Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/43

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n s. vi. JULY 13, i9M] NOTES AND QUERIES.


3. Stone. In Memory | of Elizabeth Brodribb, -) daughter of Joseph & Sarah Brodribb | who

died June 1st 1823 | Aged 65 years.

4. Stone. Here lie the remains | of Sarah Brodribb.

Also here are | deposited the remains | of Sarah Cox.

The following are further references to the Brodribbs of Somerset found in wills, and arranged in order of date of being proven :

1558, 19 Dec. Joan Hannam of Evercreech, Som., widow, dated 16 Sept., 1557, proved 19 Dec., 1558. Mentions " My daughter Margery, wife of Thomas Broadribbe." Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18 Welles.

1588, 26 June. Richard Lee of Huntspill, Somerset, dated 20 Sept., 1586, proved 26 June, 1588 : " My sister in law Dorothv Brodrip." P.C.C. 40 Rutland.

1611, June. Thomas Sayard of Axbridge, Som., dated 12 March, 1610, proved June, 1611 : " My nephews William & Christopher Broadripp." P'C.C. 67 Wood.

1620, 17 Oct. Christopher Broadrippe is mentioned in the will of Samuel Watts of Axe- bridge, dated 7 July, 1620, proved 17 Oct., 1620. P.C.C. Soame 93."

1624, 25 Oct. Elisabeth Galhampton of Char- Hnch, Som., spinster, dated 29 Sept., 1624, proved 25 Oct., 1624 : " My cousin Mary Broad- ripp wife of William Broadripp." P.C.C. 83 Byrde.

1625, 3 June. Joyce Laurence of Trull, Som., widow, dated 9 March, 1624, proved 3 June, 1625. Executors were " Sir Edward Laurence, Gawen Mallett, and Richard Broadripp." P.C.C. 17 Clarke.

1627, 29 Sept. William Barnard of Shepton Mallet, Som., clothier, dated 23 Feb., 2 Charles I., proved 29 Sept., 1627. Refers to " Children of my sister Joan Broadrippe." P.C.C. 87 Skynner.

1631, 23 April. Will of George Ellis of'Leigh- upon-Mendip, Somerset. Administration with will granted 23 April, 1631, to John Brodribb, grand- father of daughter Gertrude Ellis, the younger, during the minority of the latter. P.C.C. 41 St. John.

1633/4, 10 Feb. John Still of Durleigh, Som., dated 21 Nov., 1633, proved 10 Feb., 1633/4. To dau. Mary a " bole of white plate given her by her godmother Mrs. Broadripp." P.C.C. 9 Seager.

1635/6, 21 Jan. Will of John Broadribb of Birling, Kent, proved 21 Jan., 1635/6, by son Henry. P.C.C. 4 Pile.

1641/2, 27 Jan. Oriana Lacey of London, gentlewoman, dated 24 Dec., 1641, proved 27 Jan., 1641/2. Mentions " My brother Henry Broadripp of Freshford, Som., clothier. My brother William Broadripp." P.C.C. 13 Campbell.

1658, 3 April. William Broadripp, the " sonne " of William Broadripp of Rowburgh, Somerset- shire, dated 12 Oct., 1657 : " at the date hereof souldier in Flanders in the Company whereof Lieutenant Colonell Fleetwood is Captaine." Proved 3 April, 1658. Brigg, ' Wills ' vol. iii., Xo. 320.

1673, 3 May. Benjamin Ashe of Ilford, Wilts, dated 10 Feb., 1672, proved 3 May, 1673. Men- tions ' My cousin Mrs. Mary Broadribb." P.C.C 54Pye.

1677, 2 May. Robert Hunt of Compton Pauncefoot, Som., dated 19 Oct., 1675, proved 2 May, 1677. Mentions " My sister Broadrep and sister Lacey," and " brother Broadrep." P.C.C. 49 Hale.

1680, 30 June. Robert Hunt of Speckington, Som., dated 10 Jan., 1679, proved 30 June, 1680. Mentions " my son Broadrepp " ; also my son " Richard Broadrepp." P.C.C. 80 Bath.

1697, 29 Nov. John Popley of Milbourn Week, in Milbourn Port, Somerset, dated 11 Feb., 1696, proved 29 Nov., 1697. Mentions " My brother John Broadrippe, of Week Champflower, in Brewton." P.C.C. 250 Pyne.

1762. Isaac Broadribb, probate 1762. E. A. Fry, ' Bristol Wills,' 1897.

In the Muster Roll for the defence of the county of Somerset in the time of the Armada William Brodribbe of the town of Glaston- bury supplied " a pair of breast plates, seven bows, seven sheafs of arrows, one sword, a dagger, and twelve bills " (Som. Record Soc., vol. xx. p. 294).

A. L. HUMPHREYS. 187, Piccadilly, W.

I have a book called 'Zoological Recrea- tions,' printed by Ward, Lock & Tyler, of which the third and last preface is dated Lon- don, November, 1857, the author being W. J. Broderip, F.R.S. The work is dedicated to the author's friend Sir Richard Owen, F.R.S., and it is stated that it first appeared in The New Monthly Magazine " by the particular desire n of the editor Theodore Hook, was continued later in the same magazine under the editorship of " the inimitable Thomas Hood " at his request, and concluded " when that periodical passed into the able hands of William Harrison Ainsworth." I have wondered if the name Broderip is a variation of that of Brodribb, and if this W. J. Broderip, F.R.S. , was a connexion of Sir Henry Irving. I observe that MR. R. G. BARTELOT at the last reference refers to a " Dorothy Brodrip of Hunstile," who was buried 17 June, 1586, and a "Richard Broadripp " of Hunstile of 1623. Hunstile is in Goathurst parish, Somerset, and, according to MR. BARTELOT, remained in the possession of the Brodrip family until well into the eighteenth century. Seemingly by the time this branch of the family had settled at Mapperton, Dorsetshire, the name came to be spelt Brodrepp. MR. ALFRED JAS. MOXDAY concludes that the name, " in its various forms of spelling, is derived from Bawdrip, near Bridgwater." No doubt the Brodribbs of elsewhere in Somersetshire were connected with the Hunstile Brodrips, &c. Possibly W. J. Broderip (whose birth- place, unfortunately, I do not know) was a connexion of the members of the Brodribb