for J. AVright, opposite Old Bond Street,. Piccadilly ; and sold by Mundell and Son,. Edinburgh ; and I. Mundell, Glasgow. 1798. 12mo, pp. 23.

Democratic Principles Illustrated. Part the- Second. Containing an Instructive Essay,, tracing all the Horrors of the French Revolution to their Real Causes : the Licentious Politics,, and Infidel Philosophy of the Present Age. By Peter Porcupine. London : Printed for J. Wright, opposite Old Bond Street, Piccadilly.. 1798.

12mo, pp. 52.

Detection of a Conspiracy Formed by the United' Irishmen. Philadelphia. 1798.

The compiler has not seen a copy of this- pamphlet.

The Cannibal's Progress ; or The Dreadful Hor-- rors of French Invasion, As displayed by the Republican Officers and Soldiers, in "their perfidy/ rapacity, ferociousness and bru-- tality, exercised towards the innocent inhabi- tants of Germany. Translated from the German, by Anthony Aufrer, Esq London : Pub- lished by Wright, Cadell and others ; and republished at Philadelphia by William


8vo, pp. iv-47. With an " Introductory Address to the People of America," bvr Cobbett.

The History of Jacobinism, Its Crimes, Cruelties- and Perfidies, from the Commencement of the French Revolution, to the Death of Robespierre

Vol. I. [Vol. II.]. By William Playfair

. . . .London : printed for J. Wright, No. 109^ Piccadilly. 1798.

In an announcement appended to ' The Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine ' (Phila- delphia, 1796) it is stated that the Appendix (vol. ii. pp. 731-814) to ' The History of Jacobinism ' was prepared by " Peter Porcu- pine." Porcupine's Gazette. . . .Philadelphia.


Remarks on the Explanation, lately published 1 by Dr. Priestley, respecting the Intercepted Letters of his Friend and Disciple, John H. Stone. To which is added, A Certificate of Civism for Joseph Priestley, Jun. By Peter Porcupine. London : printed for J. Wright,, opposite Old Bond Street, Piccadilly. 1799.

8vo, pp. 52.

The Trial of Republicanism. Philadelphia. 1799.. The compiler has not seen a copy of this : - pamphlet.

By William Cobbett, of the City of Philadelphia. Proposals for publishing by Subscription, a new. entire, and neat edition of Porcupine's Works.

8vp, pp. 8. Porcupine's Gazette. . . .Philadelphia.

The last number appeared in December, 1799*.

(To be continued.)