Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/468

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NOTES AND QUERIES- [ii s. vi. NOV. i<>, 1912.

write me. I should heare nothing of Oxfort were it not from you & in any thing comand

" Your affectionate servV

F'or Wm. Stephens (1647 ?-1718) see Wood's 'Athense,' iv. 790, and ' D.N.B., liv. 181.

Neither Wood (' Athense,' iii. 1028) nor 'D.N.B.' (Iviii. 198) mentions the ' Essay on Duelling ' among the works attributed to Robert Veel. Wood also omits to state that Veel's tutor at St. Edmund Hall was John March (v. ' Athena?,' iv. 373 ; ' D.N.B., xxx vi. 125).

For Richard Smith v. ' Life and Times, iii. 137. A. R. BAYLEY.

(To be continued.)


IN the first vol time of the History of London in the " Victoria County History " Series reference is made to the severe outbreak of plague in the year 1563, in connexion with which reference the following record is of interest. It occurs amongst a collection of various historical extracts made, or caused to be made, in or before the year 1568, by William Lambarde, who was himself in London during the first half of 1563 ; and he records in his diary on 16 July :

" Anno 1563 ad Tusculanuin meum juxta Grenewiche pestis vitandse causa me contuli, fratre. Windhamo, et Louthero, sociiscomitatus."

Unfortunately the total of the deaths within the City does not agree with the sum of the totals of the individual parishes, but is some 143 in excess. Compared with the list on Ecclesiastical Map III. of the History, the records of the parishes of St. Mary Mounthaw, St. Mary Aldermanbury, and St. Peter -in-the-Tower are omitted. Perhaps they account for the excess. " Mychell in the Powltrie " should presumably be " Myl- dred in the Powltrie."


The visitacion of allmightie God within the cittie of London and the libarties of the same ffrom the fyrst daye of Januarye in Anno 1562 unto the fyrste of Januarye in Anno 1563, and also mencionethe of everye parrishe within the sayde syttye and lybartiesof the same, the dead arre ingroced to gether accordynge to the trewe reporte made weklye to the quenes magesties highnes of the same and also conferede and exammyned by the register boke of everye severall parryshe within the sayde cittye of London and the lybartys of the same as folowethe :

Alhallowes in Lumbart strete . . . . 114

Alhallowes the more . . . . . . 199

Alhallowes the Lesse . . . . . . 146

Alhallowes in brede stret . . . . . . 48

Alhallowes stanynges

Alhallowes by the wall

Alhallowes in honye Lane

Alhallowes at Barkynge

Androwe under shafte

Androwe in holberne

Androwe in estchepe

Androwe in the Wardroppe

Albons in Woodstret

Alphegis at Cryplegate

Alborowes at byshopesgate . .

Awstens perryshe

Awntlyns perryshe

Anns within aldarsgate

Anns at Blacke fryers

Barthilmewe the Lesse

Bennet at powles wharfe

Bennet grace churche

Bennet ffinke

Bennet sheroge

Barthilmewe at Aldarsgate . .

Buttolphe at Algate . .

Buttolphe at Lyllyngesgate . Buttolphe at busshippes gate Barthilmewes hospitall Brydes perryshe Crist churche Cristopheres perryshe Clement bye eastchepe Denins backe churche Dunstonnes parreshe in the este Dunstonnes in the West Edmondes in Lumberte stret ffathes undar powles . . . . ffostars perryshe . . George in sowthewarke George in buttolphe Lane . . Gabryell ffanechurche Gregorye by powles Gylles at criplegate Hellyns parryshe Jhonne evangillist Jhonne sakarye Johannes in Walbroke Teames at Garlycke hive Katherine crechurche Katherine Coleman . . Leonarde in ffostar Lane Leonardo in estechepe Lawrens in the Jewrye La wrens powntneye . . Magnus parryshe Vlathewe in frydaye strete Vlartyn in the Vintre Vlartyn owtwiche Vlartyn orgarre Vlartyn lermonger Lane Vlartyn at Ludgate . . Vtychaell at Bassinges halle Vlychaell in Cornehill H ychaell in Wodestrete Mychaell in the Byalle VTychell querne tfychell at quen hive Hychell in croked lane tfychell in the powltrie Hyldred in bred stret tfarye the Bowe kfarye butolphe Vlarye at hyll . . ilarye somersett Vlarye abechurche