Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/632

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.

Barnard family, 197, 335

Barnard family of Pirtqn, Oxford, 32

Baronetcy, patent for, in blank, c. 1800, 90

Barque Endeavour, H.M., pictures of, 131, 177

Barrow at Gotham, 48, 112

Hartley (Sir Robert), K.C.B., d. 1843, 89, 156,


Basset, description of the game, 310, 377 Hath, " Essex Bath," Strand Lane, 1588, 348, 432 Bathing machines, song in praise of, 88 Battles : Dettingen, 32 ; Borodino, 185 Bavin family of East Anglia, 230 Beale (Benjamin) of Kent, and bathing machines,


Beale (Sir J.) of Kent, his baronetcy, 1660, 108 Beale (Sir R.), secretary to Queen Elizabeth, 129 Beatson (General) and the Crimean War, 430, 510 Beausalt, who escaped from Calais, 288 Bedford Bounds, Bloomsbury, two wall tablets,

188, 257

Belfast, Solemn League and Covenant in, 417 Belfast lands granted to Sir T. Smith, 1571, 368 Bell (Nancy) and Lord Lovel, ballad, 37, 115,

171, 217, 296 Ball at Buntingford, Herts, ringing discontinued,

1912, 27

Belshazzar's Feast, poems on, 411, 495 Bengeworth, meaning of " Benge " in, 72 Bentley (Dr.), critic, d. 1742, " in his coffin," 468 B6on (Comtesse de), her biography, 411 Berrysfield, meaning of place-name, 368, 436 Bethnal Green, Richborough remains in, 90 Bewickiana, 281

Bibliography :

' Anatomy of Melancholy,' Dr. Johnson's copies, 390

' Athense Oxonienses,' 381, 404, 474

Bunyan (J.), relic of, 162, 235

Cassiterides, Scilly Isles, and Lyonesse, 88

Chained books, 69, 136, 177, 215, 274, 373, 473

Cobbett (William), 1, 22, 62, 84, 122, 142, 183, 217, 398

Copyright, its development, 510

' Gammer Gurton,' 368

Husenbeth's Breviary, 191, 372

Lowndes's ' Bibliographer's Manual.' 103, 191,275

Memoirs of Scriblerus,' 167, 278, 336

Omar Khayyam, 34

Pope's ' Iliad,' 509

Stevens's ' Dramatic History,' 501

Storm of 1703, 13

" Bill Stumps," inscribed stone, 1724, 64 Bilsborrow (Dewhurst) and Sir W. Scott, 210 " Black Boy " house of Gillingham, 1447, 507 ' Black Joke ' from Hogarth's ' Rake's Progress,'

189, 311

Blakesley (J. W.), his ' Memoirs of Russia,' 1724-

1744, 250, 338

Blount (Sir Josceline), M.P. 1597-8, 28 " Blue Peter," British signal flag, 237 Boate (Edward), M.P. for Portsmouth 1646-8,

68, 174

Bodleian Library, smallest MS. in, 345 Bohun (Mary de), her burial-place, 211, 313, 378,


Boit (Charles), enameller, his letters, c. 1712, 121 Bonaparte (Napoleon), his emblem of the bee, 53 ;

in London, c. 1791, 190 ; and Wellington, 349 Bonar (Dr. Horatius), his ' My Old Letters : a

Poem,' 411, 517

Boniface family of Arundel, 488 Book on the liberation of slaves, 1000 A.D., 1.,^ Books, chained, references to, 69, 136, 177, 215, 274, 373, 473

Books recently published:

Alexander's (H. ) The Place - Names of Oxfordshire : their Origin and Develop- ment, 479

Analecta Bollandiana, Tomus XXXI. Fasc. I. ; Fasc. II. et III., 199

Arber's (A. ) Herbals, their Origin and Evolu- tion, 1470-1670, 499

Archaeologia JEliana, Third Series, Vol. VIII., 500

Aristotle, by Dr. Taylor, 219

Bacon, Francis, by Prof. Skemp, 19

Baly's (Prof. E. C. C.) Inorganic Chemistry, 1!)

Beddoe's (Dr. J.), The Anthropological History of Europe : being the Rhind Lectures for 1891, revised to date, 220

Bell's (W. G.) Fleet Street in Seven Cen- turies, 298

Besant's (Mrs.) Theosophy, 219

Boase's (F.) Modern English Biography, 1851-1900: Vol. V. (Supplement, Vol. II.). D-K, 498

Bond's (F.) The Cathedrals of England and Wales, 98

Bowie's (H. P.) On the Laws of Japanese Painting, 98

Bradley's (H.) A New English Dictionary: Senatory-Several (Vol. VIII.), 339

Brontes, The, by F. Masson, 19

Brown's (M. W.) Northamptonshire, Cam- bridge County Geographies, 259

Bryce's (Dr. A.) Dietetics, 239

Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland, 1912, 379

Calendar of the Fine Rolls, Vol. II. Edward II., A.D. 1307-19 Calendar of the Close Rolls, Edward III., Vol. XIII., A.D. 1369- 1374 Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Henry V., Vol. II., A.D. 1416-22, 179; Calendar of Inquisitions post Mortem, Vol. III. Edward I., 400

Cambridge : Catalogue of the Books and Papers, for the most part relating to the University, Town, and County of Cam- bridge, bequeathed to the University by John Willis Clark, compiled by A. T. Bartholomew, 239

Cambridge County Geographies : North Lan- cashire, Buckinghamshire, Northampton- shire, Midlothian, 259

Catullus, Gaius Valerius, The Poems of, with Notes and Translation by C. Stuttaford, 440

Chadwick's (H. M.) The Heroic Age, 219

Coleridge (Samuel Taylor), Complete Poetical Works of, including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, edited by E. H. Coleridge, 400

Craigie's (W. A.) A New English Dictionary : Sleep-Sniggle (Vol. IX.), 118

Cromwell, Oliver, by H. Johnstone, 219

Davies's (A. M.) Buckinghamshire, Cam- bridge County Geographies, 259

Dictionary of National Biography, ed. by Sir S. Lee : Second Supplement, Vol. II. Faed-Muybridge, 319 ; Vol. III. Neil- Young, 518

Dobson's (A. ) At Prior Park, 439

Duignan's (W. H.) Warwickshire Place- Names, 479