Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/228

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<3obbett's Two-Penny Trash, or, Politics for th Poor. Vol. I. Prom July, 1830, to June, 1831 inclusive. Printed by the Author, and sold a No. 11, Bolt-Court, Fleet Street, and may b had of all Booksellers.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. LXXI. Fron January to March, 1831. Both months inclu sive. [Vol. LXXII. From April 2 to June 25 1831.] [Vol. LXXIII. From July 2 t September 24., 1831.] [Vol. LXXIV. Fron October 1 to December 24, 1831.] London Printed and Published by the Author, at No. 1] Bolt-Court, Fleet Street. 1831.

8vo, vol. Ixxi. pp. ii-832 columns ; vo

Ixxii. pp. ii-793 columns ; vol. Ixxiii. pp. ii 83.

.columns ; vol. Ixxiv. pp ii 832 columns.


Cobbett's Tour in Scotland ; and in the fou northern counties of England : in the autumr of the year 1832. By William Cobbett, M.P for Oldham. London : Published at 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street ; and may be had of al Booksellers. 1832. 12mo, pp. ix-264.

.Cobbett's Manchester Lectures, in support o his Fourteen Reform Propositions .- which lectures were delivered in the Minor Theatre in that Town, on the six last days of the year 3831. To which is subjoined A Letter to Mr. O'Connell, on his Speech, made in Dublin on the 4th of January, 1832, against the Proposition made for the establishment of the Poor- Laws in Ireland. London : Published .at No. 11, Bolt-Court, Fleet Street. Sold by Mr. Lewis, Market-Street, Manchester ; by Mr. T. Smith, Liverpool ; by Mr. Wilcoxon, Preston ; and by all Book-sellers, in London and in the country. 1832. 12mo, pp. xii-179.

Mr. Cobbett's Address to the Tax-Payers of England and Scotland, on the Subject of the Seat in England. New Edition Enlarged. 8vo, pp. 16.

.A Geographical Dictionary of England and Wales ; Containing the names, in Alphabetical Order, of all the Counties, with their several Subdivi- sions into Hundreds, Lathes, Rapes, Wapen- takes, Wards, or Divisions ; and an Account of the Distribution of the Counties into Circuits, Dioceses, and Parliamentary Divisions. Also, The Names (under that of each County respec- tively) in Alphabetical Order, of all the Cities, Boroughs, Market Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and Tithings, with the Distance of each from London, or from the nearest Market Town, and with the Population, and other interesting particulars relative to each ; besides which there are Maps ; First, one of the whole country, showing the local situation of the Counties relatively to each other ; and, then, each County is also preceded by a Map, showing, in the same manner, the local situations of the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns. Four Tables are Added ; first, a Statistical Table of all the Counties, and then three Tables, -showing the new Divisions and Distributions -enacted by the Reform-Law of 4 June, 1832.

By William Cobbett, London : Published bv Wm. Cobbett, 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street; and may be had of all Booksellers. 1832. 8vo, pp. lxxxiv-547.

Cobbett's Two-Penny Trash, or. Politics for the Poor. Vol. II. From July 1831 to July 1832 inclusive. London: Printed by the Author' and sold at No. 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street and may be had of all Booksellers.

No number of the ' Two-Penny Trash ' was published in March, 1832.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. LXX V From December 31, 1831, to March 31, 1832. [Vol rxr rrW F rTT m April 7 to June 3 . 1832.] i [ I?o n ^X IT - From Jul y 7 to September 29, 1832.] [Vol. 1.XXVIII. From October 6 to December 29, 1832.] London. Printed and Published by the Author, at No. 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. 1832.

Svo, vol. Ixxv. pp. ii-896 columns; vols. Ixxvi.-lxxviii. each pp. ii-832 columns.


A New French and English Dictionary. In Two Parts. Part I. French and English. Part II English and French. By William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham. London: Published at 11 Bolt Court, Fleet Street, and may be had of all Booksellers. 1833. Svo, pp. xiv-408-418.

The Curse of Paper-Money and Banking: or a Short History of Banking in the United States of America.... By Wm. M. Gouge, of Phila- delphia, in 1833. To which is prefixed an Introduction by William Cobbett, MP for Oldham. London : Published at 1 1 Bolt Court, Fleet Street. July, 1833. 12mo, pp. xxiii-200.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. LXXIX F 5? January 5 to March 30, 1833. [Vol LXXX. From April 6 to June 29 1833 1

(ma l LX r^' f^/T^ 7 6 to Se Ptember 28 1833.] [Vol. LXXXII. From October 5 to December 28 1833.] Inclusive. Printed and Published by the Author, 11, Bolt Court, Fleet & tree i/. looo.

Svo, vols. Ixxix.-lxxxi. pp. ii-832 columns ; vol. Ixxxu. pp. ii-828 columns.


History of the Regency and Reign of King George the Fourth. By William Cobbett. Vol II London : Printed by Mills, Jowett, and Mills Bolt Court; Published by William Cobbett, 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. 1834.

12mo, no pagination. Contains chaps v to x., a Chronological Table, and Index.

obbett's Legacy to Labourers ; or, What is the Right which the Lords, Baronets and 'Squires have to the Lands of England ? In Six Letters, addressed to the Working People of England. With a Dedication to Sir Robert Peel Bart By William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham. Lon- don : Published at 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. MDCCCXXXIV. Price, bound, Is. 4rf. 12mo, pp. 141.