Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/552

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Notes and Queries, July 6, 1913.

J. (P. C.) on founder of the Bank Holiday, 466. Parliamentary changes, 405. Price of ' The Times,' 347. Vanishing London: " The Bolt- in-Tun," Fleet Street, 426; the Sweeny Todd myth, 426

J. (H.) on source of anecdotes, 229

J. ( J. F.) on author of quotation wanted, 450

Jacobs (Reginald) on Prior Bolton's window, 95. Lions in the Tower, 210

Jaggard (W.) on church goods in the seventeenth century, 417. Curfew bell, 77. Date-letters of old plate, 338. Early English printed books, 377. First Folio Shakespeare, 56, 217. Monuments at Warwick, 93. " Of sorts," 197

Jarvis (B. E.) on church in a picture, 149

Jenkins (Rhys) on protection of inventions during the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 162

Jessel (F.) on baccarat, 133

Jesson (T.) on artists and publishers, 49. Frog's Hall, Royston, 255

Johnson (Walter) on stained glass : Whitby Abbey, 148

Johnston (A. W.) on " hogmanay," 36

Johnston (F. A.) on Kennedy family, 8

Johnston (G. D.) on Thames Bridge at Walton, 194

Jonas (A. C.) on " apium," 135. De Foe and Napoleon Bonaparte, 514. Diary of Timothy Burrell of Cuckfield, 30. Handel's ' Messiah,' 249. " Plumpe " watch, 117. Records of the City Livery Companies, 505. Wilderness Row, 496

Jonas (Maurice) on ' Hamlet,' 306. Morland's residence, 348

Jonas (P.) on St. James's, B.C. : eighteenth- century wills, 370

Jones (Gurner P.) on Royal East London Volun- teers, 372

Jones (T.) on " apium," 55. " Dander," 16. Text of Shakespeare's Sonnets CXXV. and CXXVL, 32

Joaes (T. Llechid) on date-letters of old plate, 289. First edition of ' Clarissa Harlowe, 250. Jones (Rev. William) of Nayland, 470. Owen (Thomas Ellis), 351

K. (L. L.) on " Bethlem Gabor," 337. Boy bishops, 78. British ambassador in France, 1595 : De St. Marsault, 478, 497. Early railway travelling, 193. Fennyvesci (Mile.), 190. Fermat's last theorem, 493. Living Latin, 297. Mechanical piano before 1868, 7. Medal, 312. Novalis's ' Heinrich von Ofter- olingen,' 178. Water-stealing device in ancient Rome, 508

Kemeys-Tynte (St. David) on Gothurst, 128

Kendall (W. Clement) on Rornney marriage licence, 507

Ketchley (H. E.) on Archbishop Drummond's visitation. 250

King (Sir C. S.), Bt., on Irish (Anglo-Irish) families : Taylor of Ballyhaise, 16, 214. Schaak, an artist, 457. Smith (Rev. John), Rector of Enniskillen, 509. Weston Patrick, Hants, and King families in Ireland, 112

King (P. S.) & Son on Orchard House, 126

King (W. Louis) on Admiral Rodney saved from

drowning, 485. Stanley Grove, Mortlake, 410.

Weston Patrick, Hants, and King family, 29 Knott (O.) on records of navigation in India, 9 Krebs (H.) on "Bethlem Gabor," 338. "Good

Friday " in Welsh and Irish, 267. Relic of a

food offering to the dead, 348. " Si vis pacem,

para bellum," 308 Krueger (G.) on " meend," " myende," " meand,"

432. " Of sorts," 10. " Once is never," 237.

Repetition of passages, 216. " Reveille," 30.

Society of Friends : " thou," " thee," 429.

To be " out " for a thing, 52

L. (F.) on Queen Elizabeth and Richard II., 6. London's " Territorials " in 1588 : Lambarde MSS., 37. Stubbe (John), 47

L. (G. D.) on Thomas Chippendale, upholsterer, 216

L. (H.) on T. Andrews, portrait and miniature painter, 287

L. (H. A.) on Earls of Rochford, 107

L. (L. G. C.) on " trow," 36. Wreck of the Royal George, 113

L. (R.) on authors wanted, 251

L. (R. A. A.) on Liverpool Museum: British Gallery, 170. ' Margiana ' : name of author wanted, 150

Lafleur (Paul T.) on uncorrected error in Evelyn's ' Diary,' 206

Lambarde (Major F.) on Adam: a mediaeval con- ceit, 270. Election of Mayors in the Cinque Ports, 306. Fane : Vane : Vaughan, 484. Hat- field charter, 505. St. Mary's, Scarborough, 396

Lamberton (J. P.) on Christmas rimers in Ulster, 311

Lamsley (Harry) on letter of Queen Caroline, 184

Lane (J.) on Rev. H. De Foe Baker, 228. Boning- ton (Richard Parkes), 486. Breholt (J. Davy), 169. Carleton (I.) (artist?), 148. Carr (W.), artist, 228

Lane (T. O'Neill) on " bucca-boo," 378. Extra- ordinary fountains in Ireland, 236. Fire- ritual, 335. "Good Friday" in Welsh and Irish, 351. Table-napkin, 389. Weston Patrick, Hants, and King family, 316

Lawrance (R. Murdoch) on Lawrance, surgeons at Bath, 290

Lazenby (E. M.) on authors wanted, 50

Lebour (Nona) on Empress Helena at Llangollen,

Lee- Warner (Sir W.) on history of the "Peccavj"

pun, 290 Leeper (Dr. Alex.) on discovery of Australia : press

"report of 1771, 406

Lega-Weekes (Ethel) on decipherment of old tombstone inscriptions. 171. " Marshalseas,"

Lepper (R. S.) on Christmas rimers in Ulster, 81

Lewis (A. L.) on Paulett of Andover, 229

Lewis (A. Sydney) on ' Tomahawk ' : Matt

Morgan, 454

Lewis ( J. F. ) on cleaning and restoration of parch- ment, 328

Lewis (Penry) on authors wanted, 50. Burial of Arthur Hallam, 284. History of churches in situ, 155. Marshall (Mrs. Henry Augustus), 429. " Of sorts," 197. Walbeoff family, 469. Wreck of the Jane, Duchess of Gordon, &c., 447