Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/639

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Xotes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913. SUBJECT INDEX.


Husbandman, meaning of the term, 268

" Husenbetfc's Breviary,' printed c. 1810, 191

o 1 2 Huxham (Rev. J. Corhain), d. 1778, bis mother


Hyenson family, 70 " Hyke," use of the word, 288, 357 Hymn by W. E. Gladstone, published 1898, 449 Hyinns, collection of Latin pagan, 250, 370 Hyndman (William) of Coventrv, his will, 1558



I'Anson, explanation of the surname, 70

Ince (W.), Rector of Patney, 1708, 370, 415

Indian monument in Oxfordshire, 286

Information Bureau, Lord Truro's, 251, 335, 412, 511

Ingalls or Inglis (Frances Erskine) =Senor Calderon de la Barca, 1838, 148, 376

Inglis (A.), LL.B. Cambridge, 1726, 370, 415

Inkpot with Evangelical symbols, 9

Inscriptions : in St. Mary's, Llanfair-Waterdine, 10, 94 ; runic, on crosses, Isle of Man, 26 ; Hertfordshire, Hundred of Dacorum, 147 ; " Tuscan " on Verruca, 1103, 148 ; in church- yards, copies of, 206, 255, 278, 354, 418, 474 ; in Chelsea Hospital burying-ground, 241, 325, 425, 504 ; decipherment of, 246, 337 ; on a portrait, meaning of, 251 ; on brasses, Cobham, Clere, 329, 414, 435

Inventory of the fifteenth century, 227

Inventory of 1701, 108

Ireland, allusion in rime to stolen shire, 212, 496

Irish parish registers, duplicate copies, 110

Iron Mask, a " feminist " theory, 428

Irving (Sir Henry), his ancestry, 30, 97, 111, 177, 217

Isabella Clara Eugenia (Infanta), miniature of, c. 1550, 190, 272, 351

Isle of Man, runic inscriptions on crosses, 26

Israel (Manasseh Ben) and Rembrandt, 34, 133

Italian genealogy, Marquis de Corilanne, 291, 375

Italy, Scotsmen in, c. 1627-41, 330

Jackson (Sir Anthony), b. 1599, his wife, 309 Jacobi (Mary Putnam), 1860, her husband, 416 Jacobite plot in Oxford, 1715, 90, 174 Jacobites, their French engineer, 130 " Jag," = American slang, its meaning, 411 James (W.), Public Orator, Oxford, 1601-4,

370, 415 Jameson (Mrs. Anna), 1794-1860, and the Goethe

family, 329

Japanese, Heine's poems translated into, 346 Japanese story of interchange of souls, 430 Jaundice cured by touch, 110 Jekyll (B.), Rector of Grayton - le - Wold, 1725,


Jenner family, 308, 469 Jenner and Parkhurst families, 469 Jerinent (Rev, George), author, d. 1819, 37, 56 Johnson (Dr.), " ocean " in his ' Dictionary,' 308 ;

his copies of Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholv,'


Jones family of Plas-yn-Llan, 55, 211 Jones (Abraham), Fellow of Trinity College,

Cambridge, 1713, 390

Jones (Sir W.) and the "On parent knees"

quatrain, 21 Judges who have died on the Bench, 248, 354,

413 Jura ecclesiastica of 14th centurv, rendering in

English, 448, 514

Keene (Charles), article on, by G. Moore, 1891,

190, 236

Kelly, antiquary, c. 1885, his heirs, 410 Kelly (William), d. 1894, his genealogical MSS.,

470 Kemp (George Meikle), d. 1844, and Freemasonrv,

225 Ken (Bishop), his birthplace, 1635, 145 ; his coat

of arms, 289, 373

' Kenilworth,' variants in the text of, 488 Kennett and Howe families, 148, 314 ' Kentish Note-Book,' publisher, 76 Kersey (John), his English dictionary, 1708, 228 King (Bishop Henry), 1591-1669, his MS. poems,

32 King (Mrs. John), Countess of Lanesborough, her

marriage, 1779, 229, 297 King (Jonathan), his collections, 483 Kingsley (C.), cocqcigrues in ' Water Babies,'

249, 395

Kissing ladies, English salutation, c. 1664, 268 " Knickerbocker," origin of the word, 6 Knightley (J.) of Gray*s Inn, 1692, 390, 477 Knights of Malta : Grand Master Vilhena, 34,


Knowles (J.), 1781-1841, his portrait, 290 Knox (T.), barrister, 1792, 390

La Revelliere-Lepeaux and Talleyrand, 109 Lake and Farington of Worden families, 467 " La llatioii " of the Melicete Indians, 387 Lamb's Chapel, London, its registers, 291, 357,


Land measures of Salisbury, fifteenth-century, 6 Lanesborough (Countess of), her marriage, 1779,

229, 297 Lang (Andrew), obituary notices, 80, 86, 154, 2o2 ;

his saying "Measles is better than paralysis,"


[^anghanie (John), Westminster scholar, 1770, 70 Liangley (W.), Westminster scholar, 1770, 70 Lansdowne Passage, right of way, 387 lascelles (E. R. ), Westminster scholar, 1820, 70 Lascelles (F. E.), Westminster scholar, 1824, 70 Lascelles (F. G. J.), Westminster scholar, 1820, 70 .ascelles (H.), Westminster scholar, 1820, 70 -ascelles (J.), Westminster scholar, 1824, 70 L-ascelles (W.), Westminster scholar, 1824, 70

haiu (R. ), Westminster scholar, 1771, 70 .atimer, Barony of, its origin, 126 -Aud (Archbishop), his relations, 477 jawes (J.), Westminster scholar, 1779, 110 Lawrance (J.), American judge, 1750-1810, 248,

338, 431

^awrance (Miss), her lineage, 248 ^awrence family of Nova Scotia, 349 ^awson (Sir H. ), whereabouts of his papers, 109 Le Coq (P.) .Westminster scholar, 1783, 110 j& Gos, Goose, or Gorse family, 230, 312, 495 Leahy (E.), Westminster scholar, 1786, 110