Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/651

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913. AUTHORS I.N D.LX.

Davey (H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 172

Davies (A. Morley) on Yedding, 76

Davies (J. Ceredig) on Henry VII. in Wales and

Brittany, 208. Powdered alabaster, 234.

Rhuddlan, 149. Sacred wells, 190 Davies (T.) on Moses Hugh, 410 Davis (N. Darnell) on representative government

in the Colonies, 206 Dawson (H. St. John) on Skelton, 428 Deane (A.) on grant by Elizabeth of lands in

Belfast to Sir Thomas Smith, 368. Queen of

Tahiti's feather robe, 315 Deferrari (R. J.) on "jag," 411. "Vox populi

vox musa?," 390 Delafield (J. Ross) on Delafield arms, 29, 313.

Lawson's (Sir Henry) papers, 109 Diego on Dingwall family, 95. Estates of Non- jurors, 77. Hampden surname, 489. Lowther

(Col.), 1739, 237 Dinna Ken on " apium," 489 Dixon (Ronald) on Sir John Arundel of Clerken-

well. 96. Brodribb of Somerset : Sir Henry

Irving, 31. Cassiterides, Scilly Isles, and

Lyonesse, 88. Famines : duration in male

line, 114, 273. Piper (Henry Hunt), 176, 216,

236. " Touching for a loan, 314 Dodds (M. H.) on East Anglian families, 312.

Employment of counsel in trial for treason, 113.

Novels in ' Northanger Abbey,' 449 Dodds (R.) on Jacques Dartnell, 90 Doran (Alban) on no twin ever famous, 58.

Sterne and " Dr. Slop " (Burton of York),

290 Douglas (W.) on murder of Lord William Russell,

351. Play founded on the exploits of Tekeli,

258 Drake (Wilfred) on heraldic : bearer of coat

sought, 475

Drima on authors wanted, 338 Drury (C.) on barrow at Gotham, 112. Families :

duration in male line, 274. Fulwood : Halley :

Parry : Pyke, 497

Dryasdust on to be " out " for a thing, 494 Drysdale (J. D.) on Belshazzar's Feast, 411 Duncan (R.) on Casanova and Carlyle, 94 Dunheved on Nicholas Herle, M.P. for Gram- pound, 1679, 209

Dupernex (E.) on portraits of Mary Stuart, 67 Dwight (T. F.) on Edward Gibbon's residences,

152. " J'ai vu Carcassonne," 57. Lawrance,

338. Letter of William III., 250

E. (E. C.) on ancient leather collection, 165

E. (G.) on Appleby of Appleby Magna, 291

E. (H. G.) on " Castle Tavern," Eltham, 288

Eden (F. Sydney) on Harris family, 89

Editor on Royal Standard and St. Martin's-in-

the-Fields, 106 Edgcumbe (Richard) on death of Shelley. 9.

Garrick's 'Satire,' 250. Hulsdonck (V.) and

O. Hoynck, 409. " Rothiemurchus " grant,

229 Edwards (F. A.) on " Morocco " or " Marocco,"

396 Egerton-Warburton (F. J.) on Miss Coghlan of

Bath, 475 Ellis (A. S. ) on Breton origin of the noble house of

Ormonde, 161 Ellis (H. D.) on German proverb: "Gut ver-

loren," 454

Emeritus on E. Hewlett on burial customs, 349. Magic lucky pear at Colstoun, Haddingtonshire, 110. Onions planted with roses, 509

Enquirer on " Club Walks," 349

Estoclet (A.) on " Knickerbocker," 6

Evelyn (S. G. ) on Lyndon Evelyn, 10

Ewen (J.) on John Ewen, the Aberdeen philan- thropist, 368

F. on history of parish registers, 410

F. (A.) on badge : identification sought, 130

F. (C.) on Coloman Mikszath's works in English,


F. (E.) on arms on a seal, 49 F. (E. M.) on Dooms in churches, 490 F. (F. R.) on epitaphiana, 503. " Here I lay

outside the door," 57 F. (J. T.) on consecration crosses on the outside

walls of churches, 451. Thunder cross and

medal, 108 F. (R. C.) on curiosities of the Gregorian Calendar,


F. (S. H.) on Henry Rowe, 149 F. (W. G. D.) on ancestry of E. A. Freeman,

historian, 342. Heraldic, 390. Portrait of

Sir Peter Lely, 308

F.L.S. on prophecy concerning Hagia Sophia, 469 Fail-bank (F. R.) on weights and coinage, 1338,

388 Fairbrother (E. H.) on London riot in 1629, 3u7.

Nelson (Lady) : marriage lines and application

for gratuity, 487. Petition to the Hon. Mary

Conway, 1629, 327

Fairer (W.) on Avenam, 275. Brindle arms, 318 Fell (Mary A.) on date of publication wanted,

348 Ferrar (Major M. LI.) on biographical information

wanted, 49

Firebrace (C. W.) on plants in poetry, 356 Firminger (W. K.) on Caraccioli on Clive, 76 Fishwick (Col. H.) on churchyard inscriptions : list

of transcriptions, 255. ' Old Man's Legacy,' 329.

Relic of John Bunyan, 235 Fletcher (E.) on authors of quotations wanted,


Fletcher (J. M. J.) on King Sifferth, 8 Florican on Napoleon and Wellington, 349 Floyer (F. A.) on Pierre Loti : Easter Island, 53 Foo'rd (Alfred S.) on Essex Bath, Strand Lane,

348 Fortescue (Mrs.) on Sir Christopher Dominick,

Knight, M.D., 330. Hall (Anne), 330 Foster (J.) on inscription on a portrait, 251 Foster (J. J.) on Coopers and John Hoskins, 30 Four Score Years and Ten on Queen of Tahiti's

feather robe, 315 Francis (J. Collins) on house of John Murray, 286.

Rix (Rev. Herbert), Royal Society, 1879-95,

327. Royal Society's 250th anniversary. 181,

202, 223, 243, 261, 282, 302 Franks (E.) on last fatal duel in England, 46 Freeman (J. J.) on first use of finger-prints for

identification, 198

Freemantle (W. T.) on Henry Hunt Piper, 294 Fynmore (A. H. W.) on title-deeds, 278 Fynmore (Col. R. J. ) on Barnards of Pirton, Oxford, 32. Cawthorne, 517. Churchyard inscrip- tions : list of transcriptions, 354. Concave mirror with eagle, chain, and ball, 297. Cop- peras House, 328. Courtenay (Sir William),