Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/633

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913. SUBJECT INDEX.


Books recently published :

Durham Marriage Bonds, 1664-76, 240

Enock's (C. R.) The Secret of the Pacific : a

Discussion of the Origin of the Earlj

Civilisations of America, 59

Eucken, by Dr. Jones, 219

Gasquet's "(Dr. F. A.) England under the

Old Religion, and Other Essays, 459 Giles's (Dr.) China and the Manchus, 340 Goodrich's Evolution, 219 Gray's (A. K.) Dictionary of Synonyms, 19 Grimmelshausen's (H. J. C. von) The Ad- venturous Simplicissimus, translation, 500 Hackwood's (F. W.) William Hone, 458, 480 Hardinge's (H.) Julius Caesar, 19 Harley's ( J. H. ) Syndicalism, 239 Harrison's (H.) Etymological Dictionary of

Surnames of the United Kingdom, 199 - Hone, William, by F. W. Hackwood, 458, 480 Huxley, by G. Leighton, 19 Johnson's ( W. ) Byways in British Archaeology,


Johnstone's (H.) Oliver Cromwell, 219 Jones's (Dr.) Eucken, 219 Julius Caesar, by H. Hardinge, 19 Kelvin's, Lord. Life and Work, by A.

Russell, 19

Kent Records : The Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Rochester, Introd. by W. E. Buckland, 139 Kingdoms, "Lands, and Lordships that are in the World, Book of the Knowledge of, written by a Spanish Franciscan in the Middle of the Fourteenth Century, edited by Sir C. Markham, 419

Lang's (A.) History of English Literature from ' Beowulf ' to Swinburne, 159 ; Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Un- known, 438

Leighton's (G.) Huxley, 19 Leighton's (Prof.) Embryology, 239 Lincoln : The Royal Charters of the City of Lincoln, Henry II. to William III., tran- scribed by W. de G. Birch, 279 McCallum's (A.) Midlothian, Cambridge

County Geographies, 259 Macpherson's (H.) Practical Astronomy, 240 Magellan : Early Spanish Voyages to the Strait of Magellan, edited by Sir C. Markham, 259 Marr's (J. E. ) North Lancashire, Cambridge

County Geographies, 259 Masson's (Miss F.) The Brontes, 19 Metcalfe's (W. M.) The Lordship of Paisley,

104 Miles's (C. A.) Christmas in Ritual and

Tradition, Christian and Pagan, 439, 460 Murray's (Sir J. A. H.) A New English Dictionary : Th-Tbyzle (Vol. IX., Last Section), 78

Nevinson's (H. W.) Growth of Freedom, 19 New English Dictionary : Senatdry-Several, by H. Bradley, 339; Sleep-Sniggle, by W. A. Craigie, 118; Th-Thyzle, by .1. A. H. Murray, 78

Nicholson's (Col. E.) Men and Measures, 59 Nicoll's (Sir W. R.) The Problem of Edwin

Drood, 399 O'Neill's (Mrs. E.) England in the Middle

Ages, 19

Penny's (Rev. F.) The Church in Madras, 1805 to 1835, Vol. II., 460

Books recently published:

PhiUips's (Dr. P.) Radiation, 1!)

Putnam's (G. H.) George Palmer Putnam:

a Memoir, 478

Rhind Lectures for 1891, revised to date, 22n Robertson's (W. A.) Insurance as a Means of

Investment, 239 Roget's Thesaurus, 499 Russell's (Dr. A.) Lord Kelvin's Life and

Work, 19

Sarson's (M.) and M. A. PhiUips's The His- tory of the People of Israel in Pre-Christian Times, 139 Scots Peerage, edited by Sir J. B. Paul,

Vol. VIII., 379 Shakespeare : Richard the Second, edited bv

H. Newbolt, 438

Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Un- known, by A. Lang, 438

Shaylor's (J.) The Fascination of Books, 35!) Shorter's (D. S.) New Poems, 439 Shotley Parish Records, " Suffolk Green

Books," No. XVI., 239 Skeat's (W. W.) The Science of Etymologv,


Skemp's (Prof.) Francis Bacon, 19 Southey (Robert), Letters of, a Selection,

ed. by M. H. Fitzgerald, 139 Spence's (L.) The Civilization of Ancient

Mexico, 340 Statham's (H. H.) A Short Critical History

of Architecture, 499 Taylor's (Dr.) Aristotle, 219 Thornton's (R. H.) An American Gkss;u \ ,

38 Treherne's (P.) Louis XVII., and Otlx-r

Papers, 438

Walker's (S. ) Aviation, 240 Ward's (J. S. M.) Brasses, 340 Whetham's (W. C. D.) The Foundations of

Science, 19 Booksellers' Catalogues, 40, 79, 120, 159, 240,

260, 300, 320, 340, 380, 420, 480, 520 Booksellers of Huntingdon, 207 Borodino, incidents of the battle of, 1812, 185 Botany, " crohil geal," lichen, 368, 416, 476 Boteler (Sir E.), Kt., his will, 1625, 169 Boucher or Bourchier (Ralph), M.P. c. 1576, 210 Box, gold, " Freedom of the City " presented in,


Brand family of Polstead, Suffolk, 28 Brasiers and Armourers' Company, members of,


Braughing, Herts, ancient observance at, 367 Brawne family of Kilburn, 508 Breton song, translation of, 36 Brettargh, meaning of the place-name, 450 Brewerne Abbey, owners before 1610, 110, 177,

235, 311

Brewers' Company, dates of Masters, 289 Bricklayer of the Roman Empire and of London

compared, 187, 275

Bride carried over the threshold, 191, 232, 314 irindle family, arms of, 251, 318 British Isles, statues and memorials in, 4, 284,

343, 385

Jritish memorials of the Peninsular Campaign, 217 Britton (John), a letter by, 1839, 287 Broadbent, place-name, its locality, 186 Jrodribb family of Somerset, 30, 97, 111, 177,

217 ' Broker," origin of the word, 126, 233