Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/658

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.

Shakespeare on the pain of death, 93. " Si jeunesse savait," &c., 66. Sterne and " Dr. Slop " (Burton of York), 375. Terminal " ac," 512. Toads and poison, 256. Unusual symbol- ism, 108. Weather rime, 116

Salmon (David) on Benjamin Harris and ' The Protestant Tutor,' 449

Sanigar (W. T.) on Evangel inkpot, 9. " Spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar," 54

Saword (Ralph) on Seward, 428

Scattergood (Bernard P.) on Fourier Society, 250

Scheltema (J. P.) on earth-eating, 351. " Morgen- stunde hat Gold im Munde," 117

Schmidt (Alice) on Charles Keene : article by George Moore, 190. Thackeray's ' Essay on Constantine Guys,' 210

Scott (J. W.) on " Club Walks," 494 ,

Serjeantson (R. M.) on George Hubbard, gent., 469

Sharpe (Dr. Reginald R.) on rites of the Church, 448

Shaw (G. T.) on churchyard inscriptions, 278

Sherborne (Lord ) on Hanwell : Brewerne Abbey, 235

Shorter (Clement) on Goldsmith's tomb, 129

Shrimpton (R. A.) on Mordaunt's Index to ' Jackson's Oxford Journal,' 338

Sicily on corporal punishment, 70

Sieveking (A. Forbes) on German proverb, 188, 391. Morris dancers, 106

Sieveking (H. ) on " marrowskying," 307

Silo on weather rime, 48

Simple Simon on first use of finger-prints for identification, 155. Home Counties, 149

Skeat (Prof. W. W.) on " airplane," 127. " Bag and baggage," 108. Ballad of Lord Lovel, 171. Bengeworth, 72. " By a fluke," 114. " Exate," 297. " Dacia"= Denmark, 238. " Hyke," 288. Norman " motte " theory, 35. Regent's Circus, 174. Sanskrit and Welsh, 92. Sleeve- less errand, 74. " Tar-pough," 147. " The more the merrier," 15. Theodore = Dirck ? 57. " Visto "=" vista," 95. " Yelver " in place-names, 297

Smith (Prof. G. C. Moore) on Beausalt, 288. Gas- coigne (George), poet, and his son William, 305. Landgrave of Hesse, 288. Oliveretto, 288. Petronianus (Valerius), 288. Piper (Henry Hunt), 317. Puteolana (Maria), 288. Taylor (John), the Water-Poet, 226

Smith (P. R.) on maidens' garlands, 251

Smith (R. Gordon) on Leaning family, 428

Snell (F. S.) on Thomas Ewbank, 336

Snewin (H. E.) on " Marshalseas," 289

Solomons (Israel) on Moses Charas, Pharma- copceus Regius, 10. Eardley (Sir Culling), Bart., 94. Lanesborough (Countess of), Mrs. John King, 229. ' Real Shilock,' 211. Rem- brandt and Menasseh Ben Israel, 34. " Stephani Roderici Castrensis Lvsitani ann. aetat. Ixxviii.," 10

Sparke (Archibald) on Carlyle's " Carcassonne," 489. " Here I lay outside the door," 57. " Roving Englishman," 38

Stapleton (A. ) on barrow at Gotham, 48. Bunyan family of Nottingham, 267. Decipherment of old tombstone inscriptions, 337. Nottingham as a surname, 171

Star on King Engle and his sons, 95 Stebbing (W. P. D.) on secret service, 370 Steel (A. E.) on chained books, 69

Steuart (A. Francis) on Casanoviana : Casanova and Lord Lincoln, 137. Marriage of Queen Caroline Matilda of Denmark, 186

Stevens (E.) on Royal George : name of Durham, 374

Stewart (Alan) on Lamb's Chapel, London, 357. " Pomander," 213. Regent's Circus, 210

Stewart (J. L.) on Fourier Society, 418 J

Stilwell (J. P.) on French: O'Connor, 488. Truro's (Lord) Universal Information Bureau : the Dutch ell, 413

Stockley (W. F. P.) on " lallation," 387

Stone (J. Harris) on Fordwich, the old port of Canterbury, 368. " Sleeveless errand," 16

Storey (W T . L.) on to be " out " for a thing, 494

Strachan (L. R. M.) on authors of quotations wanted, 355. Belshazzar's Feast, 496. Casa- nova and Carlyle, 16. Eckwald the Dwarf in Goethe, 132. Erasmus or Tindale, 337. " Exate," 297. " Finstall," 511. Goethe quotation in Carlyle and Ruskin, 106. Gray's ' Elegy ' : translations and parodies, 157. Novalis and John Stuart Mill on suicide, 492. Oliveretto, 473. Strange finds of love-letters, 450. To be " out " for a thing, 494. Variants in the text of ' Kenilworth,' 488

Suckling (F. H.) on ffairbanck and Rawson families, 214. Fleetwood miscellany, 331. Hardy (John) and Samuel Gauntlett, Vicars of Hursley, Hants, 270. Newcome (Richard), Vicar of Hursley, 149. Pretty (Thomas), Vicar of Hursley, 131, 455. Rowe family, 437

Sussex on Francis Wilkinson of Lincoln's Inn, 476

Sutton (C. W. ) on Belshazzar's Feast, 495. Municipal records printed, 197

Swynuerton (C.) on " armiger " and " husband- man," 268. Schortelyme, 250. Trussells and Swynnertons, 231. Warren (John), Earl of Surrey, 211

T. (C.) on " Club Walks," 415

T. (C. W 7 .) on ships torpedoed, 469

T. (E.) on " Sham Abraham," 269

T. (J.) on " Don't nail his ears to the pump,"

76 T. (L. E.) on Eyre family, 328. Fielding's

Parson Thwackum, 348

T. (M. P. ) on a proverb in Shakespeare, 507 T. (M. S.) on Francis Wilkinson of Lincoln's Inn,

369 T. (R.) on 'My Old Letters: a Poem,' by Dr.

Horatius Bonar, 411 T. (R. E. N. T.) on throwing balls in church on

Easter Monday, 196 T. (S.) on arms of the Lord Mayor, 210. Harveys

of Whittington, Staffordshire, 449 T. (W.) on Jane Austen: Godmersham House,


T. (Y.) on apparent death, 134. Families : dura- tion in male line, 273. Fitzwilliam and Grimaldi

arms, 353. German proverb : silks in the

kitchen, 255. Origin of the name of Cowes, 285.

" Pomander," 316

Tannitsow on East Anglian families, 230 Tavar6 (F. Lawrence) on Cobbett bibliography,

398 Templar on Thomas Moricz, Common Serjeant of

London, 229