Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/555

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913.



Peacock (Matthew H.) on Kennedy family, 227

Pearce (S. Spencer) on Saint Sunday, 108

Pearce (W.), F.S.A., on tobacco " rape," 410

Pearson (Howard S.) on " Bethlem Gabor," 337. Poem wanted, 354

Peck (W. A.) on Oliphant family, 209

Peddie (B. A.) on early English printed books, 327, 432. ' London,' ' British,' and ' English ' Catalogues, 238

Peet (W. H.) on ^33schylus on Homer, 478. Andrews's (H. C.) 'The Heathery,' 338. Author wanted, 373, 428. Baker (Rev. H. Be Foe), 296. Carr (W.), artist, 274. English chanteys, 455. Files : tools in the Middle Ages, 515. ' Ian Boy,' 54. Becords of navigation in India, 37. St. John the Bap- tist in art, 453. Scott's ' Woodstock ' : the Bota Club, 425. Unusual Christian names, 446. " Wen " : a curiosity of index- ing, 67. White horses, 215

Pellipar on curious division of estate, 108

Pengelly (B. S.) on Lord W T ellesley's issue, 330

Penny (Frank) on antecedents of Job Charnock, 472. " Dander," 52. Peters (Hugh), 33. Wreck of the Jane, Duchess of Gordon, 496

Peplow (W. A.) on J. C. Swallow, B.A.: Bobert Deas, 169

Peregrinus on double flowers in Japan, 188. Marblemen, 107. " Once is never," 148. Pigments, 169. Sanctity of royalty, 249

Perring (Sir Philip) on Shakespeare: " comptible," 286. Shakespeariana, 66

Phillips (Lawrence) on miracles, 458. Simpson and Locock, 170

Phillips (G. A. Woodroffe) on Kiddell, 250. Unicorn's horn, 450. Woodroffe, 310

Pickering (J. E. Latton) on ' Comus ' and Gray's ' Elegy,' 318. ' Londoner's London ' : Temple Bar, 415

Pierpoint (B.) on Bewickiana, 115. Casanova (Francois), 27. Early railway travelling, 314. Galignani, 132. Hayter's ' Trial of Queen Caroline,' 152. Inquisition in fiction and drama, 73. Irish (Anglo-Irish) families : Taylor of Ballyhaise, 138. Lions in the Tower, 457. Logan (Hart), M.P., 336. Myless, Essex, 512. Stulz (Baron), 336. Sultan of Turkey's titles, 147

Pigot (Cuthbert B.) on relic of Australian ex- plorers, 107

Pigott (W. Jackson) on Gilbert of Kilminchy and Knockinay, 268

Pinchbeck (W. H.) on "a wyvern part-per- pale addressed," 395. " Four square hu- mours," 354. Milton's ' Lycidas,' 17

Pink (W. D.) on Col. Henry Brett, 247. Brooke (Sir John), Lord Cobham, 421. Earliest age of knighthood : Arthur of Brittany, 355

Pitman (H. A.) on Alexander Cumming, 1733- 1814, watch- and clock-maker, 106. Identifi- cation of painter sought, 107

Poer (H. V.) on repetition of passages, 148

Poland (Sir Harry B.) on Grillion's Club, 390. Lions in the Tower, 210, 272

Pollard (H. T.) on tolling on Good Friday, 330

Pollard-Urquhart (Col. F. E. B.) on wine-fungus superstition, 298

Poole (M. Ellen) on reference wanted, 217

Pope (F. J.) on paternal ancestors of Alexander Pope, 281

Potter (A. G.) on FitzGerald and Omar Khayyam,

Potts (B. A.) on authors wanted, 434. Be- wickiana, 115. Bolton's (Prior) window, 95. Markland, 278. " Notch," 98

Prideaux (Col. W. F.) on birthplace of Pepys, 304. Christmas Eve in Provence, 51. "Dope," "to dope," " doper," 35. "Edi- tion" and "impression," 172. " Laking " = playing, 87. " Of sorts," 417. Stulz (Baron), 121. " To carry one's life in one's hands," 72

Prideaux (W. B. B.) on Marlborough in Dublin, 175. Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots, 515

Price (C. T.) on author wanted, 296

Prior (W. B.) on Peter Browne, 251. Dahl (Michael), the elder, 238

Purchas (J. B. P.) on bust of Shakespeare, 166

Qusesitor on " Quo vadis ? " 448 Quarrell (W. H.) on Hosier Lane, West Smith- field, 333. Misprint [?], 327. Bomney, 333

B. (C.) on Inquisition in fiction and drama, 57

B. (E. F.) on authors wanted, 168

B. (F. C.) on dedication of ' The Last of the Barons,' 30

B. (G. W. E.) on Harcourt's electioneering squibs, 417

B. (J. H.) on Bawdwen, 329. Bibliography of chartularies, 286. Cornish wills, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 366. Manor of St. James, Westminster, 268. Priory of St. James, Bristol, 288

B. (N.) on Inquisition in fiction hd drama, 57

B. (B.) on references in Buskin, 209

B. (V.) on Izaak Walton and tomb-scratching, 405

Badcliffe (G. B. Y.) on Yonge of Caynton, co. Salop, 90

Batcliffe (T.) on " Death rides a horse of rapid speed," 430. " Dowler," 437. Early railway travelling, 193. ' Gigantick History,' 370. Gilbert (Sir John), J. F. Smith, and ' The London Journal,' 276. Ink-horns and ink-glasses, 514. "John o' Gaunt's Chapel," Belper, 50. King (Jonathan) and his collections, 33. Memory game, 53. Thames bridge at Walton, 129. " The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea," 317. Tolling on Good Friday, 395. White horses, 375. Wine-fungus superstition, 109. Words on a sampler, 72

Bead (F. W.) on Sir John Gilbert and 'The London Journal ' : paper and newspaper duties, 375. Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, 397

Belton (Francis H.) on Bukaty family : " Sun Fire Office " Masonic Lodge, 436. Myless, Essex, 513

Benira on moonwort or " unshoe the horse," 108

Bice (Bernard) on variants in the text of ' Kenil- worth.' 16

Bitchie (Dr. J.) on scolopendras, 410, 517

Bitualist on author of quotation wanted, 329

Bivett-Carnac (Col. J. H. ) on red hand of Ulster, 189

Bobbins (A. F.) on antiquity of the " tied-house," 7. Early shorthand society, 308. Lions in the Tower, 357. Shakespeare monument in West- minster Abbey, 349

Bobbins (Clifton) on authors wanted, 96