Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/643

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913. SUBJECT INDEX.


Proverbs and Phrases:

The devil owed him a service, 169

The more the merrier, 15

Tom, Dick, and Harry, 268

Tool the reins, 487

Wiltshire phrases, 36 Psalms in metre, their use, 229 Ptolemy (Claudius), quoted by Sir T. Browne,

30, 97

Puddynglane, London, note on, 1297, 6 Pulpit, Ulster, built on a rock, 266 Punishment, corporal, books on, 70 Purdue family, 249

Purdue or Purdy (W.), bell-founder, c. 1567, 249 ' Puss in Pattens,' print, 1782, 489 Puteolana (Maria), maiden warrior, 288 Pyke, Fullwood, Halley, and Parry families, 303.

415, 497 Pyke, Stewart, Freeman, and Day families, 25*

Quarles family, 70, 153, 197

Quatrain, " On parent knees," the Persian original of, 21

Quotations :

A man may commit a mistake, 48, 118

A soul supreme, in each hard instance tried, 89, 155

A temple whose transepts are measured bv miles, S68, 414

America remained Carlyle's Carcassonne, 489

An Austrian army awfully arrayed, 480

Ancestral masks, each in its little cedarn chest, 309, 434

And hears the unexpressive nuptial song, 328, 395, 476

And now my vacation is over, 468

As I whirl and whirl, 429

Be thou happy, be thou kind, 11

Bide thy time, 189, 313

Bite again, and bite bigger, 17, 94

Cows, women, sheep, dogs, and other demo- crats, 169, 256

Divine discontent, 229

Dreams of Lipara, 489

E'en as he trod that day to God, 429, 494 i Everything he did became him best, 189

For the good saint little knew, 11, 97

Forth from England's ranks a score of horse- men, 69

God gives the birds food, but does not throw it into their nests, 410

He that doeth a base thing in zeal for a friend, 48, 118

He that dreamed that he saw his father, 489

He whose ear is untaught, 509

Heu quanto minus est cum reliquis versari quam tui meminisse, 29, 95

His cibus et potus siniul est, 227

If thou wouldst have all about thee like the colours of some fresh picture, 309

In subjection to women he learnt the govern- ance of men, 189

Incidis in Scyllam cupiens vitare Charybdin, 227, 312

Je m'aime assez quand je me considere, 250

Jugulantur homines ne nihil agatur, 489

Last night the nightingale woke me, 172

Quotations :

Les yeux bleus vont aux cieux, 56

....lie through centuries And hear the

blessed mutter of the mass, 90 Like the tall mast snapped before the storm- wind, 69 Linger not long I Home is not home without

thee, 389 Listen to the water-mill, all the livelong dav,


Lord of Life, all praise excelling, 69 Lympha pudica Deum vidit et erubuit, 489 Ma vie a son secret, mon ame a son myst<>iv.

246, 334, 418, 431, 517

Made perfect by the love of visible beauty, 30! Measles is better than paralysis, 169 va.<(> Kol /u^/ivew* diriffTflv Apdpa ravra TUV

tfiptvuv, 35 Nor custom, nor example, nor vast numbers,

48, 189, 238

Nor strive to wind one's soul too high, 109 Nulla non donanda lauru, 370, 418 O quantum nobis profuit ilia fabula de

Christo, 36

O stout North- Easter, 69, 172 One ship drives East, and one drives West, 330 Own large father-like heart, 189 Ply thy book when thou art youmg, 109, 17 I Quanti profuit nobis haec fabula de Christo, 35 Quis deus incertum est, habitat deus, 414 Red ruin and the breaking-up of laws, 69 Si jeunesse scavoit Et vieillesse pouvoit,

66, 136

Sorrow sleeps ever at the heart, 90 Statio bene fida carinis, 37 Strange to spell or rede, 189 Suffer not the old king, 109, 195 Taste (Touch) not the cup of the sorceress, C9 Te vero mentis inopem, quas oblatum hoc

respuis aurum, 227 The hand that rocks the cradle, 380 The obstinate man does not hold opinions,

48, 118 The red inoon is up on the moss-covered

mountains, 368

The soul that fixes upon earth, 509 The Survivorship of a Good Man in his Son,

290, 374 There is pleasure in the wet, wet clay, 330,


Though absence parts us for a while, 53 Though lost to sight, to memory dear, 49 Three members, in three distant counties

born, 411, 476

To digg the dvst encloased heare, 126 Tradition is but a meteor, 230, 355 Traitor ! this bolt shall find and pierce thee

through, 230

Transient and embarrassed phantom, 35 Wealth of London looked pale, 189 When 1 consider life, 'tis all a cheat, 49, 116 Who laughs at sin laughs at his own disease,

509 Whoever turned upon his heel to hear my

counsel, 69 Why come not spirits from the realms of

glory, 136

With pipe and book at close of day, 269, 35o You had better be drown'd than to love and

to dream, 269

You may fool some of the people all the time, 136