Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/644

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.


Raglan (Lord), his saying about his arm, 1854>


Ragwort, and cinnabar moth, 348 Ralegh (Sir Walter), his descendants, 191, 236,

314, 356

Ram Alley, Fleet Street, c. 1697, 372 Rawdon family and Earl of Moira, 249 Rawson and ffairbanck families, 166, 214 Records, municipal, list of printed, 91, 197 ; of

the City Livery Companies, 464 Red Riding-Hood, inner meaning of story, 411,


Rees (William), Sheriff of Monmouth, 1733, 450 Regent's Circus, three in London, 109, 174, 216,

277, 358

Regent's Park centenary, 98 Regimental sobriquet, 1807, 496 Regiments, Swiss, in British service, 71 Registers, church, of Canongate, Edinburgh, 50,

97 ; parish, Col. Chester's extracts from, 90 ;

Irish parish, duplicate copies, 110 ; parish,

history of, published 1829, 410 ; curious entrv

in 1599, 429, 513

" Regium praeceptum Scaligeri," 329, 397 Reilly family of Dublin, 427 Rembrandt and Manasseh Ben Israel, 34, 133 Rennes (Ermengard, Countess of), 970, 447 Repetition in the works of great authors, 448 Republics, small, in Europe, Goust, Tavolara,

48, 135

Revelliere-Lepeaux (La) and Talleyrand, 109 Reynolds (John), Wilkes's attorney, 513 Reynolds (Sir Joshua), his portrait of Mrs.

Armytage, 251 Rhetorique family, 437 Rhuddlan 1 , place-name of Wales and Brittany,


Richborough remains in Bethnal Green, 90 Richelieu (Cardinal Alphonse de), his Christian

name, 7, 96, 196 Rimes : " Millerdy, Millerdy, d\isty poll," 35 ;

" March winds and April showers." 48, 116, 176 ;

" Les yeux bleus vont aux cieux," 56 ; French

counting-out rimes, 166, 333 " Ring-dropping," use of the term, 366 Ring, rabbit emblem on, dated 1835. 230 Riot in London, 1629, list of wounded, 307 Rites of the Church, 14th century, 448, 514 Rix (Rev. H.) ? Royal Society, 1879-95, 327 Robe of feathers of the Queen of Tahiti, 210, 315,

417 Robinson (John Riley ), his poem ' The Women of

Weinsberg,' 427 Robsart (Ludovick), Lord Bourchier, d. 1431, 130,

197, 253 Rocket Troop, Royal Horse Artillery* their medal

for valour at Leipzic, 230, 313, 377, 432 Roses and onions planted together, 509 Rouquet (Jean or Andre), his ' The Present State

of the Arts in England,' 1755, 328

  • ' Roving Englishman," his identity, 1857, 38

Rowe (Rev. H.), of East Tytherley, 1574, 149 Rowe family, 363, 437

" Royal," towns with the prefix, 408, 475, 495 Royal Exchange, frescoes and statues, 398 Royal George, the sinking of, 110, 176, 374, 436,

496 Royal Society, its 250th anniversary, 181, 202,

223, 243, 261, 282, 302

' Rule, Britannia,' its chorus, 414

Rumbold family, 329, 397

Ruskin ( J. ), his quotation from Goethe, 106

" Russalky " lore, 247

Russell (Lord William), murder of, 1840, 170,

258, 350, 435 Ryan family of co. Carlow.. 428

" S," long, date of disappearance, 386

St. Barbara, patron of coal-miners, 469

St. Bartholomew massacre, medal struck by the

Pope in commemoration, 52 St. Felicitas, parish church of Phillack, 401,


St. James, his boat a cockle-shell, 10 St. James's, B.C., tithe-books, 1700-1800, 250 St. Leger (Arthur), Westminster scholar, 1741,

450 St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, 403 baptism!?, 30 June,

1837, 289 St. Martin's-in-the-Fields and the Roval Standard,

106, 125

Salisbury land measures, fifteenth century, 6 Salisbury (Lord), his speech on war between

England and Germany, 69 Sanctuaries, London : Baldwin's Gardens 1697,

14, 306 ; Ram Alley, 372 Sanskrit and the Welsh language, 92, 133 " Saraft," meaning of the word, 349, 418 Saward (J. Townshend or Townsend), " Jim the

Penman, c. 1857, 510

Scaliger, his " Regium praeceptum," 329, 397 Schaak (J. S. C.), 1766, artist, his nationality,


School, King William's, Maryland, c. 1700, 447 Schools of Devonshire, pupils of, 270, 358 Schortelyme, meaning of the place-name, 250 Scilly Isles, allusions to, by modern writers, 88 Scotsmen in Italy, c. 1627-41, 330 Scott (Thomas) or Scot, regicide, 11 Scott (Sir W.), and the Freemasons, 82, 146 ;

his Danish visitor, 1822, 147 ; and Dewhurst

Bilsborrow, 210 ; Hogg's book on, 248 ; text

of ' Kenilworth,' 488

Scottish mercenaries in Norway, 269, 358 Seabury (Bishop S.), his ancestors, 68 Seal, ivory, found in New Guinea, 469 Seal, with arms, Argent, a cross gules, 49, 97 Sealer, duties of Chancellor's sealer, 89 Seals of Thomas, Marquis of Dorset, 330 Secret service, from accounts, 1794-1829, 370,

430, 460

Segrave family, origin of, 271, 374 Segre, near Angers, and the Segrave family, 271,

374 " Selling of a horse," meaning of the phrase, 328,


" Set up my (his) rest," phrase in card game, 347 Seward family, 428

Seymer or Seymour (Richard), 1768, 449 Seymour (Maiy), her marriage, 110, 173 Shakespare (William), of Leicestershire, c. 1514,

228 Shakespeare (William), of W T altham-in-the-Wold,

1553, 429 Shakespeare (W.), on the pain of death, 28, 93 ;

his signatures, 72, 153, 255, 338, 437 ; allusions

to, 426 ; Sonnets, the text of, 446 ; proverb

quoted by, 507