Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/229

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us. vi. SEPT. 7, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Life of Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America. By William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham. New York : Harper and Brothers, 82, Cliff Street. 1834. 12mo, pp. 196.

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. LXXXIII. Prom January 4 to March 29, 1834. [Vol. LXXX1V. From April 5 to June 28, 1834.] [Vol. LXXXV. From July 5 to September 26, 1834.] [Vol. LXXXVI. From October 4 to December 27, 1834.] Inclusive. London : Printed and Published by the Author, 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. 1834. Svo, each volume, pp. ii-828 columns.


Cobbett's Legacy to Parsons ; or, Have the Clergy of the Established Church an equitable right to the Tithes, or to any other thing called Church Property, greater than the Dissenters have to the same ? And ought there, or ought there not, to be a separation of the Church from the State ? In Six Letters, Addressed to the Church-Parsons in general, including the Cathe- dral and College Clergy and the Bishops. With a Dedication to Blomfield, Bishop of London. By William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham. Lon- don : Published at 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. MDCCCXXXV. Price Is. 6d., handsomely bound in leather.

12mo, pp. 192.

Selections from Cobbett's Political Works : being a Complete Abridgment of the 100 volumes which comprise the Writings of " Porcupine " and the " Weekly Political Register." With Notes.'Historical and Expla- natory. By John M. Cobbett and James P. Cobbett. Vol. I. [Vol. II.] [Vol. III.] [Vol. IV.] [Vol. V.] [Vol. VI.] London: Pub- lished by Anne Cobbett, 10, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street ; and W. Willis, Manchester.

8vo. vol. i. pp. xiv 544 ; vol. ii. pp. iv 507 ; vol. iii. pp. iv 523 ; vol. iv. pp. iv-527 ; vol. v. pp. iv-507 ; vol. vi. pp. iv-812-xxxviii..

Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. LXXXVII From January 3 to March 28, 1835. [Vol LXXXVIII. From April 4 to June 27, 1835.1 Inclusive. London : Printed and Published by the Author, 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. 1835. Svo.


Oobbett's Legacy to Peel, or, An Inquiry with respect to what the Right Honourable Baronet will now do with the House of Commons, with Ireland, with the English Church and the Dis- senters, with the swarm of Pensioners, &c., with the Crown Lands and the Army, with the Currency and the Debt. In Six Letters. By William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham. " Now is the appointed time ; now is the day of Salva- tion." London : Published at Cobbett's ' Register ' Office, 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. MDCCCXXXVI. Price Is. 6rf., handsomely bound in leather.

12mo, pp. 192.

Doom of the Tithes. By the late Wm. Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham. Price Is. 6d., stitched.

London : Published by J. Oldfleld, ' Register Office, 11, Bolt Court, Fleet Street ; and all Booksellers. 1836. 12mo, pp. iv 114.


The Last of the Saxons : Light and Fire from the W 7 ritings of William Cobbett. Selected by

Edwin Paxton Hood London: Published

by W. Tweedie. MDCCCLIV. 16mo, pp. 320.


Mr. Cobbett's Remarks on our Indian Empire and Company of Trading Sovereigns. (Re- printed from the Register of 1804 to 1822.) Mr. John Fielden on ' Cotton Supply.' (Quota- tions from his Pamphlet of 1836.) London, Sept., 1857. Published by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall Court ; and by John Heywood, 170, Deansgate, Manchester. Price Sixpence. Svo, pp. 23.


The Rights of the Poor, and the Punishment of Oppressors. By the late William Cobbett (M.P. for Oldham). Price One Penny. Lon- don : Published by Samuel Miles, Bill Poster and Advertising Agent, 2A, Longnor Road, Mile End, E. Also to be obtained at the Book Saloon, Great Assembly Hall, Mile End Road, E. Svo, pp. 15.


The Life of Thomas Paine By Moncure

Daniel Conway To which is Added A Sketch

of Paine by William Cobbett (hitherto un- published). Vol. I. [Vol. IL] G, P. Put- nam's Sons. New York, 27, West Twenty- Third Street; London, 24, Bedford Street, Strand The Knickerbocker Press. 892.

Svo, vol. i. pp. xvi-380 ; vol. ii. pp. iv-489' The ' Sketch of Paine ' is printed in vol. n. 429-59.


Salcombe, Harpenden, Herts.

BORODINO. This 7th September is the hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Herr Paul Holzhausen has just published a very interesting book on the share of Napoleon's German troops in the Campaign of 1812, and it may be worth while to make some brief note of the part played by these in the great battle.

The German cavalry highly distinguished themselves partly because they had been more successful than any, except the Poles and the Guard, in keeping themselves and their mounts in good order throughout the hardships of the advance into Russia. The infantry did no less well, especially the