Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/653

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Notes and Queries, Jan. i5, 1913.



Hill (E. McC.S.jon Bagenal family, 173. Forlorn hope at Badajos, 155

Hill (N. W.) on William Amherst, 1767, 416. " Babbylubie," 135. " Blue Peter," 237. Char- ter of Henry II., 474. " Cheek," 135. East Anglian families, 495. English participle pre- sent and gerund, 397. " Gulyas," 416. In- galls (Miss), 376. Jacob! (Mary P.): Mrs. Ellis, 416. " La Grenacliere," 388. Lawrence, 431. " Nevermass," 397. Syvetare : Syvekar, '.itj. Trussel family, 32

Hillier (G. J.) on coaching in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 389

Hillman (E. Haviland) on Thomas Heath Havi- land, Canadian statesman, 388. Treatises on longevity, 394

Hippoclides on Burke quotation, 468. London bricklayer, 187. Toads and poison, 87

Hipwell (Daniel) on Rev. Matthew Feilde, 477. Gibson (William), miniature painter, "466. Laud's (Archbishop) relations, 477. London proprietary chapels, 83. Pettingall (Rev. John), 477. Wilson (John), 509. Zinek : Zincke, 469

Hockaday (F. S.) on honest millers, 35

Hodgson (J. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, 11. Deodatus and Thomas Threlkeld, 211

Hodson (Leonard J.) on judges who have died on the Bench, 354

Hogan (J. F.) on ' Bingen on the Rhine,' 493. Corio, Victoria, Australia, 238. " Saraft," 418

Hogg (R. M.) on Mungo Campbell : edition of ' Trial ' wanted, 429

Holworthy (F. M. R.) on Cromwell's signature, 330

Horner (S. ) on judges who have died on the Bench, 413

Howard (H.) on forlorn hope at Badajos, 56

Huck (Thomas W. ) on Baldwin's Gardens, Holborn, 14. Burial-place of Mary de Bohun, 378. Favell (Samuel), 129. Parody of Dryden by Daniel O'Connell, 476, " Roving English- man," 38. Westenhanger in Kent, 472

Hudson (H, K.) on epitaphiana, 502

Hughes (T. Cann) on William Carter, artist, 410. Crozier (R.). 370. Devonshire schools, 270. Huxham (Rev. John Corhani), F.R.S., 290. Knowles (John), F.R.S., 290. Place of deposit of wills, 129. Vicars of Home, Devon, 309

Humphreys (A. L.) on author of quotation wanted, 374. Brodribb of Somerset : Sir Henry Irving, 30, 111, 177, 217. Lowndes's ' Bibliographer's Manual,' 275. Relics of Lon- don's past, 150. Ships lost in the Great Storm, 1703, 11. Stone's End, Borough, 231. Use of forks, 293

Hunter-Blair (Sir D. O.) on Abercromby family, 56. Macdonald : MacQueen, 496

Hutchinson (J.) on Wordsworth's friend Jones, 55

J. (C. C.) on " Divine discontent," 229

J. (D.) on Nelson among his intimates, 88. Pass- ports to Paradise, 247

J. (G. ) on ballad of Lord Lovel, 37. Ken (Bishop ), 289. Penleaze, 55

J. (G. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 330

J. (J. F.) on ' Ian Roy,' 510

T. (W. C.) on Infanta'lsabella Clara Eugenia, 190. Poet's Road, Canonbury, 74

Jackson (W. H. M.) on Pilfold of Effingham, lot

Jaggard (W.) on chained books, 215. Guildhall

Library, 356. ' Husenbeth's Breviary,' :!7i James (R.) on Campden House, 468 James (W. A.) on biographical information

wanted, 415

Jennings (P.) on Sir William Courtenay, 50 Jerram (C. S.) on Milton's ' Lycidas,' 3*96 Jesson (T.) on ' Puss in Pattens,' 489 Jonas (A. C.) on ballad of Lord Lovel, 171. Lamb's Chapel, London, 357. Price of tobacco in the seventeenth century, 477 Jonas (P.) on St. James's, E.C. : tithe-books, 250 Jones (T.) on " basset," 377. German proverb t silks in the kitchen, 255. " Xevermass," :M7. Plants in poetry, 254. " Pomander," 214. Price of tobacco in the seventeenth century, 336. Regent's Circus, 174. " Shieve," 33. " Sleeve- less errand," 16. Toads and poison, 157 Jones (T. Llechid) on alabaster effigies, 208. Du Moulin (Dr. Peter) and North Wales, 389. Report of trial : Yspytty Ifan, 229. Sanskrit and Welsh, 133. Wynn (Sir Watkin Williams) i the Prince in Wales, 276 Juckes (G. T.) on relic of John Bunyan (?), 162

K. on Countess of Lanesborough (Mrs. John King),


K. (H.) on capture of Spira, 53. " Dictograph," 147. " Geotroposcope," 345. Sanskrit and Welsh, 92. Small republics in Europe : Goust i Tavolara, 135

K. (L. L.) on British troops in Goa, 68. " Bui- gars " : " Hungars," 367. Cobbett biblio- graphy, 217. Crucifix on the Edgar Tower, Worcester, 394. Danish visitor of Sir Walter Scott's, 147. " Gulyas," 208. Play founded on the exploits of Tekeli, 210. References wanted, 169. Suecia, 368. " Though lost to sight, to memory dear," 49. Touching for jaundice, 110. Weights and coinage, 1338, 455- Kelso on author wanted, 109

Kernohan (J. W. ) on Solemn League and Cove- nant in Belfast, 417 King (C.) on Copes of Wilts, 210 King (Sir C. S.), Bt., on Irish genealogy, 338 King (W, L. ) on Mrs. Armytage, painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 251. Compton Abdale Church, 317. Regent's Circus, 277. Wolfe (General), 428

Kirby (Katherine) on lease for three lives, 358 Kittredge (G. A. ) on authors of poems wanted 69 Klemantaski (Louis A.) on ' Manmounnurian,"


Knightley (Louisa M.) on John Knightley, 477 Kom Ombo on " Regiuin prseceptum Scaligeri,"


Krebs (H.) on Albanian and modern Greek, 446. " Moolvee," 92. " Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde," 195. " Shire : its derivation, 35 Krueger(G.) on "aircraft," 45. Double meanings, 236. English participle present and gerund, 65. French sonnet, 246. German provt-rl' : silks in the kitchen, 255. " Schreib dir's hinter das Ohr," 455. To be " out " for a thing, 409. " To carry one's life in one's hands," 508

L. (B.) on Sir Robert Beale, Secretary to Queen Elizabeth: his portrait, 129. Patent for baronetcy in blank, 90