Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/469

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ii s. vi. NOV. 16, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Marye Wolechurche . . . . . . 71

Marye colechurche . . . . . . 4C


Marye wolnothe . . . . . . 88 Marye aldannarye . . . . . . 128


Marye stanvnges . . . . . . 44

Magdelyn in mylkestrete . . . . . 41

(See 10 S. xi. 441 ; xii. 51, 114, 181, 401 ;

Magdelyn in oldeffistrete . . . . . 125

11 S. i. 282; ii. 42. 381; iii. 22, 222,

Magdelyn in newefystrete . . . . 80

421 ; iv. 181. 361 ; v. 62, 143, 481 ; vi. 4,

Margerett pattenns . . . . . . 58

284. 343.)

Margerret moyses . . . . . . . 55

Margret at Lothberye . . . . . 89 Nycholas Aconne . . . . . . 55 Nycholas golden abbie . . . .59

Bishop Burnet's Tomb at Clerkenwell. In the Parish Church of Clerkenwell, tinder

Nycholas ollyve . . . . . . 53

the Communion table, is a plain blue slab

Olyve in the Jurye . . . . . . 49

with inscription :

Olyve in harte stret . . . . . . 165

" Here lyes interred the Bight Rev. Father in

Olyve in sylvar stret . . . . 100

God, Gilbert Burnet, D.D., Lord Bishop of

Olyve in Sowthewarke .. . .1197

Salisbury, Chancellor of the Most Noble Order of

Pettar at cornehill . . . . . . . 163

the Garter, who departed this life March 17th.

Pettar in chepe . . . . . . 37

1714/5, in the 73 year of his age."

Pettar the porre . . . . . . 89 Pettar at powels wharfe . . .32 Pancras parryshe . . . . .29

This inscription is surmounted by the Bishop's arms in relief and the Garter and

Sepulkars parryshe . . . . . . 1728

a five-pointed star.

Swethens parryshe . . . . 113

In the vestibule of the church stands

Stevens in coleman stret . . . . . 258

the beautiful marble monument erected

Stevens in walbroke . . . . .63 Saviors in Sowthewarke . . . 693

by the Parish of Clerkenwell in memory of the historian of the Revolution of

Trynytie parryshe . . . . .73 Thomas theappostle . . . . . 138

1688-90. It is of fine design : the pedi-

Thomas hospytalle . . . . . .261

ment is circular, supported by pilasters of

the composite order, on the extremities of

Some of all diseases . . . . . . . 20372

which are urns. In the centre are the arms

Wherof was of the plaghe . . . . . 17440 Crystenynges this yeare . . . . . 2480

of the See of Salisbury and Burnet impaled on a shield. On the frieze are cut in relievo

Heare ffollowithe all the owte perryshes which

several books and rolls. The lengthy Latin

are withoute the Lrybartyes and fredom of the

inscription records that

cyttye of London and all that are deceased in the same seins the fyrst of Januare in A 1562 unto the fyrst of Januare A 1563.

" Burnet was a native of Edinburgh. Removing to England, he was for some time preacher at the Rolls Chapel, where his zeal against Roman

Catholic intrigues proving too much for the exist-

Barthimewe the greate . . . . . 38

ing powers, he was dismissed from his office, and

Jeames at Clearken Well . . . . . 146 Katherine by the towar . . . . . 483

left the country, returning later with the Prince of Orange. He ever opposed tyranny and super-

Leonarde in Shordiche . . . . . 332

stition, and earnestly defended the liberties of his

Marye Whit chappell . . . . . 388

country and true religion, as his excellent works

Trynytie in the myneryes . . . . . . 34

show, and, by the singular providence of God,

Madlyn in barnesye strete . . . . . . 251

lived to see the best hope of preserving both

in the accession of the House of Brunswick, and

Some of all deseases . . . . . . . . 1672

soon after died, satisfied with years of happiness."

Wherof was of the plaghe . . . . . . 1267

The Huguenot Memorial at Wandsworth.

At the back of the Wandsworth Council

The precyncke of Westmister.

House, in the quaint burial-ground called

Clement of the temples . . . . . . 486

" Mount Nod," was erected lately a memorial

Margaret at Westmister . . . . . . 709

to the Huguenots who settled in \Vands-

Martyn in the ffelde 294

worth about 1685. The inscription says :

Marye at the Strande . . . . . . 127

" Here rest many Huguenots who, on the

Som of all deseases . . . . . . . . 1616

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, left their native land for conscience' sake, and found

Wherof was of the plaghe . . . . . . 1465

in Wandsworth freedom to worship God after

their own manner. They established important

Somma totayles of buryalls within the

industries, and added to the credit and pros-

Cyttye of Xiondon and the Lybtys of

perity of the town of their adoption."

the same as well in Westmyster as in other places of all deseases . . . . 23660 Whcrof was of the plaghe . . . . . . 20167

At " Mount Nod " is the tomb of Bau- donin, who built Winchester House (now the premises of the Putney Constitutional Club).

F. L.

A large number of French Protestants rest