Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/636

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 26, 1913;

Durham family and surname, 110, 176, 374, 436 Dyer (G.), his MS. autobiography, 310 Dyes, discovery of aniline dyes, 1858, 71

Eardley (Sir Culling), Bart., c. 1851, 94 Earth-eating by various tribes, 290, 351, 397,


East Anglia, families of, 230, 312, 495 Easter Island, Pierre Loti's description of, 53 Easter Monday, balls thrown in church on, 109,


Ebsworth family and the Freemasons, 81 Eckwald the dwarf in Goethe, 132 Edgar Tower, Worcester, crucifix on, 329, 393 Edinburgh, church registers of Canongate, 50, 97 Edmondstone (A.), Westminster scholar, 1732, 209 Edmondstone (R.), Westminster scholar, 1733, 209 Edmunds (Peachy), Westminster scholar, 1715,209 Effigies of alabaster, their age, 208, 277, 378 Eliott (General), his visits to Aix-la-Chapelle,

1789, 466 Elizabeth (Queen), and grant of lands, Belfast,

1571, 368

Ell, length of Dutch ell, 335, 412, 511 Elletson (J.), Westminster scholar, 1719, 209 Ellice (Peter), at Oxford, 1743, 209 Elliot (G.), Westminster scholar, 1724, 271 Elliot (R.),Westminster scholar, 1728, 271 Elliot (W.), Westminster scholar, 1743, 271 Elsdale (Robinson) = Ann Gibbins, 1779, 288 Emperor, Roman, his image and " bad language,"

250, 371

" Employee," use of the word, 146, 411 Endeavour, H.M. Barque, pictures of, 131, 177 Engine Court, reason of the name, 387 Engle (King) and his sons, from a Guisborough

MS., 95

English family, 367, 453

Engraver of devotional " Manual," 1725, 209 Enright (T.), Westminster scholar, 1740, 271 Entwistle (T.), Oxford student, 1720, 271 Envelopes with flap at the end, 1840, 52, 274 Epigram by Giacomo Leopardi, 209

Epigrams :

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell, 37

Kat r65e Aij/ttoSd/coir Xibt Kaic6i ovx o fJ-tv, 29

The Germans in Greek, 29

Epitaphs :

A man I was, wormes meat I am, 503 Affliction sore he long time bore, 502 Here I lay (lie) outside the door, 57, 137 Here lies George Theobald, a lover of bells,


Here lyes ye body of poor Frank Raw, 270 Heu quanto minus est cum reliquis versari

quam tui meminisse, 29, 95 His people's joy, the Clergy's glasse, 136 Hoc ultimum Lector a te postulans, 126 I was well, I would be better, I am here,


In peaceful rest two sinless sisters lie, 503 My tools and mallet lie reclined, 270 Not Monumental Stone preserves our fame,

503 . Reader with kind regards this grave survey,


Epitaphs :

Stop My friends When this you See, 503 Stop, Ringers all, and cast an eye, 270 W 7 here lies an honest man, 308, 377 Epitaphs, localities of : Anthony, or Antony,. Cornwall, 503 ; Barking, Essex, 503 ; Bourges Cathedral, 502 ; Bowness, 503 ; Elton,. Durham, 503 ; Maker, Cornwall, 503 ; New- biggin, 503 ; Rame, Cornwall, 503 ; Thirsk, 502 ; Tong, Salop, 503 ; Workington, 503 Epitaphs with classical references, 309, 435 Erasmus and Tindale, a parallelism, 246, 337 Esher, etymology of the place-name, 487 " Essex Bath, Strand Lane, built 1588, 348,.

432 Evelyn (Lyndon), M.P. 1809-26, his family, 10,


Evergreen decorations at Christmas, 486 Ewbank (T.), Westminster scholar, 1722, 271,.


Ewen (John), Aberdeen philanthropist, 368 Ewer or Hewer family of Clapham, 37 " Exate," meaning of the word, 151, 251, 297 " Excorse," meaning of the word, 386 Exeter (Lord), his house in Derby, 271 Eyre family, 328, 398, 420

ffairbanck and Rawson families, 166, 214 Families : duration in male .line, 73, 114, 156',.


Farington family of Worden, 467 Favell (Samuel), of London, d. 1830, 129, 352 Fees at the City Compters, 46 Feather robe of the Queen of Tahiti, 210, 315,


Feilde (Rev. Matthew), his marriage, 1776, 477 Felltham (O.) or Suckling, song by, c. 1661, 346,.


Feminism in the seventeenth century, 485 Ferguson (D.), his ' The Lady Bark,' dialogue, 349' Festivals, Handel, at the Crystal Palace, 1857-

1912, 61, 235 Fiction, real characters in, 366 Fielding (H.), his Parson Thwaokum, 348, 470 Finger-prints, magazine article on, 155, 198 ;.

Ainsworth's reference to, 1839, 210 " Fink " and " funk," connexion between, 510 " Finstall," adjunct of saltmaking, 1328, 411, 511 Fire in Wapping, 1682, record of, 189 Fire-ritual, a survival in Wales, 489 Fireback, relic of 1660, 230, 318 Fisher family, 509 Fitzwilliam and Grimaldi arms, 144, 215, 256, o53 r


Fitzwilliam family, 54, 118 Fleet Street, No. 50, its demolition, 1912, 66 Fleetwood family, 43, 331 Fluke, " by a nuke," origin of the phrase, 2<v


Flying, Eastern legends of, 291 ' Foghamshire," a street-name, 487


Alabaster powder used medicinally, 129,.

175, 234 Bride carried over the threshold, 191, 232,.

314 Evergreens for Christmas decorations, 486'