Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/652

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.

18. Ireland's stolen shire, 496. .Tenner family,

J08, 469. Jenner and Parkhurst, 469. Ken-

nett and Howe families, 314. London's " Territorials " in 1588 and 1599 : Lambarde MSS., 457. Morocco, 372. Ralegh's (Sir Walter) descendants, 314. " Red, White, and Ulue," 450. Regimental sobriquets, 496. Stampe (William), D.D., 96. Veterinary Col- lege : Prof. Coleman, 305


G. on " Nevermass," 170

G. (O.) on Quarles : Bacon : Miller, 70

O. (C. H.) on Berrysfield, 368. Lamb's Chapel,

London, 291

G. (F.) on author of quotation wanted, 396 G. (B. W.) on authors of quotations wanted, 429 G. (J.) on Robert Denton, 169. Gilbert (Thomas), 89 G. (J. H.) on " Maulth Way," 348 Gaidoz (H.) on Breton song, 36 Garnett (F. W. R.) on Pilfold of Effingham, 29 Genealogist on Col. Chester's extracts from

parish registers, 90. Tyrrell (Mary), 169 Gerish (W. B.) on ancient observance at Braugh- ing, 367. Authors wanted, 250. Burial at midnight, 474. Chained books, 136. East Anglian families, 312. Hertfordshire inscrip- tions : Hundred of Dacorum, 147. ' Man- drakes found at Albury, near Bishop's Star- f *rd,' 108. Murder of Sarah Stout at Hertford, 469. Newton's (Sir Isaac) observatory, 306. Powdered alabaster, 129. Sacred wells, 413. Sale of cherries prohibited, 508. W T hitened doorstep, 389 Gilbert (W.) on plants in poetry, 254. Quarles

family, 197 Gilbert-Cooper (C. L.) on ' Letter H to his Little

Brother Vowels,' 468

Gilbey (W.) on " yorker " at bridge, 30 Glenny (W. W.) on winnower, 433 Glymv (T. ) on detached portions of counties, 156 Goodwin (J. C.) on authors of quotations wanted,

230 Goodwin (James E.) on ' Bingen on the Rhine ' :

' The Siege of Weinsberg,' 427 Gosselin (Hellier) on ' Loss and Gain ' : ' From

Oxford to Rome,' 497

Goudchaux (H.) on Breton song, 36. References wanted, 118. " Sex horas somno," 474. " The more the merrier," 15

Goulding (R. W.) on Charles Boit, enameller, 121 Gbwer (R. Vaughan) on churchyard inscriptions : list of transcriptions, 418. Estates of Non- jurors, 9. Gower (Abel) of Boughton St. John, 30. Ingenious tailor, 267, 353. Leigh, Kent, 289. Seymer : Burrow : Monckton, 449. Stampe (William), D.D., 30 Graves (Algernon) on Schaak, an artist, 78 Gray (G. J.) on Bishop R. Foxe, died 1528, 38 Griffith (L.) on Lieut. Bussy Mansell, R.N., 231 Griffith (R. H.) on ' Memoirs of Scriblerus,' 167 <i randy- Newman (S. A.) on Bishop Ken, 374.

Tong Church treasure, 506 Gruselier (Gregory) on Rev. David George Goyder,

F.E.S., 450 Gniney (L. I.) on " To digg the dvst encloased

heare," 126

Gurney (T.) on curious entry in register, 513 Gwyther (A.) on General Beatson and the Crimean War, 517. Hudson (Jeffrey) and Crofts duel, 433


H. on H.M. Barque Endeavour, 177. House of Brunswick, 8. Paget family, 468

H. (A. H.) on Mary Seymour, 110

H. (C.) on Shelley portrait, 448

H. (C. S.) on Dragoon regiments : band, 34

H. (C. W.) on Woodville family, 170

H. (H.) on Dooms in churches, 410

H. (H. K.) on winnower, 433

H. (J. J.) on biographical information wanted, 415. Eyre family, 398

H. (S. H. A.) on " advowe," 288. " Cheev " : " cheever," 446. Hudson (Jeffrey) and Crofts duel, 433. " Yeoman " v. " gentleman," 349

H. (W. B.) on alabaster effigies, 277. Coaching songs, 58. Coaching tokens, 50. Dickensiana : Fagin in ' Oliver Twist,' 486. ' Eccentric Biography,' 434. Epitaphiana, 502. Gray's ' Elegy ' : translations and parodies, 517. " Here I lay outside the door," 57. Hucks (I.), B.A., 397. " Memoria technica," 309. Refer- ence wanted, 313. " Selling of a horse " by Mr. Pepys, 496. Wint (Peter de), 311. Wood's (Anthony) ' Athense Oxonienses,' 474

H. (W. N. ) on John Norms, 251. Norris of Spate, 428

H.-A. (H. C.) on Atharvan-athravan, 428. German funeral custom, 368

Haggard (C.) on Rocket Troop at Leipsic, 432

Haines (L.) on wrestling match in fiction, 467

Hall (C. S.) on werwolves, 388

Hall (H. I.) on Ludovick Robsert, Lord Bourchier, 130, 253

Hall (T. W.) on Fullwood and Halley, 415

Harding (J. Rudge) on authors of quotations wanted, 509

Harris (E. B.) on relic of John Britton, 287

Harris (Mary Dormer) on " Ad subsidium Terre Sancte," 188. Seals of Thomas, first Marquis of Dorset, 330. Will of William Hyndman of Coventry, 341

Harrison (C. W.) on Harrison family, 208

Harrison (H.) on " Torpenhow," 380. " Yelver " in place-names, 352

Hayllar (Jessie H.) on " Schreib dir's hinter das Ohr," 388

Hems (H.) on Berrysfield, 437. Crucifix on the Edgar Tower, Worcester, 393. Dooms in churches, 492. Essex Bath, Strand Lane, 432. Powdered alabaster, 175

Henderson (H. C. ) on Hogarth's ' Rake's Progress,' 189

Henderson (W. A.) on dogs on tombs, 129

Henricus on references wanted, 109

Herbert (Sydney) on Compton Abdale Church, 189. Dogs on tombs, 374

Heron- Allen (E.) on almanacs in dialect, 235. Regent's Circus, 358

Herron (H. G. W.) on treatises on longevity, 395

Herschel (Sir W. J.) on earth-eating, 397

Hibgame (F. T.) on consecration crosses on the outside walls of churches, 390. ' Husenbeth's Breviary,' 191. Topcliffe, the Rack-Master of the Tower, 490

Hie et "Ubique on " Sex horas somrio," 411

Higham (C.) on Rev. David George Goyder, F.E.S., 514. Swedenborg : advertisement in London newspapers for December, 1783, 148

Hill (C. J.) on prisoners taken at the Battle of Worcester, 469