Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/42

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vi. JULY 13, 1912.

THE COOPERS AND JOHN HOSKINS. Being engaged on an illustrated work dealing with the " incomparable Samuel Cooper" (acknowledged to be the greatest English miniature painter), his brother Alexander, and uncle John Hoskins, &c.. I should be greatly obliged if owners of originals by these artists would very kindly favour me with particulars of authenticated examples in their possession, or known to them, with a view to the same being in- cluded in my lists. A full description with the provenance of the miniature, and, where practicable, a sight of the original, would be especially esteemed by

J. J. FOSTER, Author of ' Miniature Painters, British

and Foreign,' &c. Aldwick, Button, Surrey.

MILTON PORTRAIT BY SAMUEL COOPER. In Allan Cunningham's ' Lives of the Most Eminent British Painters ' mention is made of an original picture of Milton, which had belonged to Deborah, the poet's daughter, had passed into the family of Sir William Davenant, and was found in the possession of a furniture broker by a dealer in pictures, who sold it to Sir Joshua Reynolds for one hundred guineas. It was painted by Samuel Cooper, the friend and companion of Milton, in 1653. Doubts were raised and suspicion expressed concerning the descent of this portrait. Sir Joshua was satisfied of its authenticity, and defended it successfully in The Gentleman's Magazine. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' inform me as to the present whereabouts of this painting ?

M. L. A.

SIR THOMAS BROWNE : QUOTATION FROM PTOLEMY. In Browne's ' Vulgar Errors,' book i. chap, vii., is a reference to a statement by Ptolemy to the effect that the sun is bigger than the earth. I have not been able to find the passage in the geographical or astronomical works of Claudius Ptolemy, and should be glad to be referred to it.


GLOUCESTER HOUSE, IN SOUTH LAM- BETH. Is there any authentic record of the residence of a Duke of Gloucester near the " Larkhall Tavern " at South Lambeth ? There is a house known as Gloucester House in Larkhall Rise. J. A.

" YORKER " AT BRIDGE. Can any one tell me what is the derivation or origin for this word, applied to a hand which does not include a ten of any suit ?


1. ABEL GOWER OF BOUGHTON ST. JOHN, co. Worcester, by his will, dated and proved 1632 (P.C.C.), devised his estates at Napton, co. Warwick. Can any correspondent inform me how he became seised of these estates ? Abel Gower married in 1614 Ann Withers, and was, I believe, the first Gower owner of the Napton property. I shall be grateful for any information concerning the matter.

2. WILLIAM STAMPE, D.D., was a distin- guished divine, and lived in the seventeenth century. I believe he held the office of domestic chaplain to some royal personage. Where can I obtain any information con- cerning him ? What was his mother's maiden name, and who were her parents ?


SILK WEAVERS' COMPANY, DUBLIN. Do any records of this company exist, and would they give dates of birth and bio- graphical details about the members? I want to trace a citizen of Dublin.



(11 S. v. 71, 251, 450.)

HAVING in my former articles completed the inscriptions on the tombstones at Clutton, I now give those from the neighbouring village of High Littleton :

1. In Memory | of Robert Brodribb | who died Jan 17th 1736 | Aged 64 years.

Also Sarah his wife | who died Jan 6th 1732 | Aged 62 years.

Also Ann Abney, daughter of the | said Robert & Sarah Brodribb | who died Nov 13th 1770 | Aged 70 years.

Also Joseph, son of Robert & | Sarah Brodribb | who died Nov 24th 1732 | Aged 37 years.

Also James their son | who died Jan 3rd 1729 | Aged 33 years.

Also Richard their son | who died Jan 6th 1759 | Aged 55 years.

2. On another stone. Also Joseph Brodribb* son | of the aforesaid Joseph Brodribb | who died May llth 1789 | Aged 69 years.

Also Sarah his wife | who died Nov 3rd 1784 | Aged 67 years.

Also Joseph, son of the aforesaid | Joseph & Sarah Brodribb | who died Nov 18th 1799. | Aged 50 years.

Also Richard their son | who died Dec 10th 1781 | Aged 29 year?.

Also Thomas their son | who died March 18th 1815. | Aged 60 years.