Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/553

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913.



Litchfield (H. E.) on " Bethlem Gabor," 290 Livesey (J.) on leek as Welsh national emblem,

6. Picture of General John Livesay, 289. Long (Sydney H.) on Robertas Perkes, Ohirurgus,


Lord (W. F.) on French fishing rights, 290 Louch (J. D.) on Louch family, 428 Loyola on Inquisition in fiction and drama, 57 Lucas (J. Landfear) on milkmaids' grease-horns,

510. Misleading milestones, 30, 177 Lucas (Perceval) on family of Sir Christopher

Milton, 21. Hogarth's ' Rake's Progress ' :

' The Black Joke,' 18. Lions in the Tower,

211. Thompson family, 30 Lucis on authors wanted, 251 Lumb (G. D.) on "Farewell, vain world," 266.

Shepieys of Mirfield, 265


M. on foreign authors, 228. History of churches in situ, 156. " Vadet," 225. Williamscote (Johanna), 49

M. (A.) on Acts xxix., 470. Greville (Sir John) of Binton, 1480, 75. Williamscote (Johanna), 192

M. (A. T.) on Chantrey, 170. Greville (Sir John) of Binton, 1480, 54. " To carry one's life in one's hands," 117

M. (B.) on authors wanted, 96

M. (C.) on wrestling match in fiction, 17

M. (H. A. St. J.) on price of tobacco in the seven- teenth century, 18

M. (J. A.) on Dominus Roger Capello, 169. " Hastie Roger," 208

M. (P. D.) on button-makers : dates wanted, 369. Heraldic, 410. Robinson (Rear- Admiral Mark), 229. Sheffield plate, 485

M. (R.) on Markland, 229

M. (W. C.) on " Attainting royal blood," 469. Earliest age of knighthood : Arthur of Brit- tany, 308

M. (W. J.) on Exciseman Gill, 94. Johnson (Samuel) of Canterbury, 157

M.A.Oxon. on Richard Andrewes, 135

Me. on stone from Carthage, 276

Mac Alister (J. Y. W.) on Frog's Hall, Royston, 255

Macalister (M. A. M.) on references of quotations wanted, 156

Mac Arthur (W.) on Book of Lecan, 477. Crown of the kings of Greece, 507. Curfew bell, 152. Doronderry, Cornwall, 168. Format's last theorem, 429. Fire-ritual, 233. Inscription in parish church of St. Mary, Llanf air- Water- dine, 355. Irish family histories, 483. Jews in Ireland, 284. Letter of Scott's : " Mutale," 352. Marlborough in Dublin, 6. Obelisk at Orange Grove, Bath, 309, 376. Similarity between religious celebrations of ancient Eng- land and Ireland, and India, 346. Stone circle on Meayll Hill, Isle of Man, 383. Stone from Carthage, 109

McB. (W.) and Marcham (F.) on William Hone, 327

MacCarthy (Jno.) on Barabbas incident in the Gospels, 381

McCord (David Ross), K.C., on Brigadier-General Joseph Wanton Morrison, 89th Regt., 249

McCrea (F. B.) on George Walker, Governor of Londonderry, 348

McElwaine (P. A.) on " Chalking a score," 248, ' Comus ' and Gray's ' Elegy ' : a parallel, 206, Onions planted with roses, 232. Regiments : "Delhi Rebels," "Threes about!" 64th, 109. Robbery on Gadshill, 305. " Star-ypointing " : Milton's epitaph on Shakespeare, 227. " Take his haste * (' Timon,' V. i. 213), 126

McGovern (J. B.) on Byron and the Hobhouse MS., 509. Danteiana, 461. " Edition " and " impression," 90. Fountain pen, 98. History of churches in situ, 232. Hymn by Gladstone, 74. Napoleon as historian, 70. " Scaling the hennery " : " mouse buttock," 110, 354

MacGregor (J.) on wife of James Mohr Drummoncl, 458

Mackay (W. A.) on Thomas Wadding, 349

McLaughlin (W. A.) on sanctity of royalty, 493

McMurray (W.) on records of the City Livery Companies, 101, 403

Macnaghten (Lettice) on poem wanted, 308

McPike (Eugene F.) on Cawthorne, 53. Full- wood : Halley : Parry : Pyke, 203. Mewce : Washington: Halley: Pyke, 102. Wash- ington's connexion with Selby, 430

McQuiston (J. D.) on ' Gentleman's Magazine,' 149

Macray (W. D.) on antecedents of Job Charnock, 472. Archiepiscopal visitations of monastic houses, 146. Bagshaw (Thomas), 157. Parlia- mentary soldiers and Charles I., 497. Pre- bendaries of Weighton, York Minster, 231

McTear (J. S.) on baccara, 67. Easter Day, 187. Primero, 1, 23, 41, 177

Madan (N.) on early railway travelling, 314

Madert (Dr.) on queries from Green's ' Short History,' 487

Magrath (Dr. J. R.) on bibliography of theses: Duncan Liddel, 196. Fullwood : Halley : Parry : Pyke, 277. " Furdall," 297. Mark- land, 278. Wellesley's (Lord) issue, 332

Malan (E. C.) on " The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea," 371

Malet (Col. Harold) on aeroplanes on parade, 446. Galignani, 71. Regimental sobriquets, 37. " The sport of kings " : William Somer- ville, 278

Marchant (Francis P.) on " bucca-boo," 155. East Anglian families : Hus and Gosse, 378. " Good Friday " in Welsh and Irish, 351. " Sick," 247

Martin (Stapleton) on Derby Day, 1913, 486. Pictures of the Deity in churches, 450

Martinengo -Cesaresco (Evelyn, Countess) on ' Testament du Chevalier Walpole,' 129

Marwick (Hugh) on magic ring, 430

Mason (Lawrence) on MS. volume of Bishop King's poems, 189

Masson (A.) on 'Tomahawk' : Matt Morgan, 516

Matthews (A.) on Dr. Benamor, 397. " Burgee," 65. Dunton-'s (John) " Characters," 481. Hes- sian contingent : American War of Inde- pendence, 475. Johnson (Samuel) of Canter- bury, 1760, 88. Stratford in 1760, 126

Matthews (A. Weight) on Curfew bell, 117. History of churches in situ, 232

Mattinson (G. F.) on Sanctus bell at St. John's College, Cambridge, 384

Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on fire-ritual, 33. Lochow, 95. Propitiatory sacrifice, 78. Simpson and Locock, 232

Maycock (Willoughby) on " Bob's," 478. " Dope," " to dope," " doper," 35. Kent (Constance), 70. Rocket Troop at Leipsic, 94. ' Toma- hawk,' 413. Wilderness Row, 496