Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/637

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.




German funeral custom, 368, 436, 500 Jaundice cured by touch, 110 Bussalky lore, 247 Toads and poison, 87, 157, 256 Trials by ordeal, Fordwich, 368, 436 Wells, sacred, 190, 311, 413 Werwolves and flowers, 388 Forbes (Urquhart), his ' Ian Roy,' 510 Fordwich, trials by ordeal at, 368, 436 Forks, the use of, considered immoral, c. 1550,

89, 158, 293

Fourier Society, 1843, its object, 250, 418, 431 Fox (Charles) and Casanova, 1760, 4, 113 Fox (Charles James), tablet to commemorate,

100 Foxe (Bishop Richard), d. 1528, his Canonry,

38 ^

' Freedom of the City " in a gold box, 249 Freeman, Stewart, Day, and Pyke families, 25 Freeman (E. A.), historian, his ancestry, 342 Freemasonry : G. Meikle Kemp, d. 1844, 225 Freemasons, Lodge St. David, Edinburgh, 81, 146 French (Francis) =Una O'Connor, 488 French counting-out rime, 166, 333 French players in England, c. 1500, 128, 278 Frescoes of Last Judgment in churches, 410, 490 ^ From Oxford to Rome ' and ' Loss and Gain,' 429,

497 Fulhvood, Halley, Parry, and Pyke families, 303,

415, 497

Fulwood, killed in duel, c. 1700, 510 Funeral customs : German, 1845, 368, 436, 500 ; "maidens' garlands" carried, 251, 335, 412, 497

Funerals, mercer's bill for gloves, &c., 1777, 7 " Funk " and " fink," connexion between, 510 Furnace, " stipend " of, in 16th century, 50 Fussell (J.), 1818-1912, water-colourist, 145, 228, 257, 314


Gainsborough (T.), his painting of Miss Coghlan,

386, 475 Galignarii (A. & W.) & Co., Paris publishing house,

1814, 409, 495 Games : card games, 149 ; Primero, card game,

187, 347 ; Basset, 310, 377 ; " trump " as a

card term, 378 ; memory game, 509 ' Gammer Gurton,' best edition of, 368 Gardner (John E.), his prints and drawings of old

London, 348, 432 Garlands, " maidens' garlands," in churches, 251,

335, 412, 497

Garrick (David), his ' Satire,' 250, 315 Gascoigne (George), poet, and his son, d. c. 1585,


Gastaldon, his ' Musica Proibita,' 430, 496 Gauntlett (S.), Vicar of Hursley, 1786-94, 270,


" Gautigoth," in ' Widsith,' 201, 271, 371 Genealogy, Irish, source of information on, 249,

338 Genealogy, Italian, Marquis de Coi'ilanne, 291,

375 "Gentleman" r. " veoman," in a will, 1486,

349 f f Geotroposcope "=gvroscope. svnonymous term,


German funeral custom, 1845, 368, 436, 500 German proverb, silks in the kitchen, 168, 255 Gerund and participle present in English 65, 174,


" Ghost -words " in dictionaries, 407 Gibbins ( Ann )= Robinson Elsdale, 1779, 288 Gibbins (Susanna) = Thomas Grounds, c. 1790,


Gibbon (Edward), his residences, 50, 152 Gibson (W.), miniature painter, d. 1703, 4C6 Gibson family of Dublin, 427

Gilbert (Thomas), Poor-Law reformer, d. 1798, 89 Gill (Anthony), exciseman in ' Ingoldsby Legends,'

his identity, 490

Gillespie (Robert Rollo) at Vellore, 16 Gillies (John), his 'Ancient Greece,' Sir T. Browne

and, 188 Gladstone (W. E.), hymn by, published IS'.'S,


Glamorgan breed of cattle, early reference to, li'-'ii Glass, early Christian gilt, medallion, 291 Glass, stained, from Malvern church, 188 Gleek, game at cards, 149

Glemham family and Great Glemhain estat.% Suf- folk, 29, 369, 457, 497 Gloucester House and " Larkhall Tavern, South

Lambeth, 30

Gloves, &c., at funerals, mercer's bill, 1777, 7 Gluck, passage in one of his operas, 390 Goa, British troops in, c. 1810, 68, 135 Godby (James), portrait by, 367, 473 Godmersham House, Jane Austen at, 510 Goes, Dutch and Portuguese surname, 312, 495 Goethe (J. W. von), quotation from, in Cailyl.

and Ruskin, 106 ; and the dwarf Eckwald, 132 Gold yield, Australia, monument representing, 47 Goldsmith (O.), his ' She Stoops to Conquer, 10,

154 ; his tomb, 129

Goose, Gorse, or Le Gos family, 230, 312, 4i Gordon, deaf and dumb instructor, c. 1830, 448 Gordon (A. Lindsay), Australian poet, 245, 312 Gordon (Comte de Mirabel de), Jacobite, 130 Gordon (Major-General John), 1673-1750, 33 Gordon family of Glenbucket, 33 Gordon family of Hallhead and Esslemont, 24o,

312 Gore (Charles) of Weimar, 1729-1807, 402, 423,


Gorse, Goose, or Le Gos family, 230, 312, 495 Gotham, barrow at, 48, 112 Goust, in the Pyrenees, small Republic, 48, 1; Government, representative, in the Colonies, L *> Gower (Abel), 1632, and Napton estates, 3C Goyder (Rev. David G.), F.E.S., c. 1829, 4oO,


Grandfather, maternal, right to bear crest of, '0 Grant (Elizabeth) of Rothiemurchus, 1819, 229 Grant (Gabriel), Archdeacon of Westminster,

d. 1638, 114 Gray (Thomas), his ' Elegy,' translations and

parodies, 157, 517 ; and the Antrobus family,


Greek, modern, and Albanian, 446 Greek Anthology, Person and the, 29 Greeks accused of being children, reference to,

109 Green (J. R.), quotation in ' Short History of the

English People,' 246, 337

Green Park and Piccadilly, tunnel between, * ' Greenstone of Guiana, nature and use of, }-,


Gregorian Calendar, curiosities of, 36 " Grenadiere," signification of the word, 3;