Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/657

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Notes ami Queries, Jan. 25, 1913. AUTHORS' INDEX.


Antrobus family, 461. ' Here I lay outside the door," 137. Lang (Andrew), 86, 252. Londres : Londinium, 173. Lowndes's ' Biblio-

a dance, 306. Presentation of " the Freedom " in a gold box, 249. Season posts for popular

, --. -.. .^,.j .j .^.i^i.v resorts, 287. " Touching for a loan " ' >f> S

j,T-aphers Manual,' 191. MacDonald : Mac- I Bobbins (Clifton) on "basset," 310s Trioos Queen, 426. " Moolvee,'^ 212. Omar Khay- | Tripos verses, 347

Roberts (Ida) on General Beatson and the Crimean

yam's ' Rubaiyat,' 34. Printers' proofs, 444.

Royal Tunbridge Wells, 495. ' She Stoops to

Conquer ' : explanations wanted, 154. Stevens's

' Dramatic History,' 501. " When, dearest, ]

but think of thee, 431 Prideaux (W. R. B.) on John Bannister, musician

tvmp. Charles II., 312. Chained books, 373.

Portrait by James Godby : identification sought,

473. Turkish spy in Paris, 55 Prior ( W. B. ) on authors of quotations wanted, 172.

Scottish mercenaries in Norway, 358. Stewart

(James Pattison), 89

Q. (A. N.) on St. Martin's-in-the-Fields and the

Royal Standard, 125 Quilter (H.) on burial-place of Mary de Bohun,


R. (A. ) on reference wanted, 238

R. (C.) on tavern signs, 328

R. (D. M.) on " Ancient Britons " : projected natural history, 270. Dedication of Noncon- formist chapels, 192. Piper (Henry Hunt), 216. Wynn (Sir Watkin Williams), the Prince in Wales, 211

R. (F. C.) on references wanted, 189

R. (G. W. E.) on authors of quotations wanted, 35

R. (J.) on Lord Raglan's arm, 131

R. (J. F.) on botany, 416. Price of tobacco in the seventeenth century, 336

R. (J. H. ) on Holy wood Premonstratensian Char- tulary, 468. Stones of London, 429. Sym- bolism of the Pentalpha, 490

R. (L. M.) on Fitzwilliam and Grimaldi arms, 144

Randolph (J. A.) on Cardinal Alphonse de Richelieu, 7, 196

Ratcliffe (T.) on ' Bingen on the Rhine,' 493. ' Bite Again, and Bite Bigger,' 17. ' Corsican's Downfall,' 130. " Daggs " : " to set daggs," 75. Diseases from plants, 97. ' Eccentric Biography,' 369. Evergreens at Christmas, 486. Lifting the bride over the threshold, 314. Name of engraver wanted, 209. Winnower, 376

Rayner (R.) on Rocket Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, at Leipsic, 377

Reade (A. Lyell) on Thomas Pretty, Vicar of Hursley, 513

Reinach (S.) on authors of quotations wanted, 36. Napoleon's emblem of the bee, 53

Relton (F. H.) on Talbots, 148

Renira on botany, 368. Earth-eating, 290. Greenstone, 329. Red Riding-Hood, 411

Rhodes (A.) on municipal records printed, 91

Rivett-Carnac (Col. J. H. ) on terminal " ac," 430

Robbins (A. F. ) on J. Bannister, musician temp. Charles II., 229. Copper mine in Devonshire, 174. _fc" Mob " =a wanton, 268. "Musette,"

War, 430

Robinson (Lydia S. Moncure) on McFunn, 508 Robson (R. S.) on Rev. George Jerment, 37 Rockingham on apparent death, 58. Earth- eating, 397. Lifting the bride over the thres- hold, 314. Snake poison, 75 Roe (Herbert F.) on Bowe family, 363 Rogers (H.) on Devonshire schools, 358. Turpin's

(Dick) ride to York, 414 Roper (Ida M.) on botany, 476. Dogs on tombs,

253 Rosenthal (Dr. F.) on " Yelver " in place-names.


Rowe (J. G.) on Napper Tandy, 295 Ruga on finger-prints, 210 Runer (T.) on pagan customs 'and institutions,

351 Rushforth (G. McN.) on stained glass from

Malvern, 188 Russell (Constance, Lady) on Baldwin's Gardens,

Holborn, 15. Copper mine in Devonshire. 2'.' Russell (F. A.) on dedication of Nonconformist

chapels, 192 Russell (Right Hon. G. W. E.) on Henry Hunt

Piper, 129. Wynn (Sir Watkin Williams): the

Prince in Wales, 276 Ryan (J.) on Swiss regiments in British service:

Regiment de Meuron, 71. Twelve Caesar-; in

Government House, Calcutta, 316

S. on biographical information wanted, 415 S. (A.) on Abercromby family, 135. Alabaster effigies, 378. Ashby Fallows, 68. Bag-enve- lopes, 53. Chained books, 215. Families : duration in male line, 73 S. (A. F. ) on references wanted, 489 S. (C.) on Trussel family, 311 S. (C. B.) on ' Chamber over the Gate,' 97 S. (F. H.) on Hursley Park and Compton Monceux, 397. Pengelly (Serjeant) and Richard Crom- well, 170 S. (J. F.) on Theodore = Dirck ? 58 S. (J. S.) on Belshazzar's Feast, 496. Handel's

compositions and the Triennial Festival-, 61 S. (N. S.) on Rev. Charles Voysey, 128 5. (R.) on Royal George : name of Durham, 110 S. (R. B.) on Royal George: name of Durham,

436 S. (W.) on Col. Lowther, 1739, 131. Scottish

mercenaries in Norway, 358

S. (W. B.) on apparent death, 194. Dedication of Nonconformist chapels, 193. " Uncle Tom," 436

S.T.P. on " Saraft," 418

St. Swithin on Cora Kennedy Aitken, 70. Aus- tralian gold yield, 47. Buntingford bell, 27. " Chalk Sunday," 235. Christmas Eve in Provence, 505. Crucifix on the Edgar Tower, Worcester, 394. French counting-out rime, &c., 166. " J'ai vu Carcassonne," 137. " Memoria technica," 398. Natural orienta- tion, 211. ' Pishoken,' 75. St. James's boat, 10. " Saraft," 349. Segrave : de Segre, 374.