Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/640

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.

Leak? (Lake) and Farington of Worden families,


Leaning family, 428 " Lease for three lives," legal phrase, 230, 297,

358 Leather, curious collection of ancient objects in,


Lecan, Irish M.S., its translation, 70 Leeches, Society of, John Wilkes and, 1769, 387 Leigh, Kent, history of the parish, 289 Lely (Sir Peter), d. 1761, his portrait by himself,

308, 413

London (W. H.), Westminster scholar, 1823, 110 Leopard! (Giacomo), his epigram, 209 Leslie (C. ), Westminster scholar, 1775, 130 Leslie (R.), Westminster scholar, 1771, 130 Letters, old, discovered in churches, 450 Lewis (G. Wenham), Westminster scholar, 1812,


" Li," a symbol in will of 1592, 409, 512 Licence and privilege to publish, 1534, 510 Lichen used to dye crimson, 368, 416, 476 Lincoln (Lord) and Casanova, 1771, 4, 137 Lindsay (J.), Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge,

1776, 130, 255

Lindsay (W.), Westminster scholar, 1764, 130, 255 Lintall (Daniel and Thomas), Westminster

scholars, 1784, 130

Litchfield (J.), Westminster scholar, 1787, 89 Litchfield (T.), Westminster scholar, 1781. 89 Litchfield (V. ), Westminster scholar, 1780, 89 Little Missenden, vicars of. 209, 278 Liverpool Academy founded 1810, 165 Livery Companies, records of the City, 464 Livesay (Roger) of Ireland, c. 1664, 129 Livingstone family of America, 307, 437 Llanfair-Waterdine, inscription in parish church,

10,94 Logan (Eliza), author of 'St. Johnstoun,' 252,

318 Londinium, Londres, origin of the place-name,

32, 173

London : Puddynglane, postscript to note on, 1297, 6 ; Sanctuaries, 14, 306, 372 ; vanishing landmarks, 33, 66, 83 ; fees at the City Compters, 46 ; monuments in old City church, 54 ; houses of historical interest indicated, 70, 77, 100 ; Regent's Circus, 109, 174, 216, 277, 358 ; its relics of the past, 150 ; allusions to old tavern signs, 167, 266, 306 ; Lamb's Chapel, its registers, 291, 357, 435; riot in 1629, 307; "Territorials," c. 1588, 323, 364, 457; tavern sign in 1912, 328; plague, 1563, 384; stray queries on, 387 ; views of London at the Guild- hall, 408 ; the stones of buildings and monu- ments, 429, 515

London, origin of the r in Londres, 32, 173 London bricklayer of the Roman Empire, 187,

275 London Bridge, pamphlet on, 1831, 209, 318,


Londres, London, origin of the r in, 32, 173 Longevity, human and animal, treatises on, 330,

394 Longfellow (H. W.), his ' Chamber over the Gate,'


Lord Mayor, the right to bear arms, 210 ' Loss and Gain ' and ' From Oxford to Rome,'

429, 497 Loti (Pierre), his description of Easter Island,


Lovel (Lord) and Nancy Bell, ballad, 37, 115. 171, 217, 296 ,

Lowndes (W. T.), his ' Bibliographer's Manual '

published in parts, 103, 191, 275 Lowth (F.), Westminster scholar, 1825, 89 Lowther (Col.), 1739, his Christian name, 131,

176, 217, 237, 293

Loyal Society, John Wilkes and, 1745, 387 Ludlow (Edmund), regicide, his stay in Switzer- land, 367

Ludlow (Edmund), Westminster scholar, 1818, 89 Ludlow (Edmund H.), Westminster scholar, 1818,


Luna, classic description of, 250, 371 Lyonesse, allusions to, by modern writers, 88


Macdonald (Flora) and the wife of Rev. W.

MacQueen, 426, 496 McFunn, surname and family, 508 MacQueen (Rev. W.), his wife, and Flora Mac- donald, 426, 496 Maidens' garlands, carried at funerals, 251, 335,

412, 497 Male line, duration of families in, 73, 114, 156,


Malvern, anonymous books on, c. 1858, 68 Malvern Priory Church, stained glass from, 188 Manasseh Ben Israel and Rembrandt, 34, 133 ' Mandrakes found at Albury, near Bishop's

Starford,' pamphlet, 108

" Manmourmurian," meaning of the word, 309 Mansell (Lieut. Bussy),*R.N., d. 1732. his parents,

231 Manuscript, the smallest, in Bodleian Librarv.


Marana (G. P.), his ' Letters of a Turkish Spy,' 55 Marriages, Cromwellian, in Ireland, 149 " Marrowskying," use of the word, 307 " Marshalseas," meaning of, in accounts, c. 1686,


Marten (J.), Winchester scholar, 1553, 347, 454 Martial, " Dr. Fell " epigram adapted from, 37 Martin family of Ireland, 427

Martyne (G. ), Winchester scholar, 1548, 347, 454 Martyne (G.), Winchester scholar, 1549, 347, 454 Maryland, King William's School, c. 1700, 447 Massacre of St. Bartholomew 7 , medal struck by

the Pope, 52

" Master of Garraway's, " origin of the term, 36 " Maulth Way," roads called, 348 Mayhew (Henry), 1812-87, and aniline dyes, 71 Meanings, ambiguous, of phrases, 167, 236 Medal and Thunder Cross, from will,- 1802, 131,


Medals, commemorating Massacre of St. Bar- tholomew, 52 ; for valour at Leipsic. 1813,

230, 313, 377, 432 ; relating to John Wilkes,


" Memoria technica," 309, 398 Memorials, in the British Isles, 4, 284, 343, 385 ;

in Calcutta, 41, 104, 163, 204, 316 ; British,

of the Peninsular Campaign, 217 Memory game of eighteenth century, ;">()! ' Mercenaries, Scottish, in Norway, 269, 358 Meulan (Counts of), their history, 190 Meurpn (Comte de), his Swiss regiment, 71 Midnight burial, origin of custom, 369, 414, 474 Mikszath (Coloman), Hungarian writer, his works

in English, 217

Mill (J. Stuart) and Novalis on suicide, 369, 492 Miller (Patrick) of Dalswinton, 1731-1815, 70 Millers, rime to torment, 35