Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1913.

Mayhew (A. L.) on " Brexen journeys," 389. " Bucca-boo," 89. " Meend," " myende," " meand," 432. " Morrye-house," 67. " Querke of the sea," 409. " To banyan," 290

Mayne (Edith) on hymn by Gladstone, 34

Mercer (W.) on antecedents of Job Charnock, 472. Cathedral at Pisa, 476. Fowler (Dr.) of York : name of painter wanted, 350, 415. ' Notes on Cadney Church, by the Vicar, Rev. E. A. Woodruff e-Peacock,' 186. St. John the Bap- tist in art, 452

Merritt (Douglas) on unpublished Douglas line, 368

Minakata (Kumagusu) on botany, 72, 516. Double flowers in Japan, 490. Earth-eating, 98, 318. Extraordinary fountains in Ireland, Brittany, and Sicily, 475. Onions planted with roses, 516. " Scolopendra cetacea," 347

Mistletoe on Romney, 250

Mitchell (C.) & Co. on 'Stamford Mercury,' 431

Moon (Z.) on Myless, Essex, 513

Moreton (R. L.) on authors of quotations wanted, 268. " If not the rose," 435. Paget and Chester, 456

Morgan (Forrest) on " jag," 16

Moriarty (L. E.) on St. George's, Hanover Square : Ely Chapel, 428

Mount (C. B.) on " The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea," 270

Moynihan-Nyman (E. G.) on " Monk " Lewis, 129

Mundy (P. D.) on Warren alias Waller, 257

Murray (Sir James A. H.) on "In touch with," 188. " Tool-making," 188. Top- compounds, 68. " Topping of the land," 68. " Torthwydie," 188. " Touch," 188. " Town-planning," 447

Murray (John) on memoir of John Wilson Croker, 316

Murray (Lindley) on " Of sorts," 57

Mutschmann (Heinrich) on " Sex horas somno," 136. Terminal " ac," 74

Myddelton (W. M.) on Dr. Peter du Moulin and North Wales, 12


N. (M.) on English whaler's fight with Spaniards, 285. W T reck of the Royal George, 77

Nevill (E. R.), F.S.A., on church goods in the seventeenth century, 361

Nevill (Ralph), F.S.A., on Myless, Essex, 512

Nevin (G. B.) on authors wanted, 168

Nicholson (Col. E.) on derived senses of the cardinal points, 482. " Furdall," 513. Misleading mile- stones, 112. " Notch," 133. " Sharpshin," 273

Niemand on authors wanted, 189

Norman (Philip) on statue in Queen Square, Bloomsbury, 425

Norman (W.) on antecedents of Job Charnock, 473. Authors wanted, 96. British Gallery, 235. Myless, Essex, 513. Obelisk at Orange Grove, Bath, 376. St. Mary's, Scarborough, 396

Norris (Herbert E.) on ' Stamford Mercury,' 365

Xotestein (Wallace) on ' Spur to a Celestial Race,' 10

Nouguier (C.) on Napoleon's Imperial Guard, 75

O. (D.) on died in his coffin, 134. " Of sorts," 56. "Out" for a Thing: "Up to" One to do a Thing, 35. Tailor on a Goat, 130. " Thof," 50

O. (E.) on " Columpnas," 268

O. (E. G.) on authors wanted, 50

O. (H.) on "Hollo!" 489

Oakley (W.) on " Pleck," 348

Ogle (H.) on Sintram and Verena, 449

Osborne (T. M.) on friend of Thackeray's, 427

P. on Christ Church, Oxford, in time of Elizabeth 251. Interior of Durham House, 270

P. (C. H.) on Ling family, 230

P. (F.) on Dominus Roger Capello, 291

P. (F. K.) on Mr. Richard Ball, B.D., 330 Bridger (Mr. B.), 230. Wreck of the Roya George, 353

P. (G. M. H.) on " four S's," 469. Lochow, 29

P. (H. A.) on battle of Quiberon Bay, 1759, 216

P. (J. B.) on armorial, 154. Dolls buried in i Scottish cave, 158

P. (M.) on dancing on " Midsummer Night," 269 Danish ballad, 250. Died in his coffin, 214 English and Danish ogre - stories, 228. "Sil verwood " of ballads, 250

P. (R. B.) on Edmund Cartwright, 435. Mechan ical piano before 1868, 238. "Paratout," 286 Policemen on point-duty, 494. Shakespear* and the Bible, 494. " Subway," 437

P. (R. W.) on Galignani, 178

P. (S.) on discovery of Australia, 478. Reputed relation of George Washington, 270

P. (T.) on Novalis's * Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 91

Page (J. T.) on almshouses near the Strand, 315 British Gallery, 235. Chantrey, 230. Curfey bell, 152. Died in his coffin, 156. Gilberi (Sir John), J. F. Smith, and ' The London Jour nal,' 298. Hymn by Gladstone, 133. Jarmai family, 396. ' Londoner's London ' : Templ< Bar, 514. Monuments at Warwick, 173 Moonwort or " unshoe the horse," 177. Moor< (Sir John), 514. Myless, Essex, 513. New man (Cardinal) and his brothers, 473. Octa gonal meeting-houses, 173. References ir Ruskin : Wombwell, 276. St. Katharine's by-the-Tower, 377. Salmon's (Mrs.) Wax works, 458. Statues and memorials in th< British Isles, 64, 144, 263, 343, 442. Ston( from Carthage, 195

Palmer (Hubert) on Castle or Castel family, 290

Palmer (J. Foster) on authors of quotations wanted, 489. Descent of Darnley, 31. "I] not the rose," 435. Pigments, 237. " Quc vadis ? " 497. White horses, 215

Palmer (Dr. A. Smythe) on "pull one's leg," 508

Parker (G.) on Act regulating medical practice 1419, 409

Partridge (C.), F.S.A., on Capt. James Wallei Hewitt, 165

Parry (G. A.) on " merrygreek," 309. ' Vittoria Corombona,' 326

Parry (Col. G. S.) on inscriptions in the church- yard of St. James's, Piccadilly, 185, 224, 303, 324. Place-names, 70

Parson (J.) on price of cereals in 1550, 358

Pashley (R.) on " plumpe " watch, 117

Payen-Payne (De V.) on largest square in London, 470

Peach (C. H. R.) on abolition of tenure by knight service, 457

Peachey (G. C.) on works of John Pechey, physician (1654-1718), 328